View Full Version : Mike Gravel interview

10-28-2008, 12:15 PM
Hi everybody,

Just wanted to link everyone to an interview I did recently with fmr. Senator Mike Gravel:


In the interview he talks about the war, the economy, the military industrial complex, etc. A lot of things that I think Ron Paul supporters can get behind.

I know during the debates, Mike Gravel and Ron Paul were often paired together as the only two men who were speaking the uncomfortable truth about the current state of our nation. I frequently saw "Ron Paul/Mike Gravel '08" on message boards, forums, Youtube video comments, etc.

Obviously they differ on some things, but just thought it might be of interest to all of you.

All the best.

10-28-2008, 12:27 PM
Just read it - good stuff.
Welcome to the forums by the way.

10-28-2008, 12:44 PM
cool interview! 100,ooo thanx! again, welcome! some of us are also into what
dennis kucinich was trying to do in terms of g.w bush and his :cool:second term!
the ohioan did try to impeach our imperial potus, yet he did hold back at times...
gravel is no nonsense, opinionated, older, perhaps wiser... and aptly reflective.