View Full Version : Air Force investigates mistaken transport of nuclear warheads

Lord Xar
09-07-2007, 01:04 AM
Do we need to worry about this? What is the significance. I see alot of activity on some meetups about this.. what am I missing?


Air Force investigates mistaken transport of nuclear warheads


09-07-2007, 02:42 AM
I don't think we need to worry about it. I'm thinking it pretty much comes down to a screw up at work. A cabinet maker screws up? He scratches a cabinet. I screw up? I wipe a webserver. The guy who tracks nuclear weapons screws up? People get really, really nervous.

It's not that there was any danger at all. It's an accountability issue on the grandest scale, a missing nuke is a missing nuke, and someone is getting fired over this.