View Full Version : Anyone know if there is a difference between dem/gop

10-22-2008, 11:55 AM
military sign ups?

I mean, do as many/more liberal dems sign up for the military as do more conservative/gop types?

I'm wondering if, when Obama puts out the call for people to sign up, will his liberal dem followers heed his call?

If they do, then he may not need to reinstate the draft to expand the war...

Will they?

Anyone know what the historical rates are, or if those are even followed?

Truth Warrior
10-22-2008, 11:58 AM
The Difference between Democrats and Republicans
http://differencebetweendemocratsandrepublicans.com/ (http://differencebetweendemocratsandrepublicans.com/)

An accurate, quick and easy read.<IMHO>