View Full Version : My response to election emails from friends

10-24-2008, 09:57 PM
I just made this one up in response to election emails being forwarded to me. I hit "reply all." Feel free to use it or recommend changes.

This was in response to something from my mother. (Hope she'll still talk to me :) )

You can also look at who voted for the $700,000,000,000,00 bailout (850 billion with added pork), who wants to extend our over stretched military into Iran etc, who signed the Patriot Act II and other liberty killing bills, who is for continued deficit spending that destroys our economy, who refuses to abolish or even investigate the unconstitutional cartel of foreign bankers (the Federal Reserve) who is destroying the currency, who has not once mentioned any inclination to follow the constitution-- the law that protects us from politicians and you will see.

McCain = Obama on every single MAJOR issue.

Don't waste a vote on the same thing. Vote for a 3rd party candidate. My choice is Baldwin - constitution party, but there are also
Barr - Libertarian
McKinney - Green
Nader - Independent

Just my humble opinion and response to any election email :)


10-24-2008, 10:28 PM
nice you may want to include links to a couple vids of them and maybey a list of who voted for the bailout

10-24-2008, 10:52 PM
Don't forget Baldwin-Constitution

Craig Thompson.
10-24-2008, 10:53 PM
Vote Craig Thompson!