View Full Version : Everyone must do what now? How about SCREW YOU!

10-28-2008, 03:34 PM
I got so vexed I convinced some gullible fools to give me a broadcast spot. I go on RTR Radio tomorrow night at 1:00 AM Eastern. Among my topics,

1. My pet peeve. How can we tolerate being ordered around and told what EVERYBODY NEEDS TO DO NOW or EVERYONE MUST.

I hate being told by anybody I haven't already decided to listen to what I "must" do now because I think I have a pretty good idea of what I must do all by myself.

2. The question of liberal author Naomi Wolf. Are we so sure about her? Many think not. Yet her recent works suggest an evolving sensitivity to our values. What's your opinion?

All of this and meaningless drivel will be discussed because it's a late-night call-in show. It's our little time to let our hair down and relax a bit.

It's called the "Screw You show with Oyate". the whole attitude is "screw you, this is our private time".

10-28-2008, 03:53 PM
I got so vexed I convinced some gullible fools to give me a broadcast spot. I go on RTR Radio tomorrow night at 1:00 AM Eastern. Among my topics,

1. My pet peeve. How can we tolerate being ordered around and told what EVERYBODY NEEDS TO DO NOW or EVERYONE MUST.

I hate being told by anybody I haven't already decided to listen to what I "must" do now because I think I have a pretty good idea of what I must do all by myself.

2. The question of liberal author Naomi Wolf. Are we so sure about her? Many think not. Yet her recent works suggest an evolving sensitivity to our values. What's your opinion?

All of this and meaningless drivel will be discussed because it's a late-night call-in show. It's our little time to let our hair down and relax a bit.

It's called the "Screw You show with Oyate". the whole attitude is "screw you, this is our private time".

what/where is RTR, i'd like to tune-in.

10-28-2008, 05:14 PM
Naomi Wolf is not with us. Not even close. She may be "waking up" to the message, but she is still under the spell of the Democrat Machine.

From: American Freedom Campaign [mailto:info@americanfreedomcampaign.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:18 PM
To: ******@gmail.com
Subject: Protect our Constitution on November 4

*** Please forward this message widely to friends, family, and any lawyers or law students you know. ***
Dear *****,
Next Tuesday, the American people will cast the final votes in one of the most important elections in our nation's history. After eight years of constant assaults by President George W. Bush, our constitutional system of government is badly damaged and on the verge of collapsing all together.
So we at the American Freedom Campaign are urging you to do more than just vote between now and November 4. We are hoping that you will take additional steps to ensure that turnout is strong and that all votes are cast and counted fairly.
Let's start with all of the lawyers and law students on our list. Based on our "American Lawyers Defending the Constitution" campaign last year, we know there are about 2,000 people in that category. If you are one of them, we urge you to sign up to be a poll watcher on Election Day. Given the recent history of voting in this country, you know how important this role is.
As a non-partisan organization, we cannot steer you to one campaign, but instead are providing below links to the lawyer recruitment efforts of the two major campaigns. We trust that you will volunteer for the candidate you see as most likely to reverse the constitutional abuses of the Bush administration. Here are the links to the two programs:
Obama Voter Protection Program: http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/vpcvol2
Lawyers for McCain: http://lawyers.johnmccain.com/Lawyers.htm
If you are not a lawyer or law student, there are still plenty of opportunities to get active over the next seven days. Whichever candidate you support, you can contact his or her campaign and participate in Get Out The Vote activities by phone or in a swing state. You can hold signs on Election Day. Or you can simply reach out to friends, family, and colleagues and make sure they appreciate the importance of this election. As we mentioned last week, one way to do this is by encouraging them to watch Naomi Wolf's "The End of America" documentary online for free. Here is the link:
So don't take this election for granted. You have seven days to change the course of this nation. Be confident in your selection and go out and do something!
Steve Fox
Campaign Director
American Freedom Campaign

My Response:

Thank you for the push.

As a current law student, I will be attending class on election day, after I vote when the polls open. I am voting for the only candidate that I feel that is trustworthy to hold and subsequently curtail the executive powers that Bush has carved out, and that is Bob Barr.

The Libertarian Party is the only party that can claim to be defending my rights through the use of government. The “major parties”, as you call them, simply seek to use the government, and the tax monies collected by it, to further the goals of self-similar sets of private interest groups and to give big bailouts to failed industries. The “major parties” succeed by promising to use this behemoth government to make impossible gifts to the bulk of the population – like guaranteed health care, endless stimulus packages, and promises of “stabilizing the economy”. And those are just the promises that are outside the bounds of granted Federal government power.

Further, either “major party” candidate will continue to bleed the budget on overseas military expenditures, fanciful tax plans, indebted spending, promising more handouts for the poorest of the poor and richest of the rich, and fighting the impossible war on drugs.

Shall I go on to discuss the numerous Individual Liberties, protected by the Constitution, that either “major party” candidate has indicated by past action or current promise that he will work his best to remove?

If the American Freedom Campaign cared at all about the Constitution, the people of America or the World, or their inalienable rights, it would not even suggest working for either of these parties, these private clubs that collude to keep all of the power and coercive force locked between themselves, for the health of their own coffers, at the expense of the lives and labor of all the American people.

I hope that those who are able to give a day of their time to do the government’s job for it (ensure secure elections) don’t find any fraud. But if the fraud is there, I hope that your efforts help root it out.

Thank you,