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10-22-2008, 09:00 AM
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as this info can be very beneficial...Please Repost!

Video: Learn more about Glutathione:




You MUST get vitamin C, B and D as the basics. This is a crucial vitamin to helping fight Avia tion Bi rd Flu. They all become enhanced with the Glutathione Cycle. Take 300 miligrams, and/or drink Orange Juice. Antioxidants, particularly glutathione and vitamin E, block the ability of the virus to enter the cells. You must eat greens like spinach or broccolli. Preferably raw uncooked spinach and broccoli has some of the highest amount of glutathione produced. I've also heard that colloidal silver can fight against it as well. Besides, any cause or alarm for this flu this can help your overall wellness and immune system as well as fatigue and mental clarity. It's also important to buy a liver detox as Glutathione produces ONLY when the liver is functional as anything toxic to the liver such as alcohol and the list below is harmful and preventing the production of the Glutathione cycle. The herb milk-thistle which you can get at any vitamin Shop or GNC store is an excellent source of the antioxidant compound silymarin which may be helpful to prevent glutathione depletion in the liver.

Here is a list of supplements to take.. This will provide a layer of strength as a preventative from the flu or many other ailments affecting the immune system; many are listed within the summary.

There are various antioxidants, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory substances you can use to help prevent or treat this from happening. Some easier and cheaper then others to purchase. However, Glutathione is the bodies main antioxidant and very important to sustain a perfect immune system.

What foods contain Glutatione?

Asparagus, avocado, spinach and walnuts are particularly rich dietary sources of glutathione and here's more.

Bio-active Whey Protein
acorn squash

Foods that contain Cysteine; an essential amino acid for Glutathione production:

cottage cheese
sausage meat
luncheon meat
wheat germ
oat flakes.

What that attacks the Immune system?
Processed foods
Certain prescriptions (Research the one your taking)

Antioxidants/Amino Acids
Glutathione (Take Vitamins C and B6 with it) Needs 3 amino acids to break it down. These are cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine - three of the twenty two amino acids which comprise the building blocks of all known proteins. In general, the amino-end of one amino acid combines with the acid-end of another to form a peptide bond with the elimination of water. Chains of amino acids are called proteins.

"Glutathione is a ubiquitous tripeptide molecule, consisting of three amino acids joined together. The sequence of amino acids and the arrangement in space of each peptide bond defines some specific structural features of all proteins and olegopeptides (few amino acids in sequence) that relate to their function. In order to convert the amino acids you need vitamin B6, B12, and folate.

High levels of homocysteine will be toxic ..s that line the arteries which will make the blood prone to clotting and promote bad cholesterol (LDL) which will be deposited as plaque in blood vessels. You must do the full cycle in order for them to not be overproduced!

Functions of Glutathione
Enhancing the Immune System - Your bodies immune activity, involving unimpeded multiplication of lymphocytes and antibody production, requires maintenance of normal levels of glutathione inside the lymphocytes. Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenger - Glutathione plays a central protective role against the damaging effects of bacteria, viruses, pollutants and free radicals.

Regulator of Other Antioxidants - Without glutathione, other important antioxidants such as vitamins C and E cannot do their job adequately to protect your body against disease.

A Detoxifying Agent - Another major function of glutathione is in the detoxification of foreign chemical compounds such as carcinogens and harmful metabolites.

Recommended Glutathione Product
This site is recommended to purchase powder Glutathione which is very potent. Organic, pesticide and chemical-free. There are many others but this is a genuine product and it's cheap. When in this form it is much more effective then any pill or capsule taken as it needs to cover the whole intestinal tract.


More Glutathione Article:


New Study Shows Raised Glutathione Levels Help Balance Immune System
November 7, 2000

Researchers from Germany and the US have found that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can boost the natural antioxidant system of the body. The body carries many antioxidant defense systems, but inside cells a small protein called glutathione is crucial. Glutathione is essential for the function of immune cells, which protect us from viral and bacterial infections. In people with immune deficiency, glutathione levels fall well below the normal levels in blood and immune cells. Restoring glutathione levels to those found in healthy people is likely to help immune deficient patients. Two studies have recently been published with research backing up the claims that NAC helps fight disease, one in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, from Stig Froland in Oslo, Norway, and the other by Leonore and Leonard Herzenberg, a husband and wife team from Stanford, California. The results of their work showed that glutathione levels could indeed be restored in AIDS patients and that this may improve the outlook for these patients. Herzenberg and colleagues conducted a clinical trial in which 31 HIV-infected patients were given daily doses of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) — a glutathione precursor — and 30 others were given a benign sugar pill. According to the study published in the October 1 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, those taking NAC had increased the amount of glutathione in their bodies to near-normal levels at the end of the two-month trial. "The importance here is that glutathione is a central component of all cells, and glutathione deficiency is associated with poor prognosis in many, many diseases," said Herzenberg. "What we've proven is that giving people NAC replenishes the glutathione stores." The authors of the report concluded that "NAC offers useful adjunct therapy to increase protection against oxidative stress, improve immune system function and increase detoxification of acetaminophen and other drugs. These findings suggest NAC therapy could be valuable in other clinical situations in which there is GSH deficiency." This finding is important because another investigator, Wulf Droge recently reported in the Journal of Molecular Medicine that administration of NAC not only increases glutathione but also improves immune cell function. In particular the function of a key component of the immune system, the T-lymphocytes, improved dramatically. "It is important to realize that these results are the culmination of over 10 years of research." states Frank Staal, an immunologist from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, who worked in this field for many years. "The groups of Droge and Herzenberg were the first to demonstrate that glutathione is low in AIDS and that this defect contributes to poor immune cell function.


What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, glutathione, must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body. The presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response.

Furthermore, the cells of the immune system produce many oxiradicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays a crucial role in fulfilling this requirement.

How to Make Glutathione Naturally Within the Body

There are several ways a body can manufacture glutathione. It is true it takes 3 amino acids for the body to manufacture glutathione but our bodies can take food, turn the foods into the substance to manufacture the 3 needed amino acids needed to manufacture glutathione. This is also the natural method for a body to create glutathione. As an example, asparagus and watermelon will make glutathione.

With all of the breaking news regarding glutathione as an antioxidant as well as part of the reason for the development of autism, many supplements are suddenly jumping on the glutathione bandwagon.

Glutathione is not new to this Web Site. We have been recommending glutathione for the past 10 years to assist individuals to taper off psychotropic medications. One thing that has been overlooked by many still is the role of glutathione within the liver as well as the role of glutathione transporting a toxin to the liver. There is considerable more to glutathione than having it in the cells. The whey proteins mentioned on this site do make intracellular glutathione. However, like most other things in life, not all things are equal.

When you need intracellular glutathione quickly, the best method and safest method is with a whey protein. We have reviewed the top selling whey proteins. One whey protein stands so far above all others it is amazing.

When you look at the charts from the link above, keep in mind the Immune Pro and the Renew Pro are also from disease-free, pesticide-free, chemical-free, natural grass pasture fed cows. Hormone treatment-free and Genetically Modified-free. To top it off, the Immune Pro and Renew Pro are lower in price.

We recommend the Renew Pro over the Immune Pro. Reason: We have found the Immune Pro is actually a little too strong and the taste is bland. Compliance with the Immune Pro is no where as high as with the Renew Pro. When you want and need intracellular glutathione, nothing compares.

You can purchase the Renew Pro from TRB Health at the best price. TRB Health manufactures nutritional products used primarily for drug detoxification and drug withdrawal by medical doctors and psychiatrist. RenewPro is one product used when a patient has anxiety, fatigue or depression. If you are not taking medication the results are even more staggering. If by chance you are taking any addictive medication or drug you should feel the positive difference rather quickly as well.

Increasing intracellular levels of glutathione is critical with drug withdrawal and it is vitally important that any supplement not cause a drug/supplement interaction. This is also why we recommend RenewPro.

Additional Glutathione Information

The non-essential amino acid homocysteine is produced in the body with the metabolism of the amino acid methionine.

Homocysteine is usually broken down into the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine is one of the amino acids needed by the cells to make intracellular glutathione. If your body does not convert homocysteine to cysteine the intracellular glutathione conversion will not take place.

The rapid conversion of homocysteine is critical. If conversion takes place too slow, homocysteine will accumulate in the body and damage cell membranes, damage blood vessels, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and atherosclerosis.

Rapid conversion of homocysteine requires an individual to have adequate amount of vitamin B6, B12, and folate. Over 50% of the population in the world has a genetic defect in the pathway needed to metabolize B6, B12, and folate. The site mentioned above, www. trbhealth. com also has a sublingual vitamin B6, B12 and folate.

Metabolism of homocysteine (sulphur-containing amino acid) is accomplished in the remethylation cycle where vitamin B12 and folic acid are essential coenzymes and degraded to methionine or through transsulfuration, which use as cofactors folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 and is degraded to cystathionine.

The physician can check for hyperhomocysteine (higher than normal amount of homocysteine) with a blood test. Many medication side effects, physiological symptomology and other body and mental symptoms can be eliminated with treatment with vitamins B6, B12 and folate.

Age is a factor of B6, B12 and folate metabolism despite an individuals DNA. With age, the enzyme needed to metabolize B6, B12 and folate will be depleted and the need to supplement through nutrition increases proportionally.

High levels of homocysteine will be toxic ..s that line the arteries which will make the blood prone to clotting and promote bad cholesterol (LDL) which will be deposited as plaque in blood vessels.

Cysteine helps to detoxify toxins and protect the body from radiation damage. Cysteine as well as selenium work hand in hand with vitamin E. Cysteine also needs selenium to be effective.

Cysteine will bind with soluble iron, chelates heavy metals, and breaks down mucus in the respiratory tract, beneficial for bronchitis, emphysema, and tuberculosis.

Of note: Cysteine as a stand-alone supplement should be avoided due to toxicity.

Cysteine is the pre-cursor to glutathione, the body's natural antioxidant. Glutathione regulates the antioxidant redox state, and allows the body to recycle its store of antioxidants including: vitamin A, C, E and Co-enzyme Q10.

Free cysteine is unstable and is readily oxidized producing compounds that could have harmful effects. Glutathione cannot be absorbed by cells and so must be re-synthesized intracellularly.

Glutathione is the antioxidant that is prevalent in every cell in the human body. Glutathione is primarily synthesized in the liver where it is abundantly present.

80-90% of the blood that leaves the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The blood carries important nutrients to the liver where they are metabolized into substances vital to life. In the same way, exogenous toxic substances reach the liver where they are either activated or transformed into less toxic derivatives. Glutathione plays a crucial role in the liver's biotransformation system.

The liver biotransformation system comprises important functions:

1. Filtering alcohol and other toxic substances from the blood.

2. Processing drugs and medications absorbed through the digestive system, enabling the body to use them effectively and ultimately dispose of them.

The liver uses glutathione to process; alcohol, caffeine, medications, nicotine as an example, to process such substances and remove them from the blood. Cysteine is the limiting factor in glutathione synthesis, ensuring an adequate supply of glutathione helps cleanse the blood of toxins and substances.

The role of glutathione and its inter-workings with alcohol and the metabolism has received the attention of scientist for years. With alcohol metabolism using the P 450 enzymes, much of the alcohol studies can be transformed into applicable knowledge with antidepressants and other medications that use the same system.

Ethanol and Glutathione

Reduced glutathione plays a critical role in the cellular detoxification processes including the metabolism of peroxides, the conjugation with electrophils and the scavenging of the free radicals. The relevance of glutathione in ethanol metabolism consists mainly in compensating for alcohol-related oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a disturbance in the pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance (increased pro-oxidant levels), which may be achieved by either an enhancement of oxidative reactions leading to the increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or by a decrease of the antioxidant defense.

Whether you are working with alcohol or most medications, both will activate the microsomal Cytochrome P450-dependant enzyme system, especially the subclass CYP2E1, that plays an important role in the liver detoxification. With antidepressants it will usually be with the subclass CYP2D6 or the CYP2C9 pathways.

Glutathione (GSH) will be depleted within the cells and liver and also in other organs in the body due to the absorption of toxins by glutathione.

The Creation of Glutathione

Knowing the theory of glutathione is useful but without the correct application of the data it is pointless.

Increasing glutathione intracellularly can be done in only a few ways. Using a whey protein designed in such a way to present to the cells the required amino acids in the exact sequence or by nutrients and or foods.

The natural way for our body to produce intracellular glutathione is with all natural nutrients. This is also how I recommend an individual increase intracellular glutathione if possible. However, with knowing 50% of the population has the genetic makeup that gets in the way of the body's ability to create glutathione naturally from food, a whey protein may be your best answer.


Imagine you have a car that will not start because the battery is low in power. You can give the car a jumpstart and drive down the road but the chances are you will need to keep getting a jumpstart every time you wish to drive.

The above example is what is happening when you bypass the natural structure of the body.

If you were to fill the battery with water and put it on a slow charge until it was at full power you should not have to rely on a jumpstart again.

This example is what should take place within the body regarding the creation of glutathione.

Putting the correct nutrients in the body and allowing the body to use the nutrients to eventually manufacture glutathione not only gets those body parts working again but also promotes long-term health.
Your body can manufacture glutathione with the correct nutrients.

If you have been told it takes one of these whey proteins to manufacture glutathione and that is the only way to do it, someone has lied to you.

Glutathione as a Detoxicant

Supplemental detoxicants become necessary as our environment becomes increasingly polluted. Our food and water sources are contaminated with chemicals. One of our main defenses against pollutants is glutathione, which is present in the liver in high concentrations. Glutathione acts as a detoxifying agent by combining with undesirable substances and ridding the body of them through urine and bile. It is important to note that unless the Colon, Liver and Blood are also detoxified, the benefits of Glutathione as a detoxicant may be minimized.

To Get a Little More Technical About Glutathione

"Glutathione is a ubiquitous tripeptide molecule, consisting of three amino acids joined together. These are cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine - three of the twenty two amino acids which comprise the building blocks of all known proteins. In general, the amino-end of one amino acid combines with the acid-end of another to form a peptide bond with the elimination of water. Chains of amino acids are called proteins. The sequence of amino acids and the arrangement in space of each peptide bond defines some specific structural features of all proteins and olegopeptides (few amino acids in sequence) that relate to their function.

Glutathione (Psychoneurobiology)

"Free radicals and oxyradicals have been recognized by psychoneurobiologist as playing an important role in the development and progression of many of these disorders. The brain is particularly susceptible to free radical attack because it generates more oxidative-by-products per gram of tissue than any other organ. The brain's main antioxidant is glutathione- it's importance cannot be overstated.

Oxidative stress and glutathione are important factors in such various disorders as brain injury, neurodegenerative disease, schizophrenia, Down syndrome and other pathologies.

Disorders of the brain and nervous system that are linked to oxidative stress
Brain Injury Neurodegenerative
disease Others
Brain injury Parkinson's disease Schizophrenia
Trauma Alzheimer's dementia Down syndrome
Stroke Multiple sclerosis (MS) Tardive dyskinesia
Ischemia Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) Sleep deprivation
Toxicity of lead, mercury, etc.

Lipofuscinosis (Batten's disease) Huntington's chorea

"Many neurological and psychiatric disease processes are characterized by high levels of oxidative stress and free radical formation, as well as abnormalities in glutathione metabolism and antioxidant defenses.

Source Dr. Gutman M.D.

Glutathione GSH

Dr. Perlmutter: "Eighty to ninety percent improve dramatically. It's felt that the mechanism that allows it to work is in increasing the sensitivity to certain receptors to dopamine. Glutathione doesn't raise dopamine levels, but it allows the dopamine in the brain to be more effective. That's not a new idea in medicine. Diabetic drugs work not by increasing insulin, but by increasing the receptors to insulin. Glutathione not only increases sensitivity to dopamine, but also to serotonin, which may explain why many of our depressed PD patients have a remarkable improvement.

Increasing glutathione in the body has been proven to be essential in the treatment of disease. Antidepressants and other medications deplete the body and brain of glutathione.
Boost your immune system

Glutathione is important in maintaining your overall good health and wellbeing since it neutralizes harmful free radicals, flushes away toxins, supports cell health and integrity, and strengthens immune system activity. L-Glutathione, a tripeptide made up of three amino acids called cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid, is produced by the body. It is found in high concentrations in the liver, where it binds to heavy metals such as mercury and lead, as well as chemical pollutants, and transforms them into a form that can be easily flushed out of the body via enzymatic pathways.

Reduced L-Glutathione has been formulated to improve absorbability and activity and is the only active form that can react to foreign toxins and remove them from the body. Taken as directed, it can strengthen your immune system and make you less susceptible to catching the Bird Flu virus and may allow your body to fight off the virus.
How to enhance Glutathione intake:

1.N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

It is derived from the amino acid L-Cysteine, and acts as a precursor of glutathione. NAC is quickly metabolized into glutathione once it enters the body. It has been proven in numerous scientific studies and clinical trials, to boost intracellular production of glutathione, and is approved by the FDA for treatment of accetaminophen overdose. Because of glutathione's mucolytic action, NAC (brand name Mucomyst) is commonly used in the treatment of lung diseases like cystic fibrosis, bronchitis and asthma.

2.Milk Thistle, Silymarin

Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant and supports the liver by preventing the depletion of glutathione. Silymarin is the active compound of milk thistle. It is a natural liver detoxifier and protects the liver from many industrial toxins such as carbon tetrachloride, and more common agents like alcohol.

3.Alpha Lipoic Acid

Made naturally in body cells as a by-product of energy release, ALA increases the levels of intra-cellular glutathione, and is a natural antioxidant with free radical scavenging abilities. It has the ability to regenerate oxidized antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and helps to make them more potent. ALA is also known for its ability to enhance glucose uptake and may help prevent the cellular damage accompanying the complications of diabetes. It also has a protective effect in the brain.

4.Natural Foods That Boost Glutathione Levels

Asparagus is a leading source of glutathione. Foods like broccoli (2), avocado and spinach are also known to boost glutathione levels. Raw eggs, garlic and fresh unprocessed meats contain high levels of sulphur-containing amino acids and help to maintain optimal glutathione levels.

5.Undenatured Whey Protein Isolate

Whey protein contains proteins like alpha-lactalbumin which is is rich in sulphur-containing amino acids. Heating or pasteurization destroys the delicate disulphide bonds that give these proteins their bioactivity. Undenatured whey protein is a non-heated product that preserves bioactive amino acids like cystine. It has been shown in numerous scientific studies and clinical trials to optimize glutathione levels.

6.Curcumin (Turmeric)

Treatment of brain cells called astrocytes, with the Indian curry spice, curcumin (turmeric) has been found to increase expression of the glutathione S-transferase and protect neurons exposed to oxidant stress.

7.Balloon Flower Root

Changkil saponins (CKS) isolated from the roots of the Chinese herbal medicine, Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC (Campanulaceae), commonly called Balloon Flower Root or Jie Geng, have been found to increase intracellular glutathione (GSH) content and significantly reduce oxidative injury to liver cells, minimise cell death and lipid peroxidation.


Selenium is a co-factor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Selenium supplements have become popular because some studies suggest they may play a role in decreasing the risk of certain cancers, and in how the immune system and the thyroid gland function. However, too much selenium can cause some toxic effects including gastrointestinal upset, brittle nails, hair loss and mild nerve damage.

Disclaimer: The information here is not provided by medical professionals and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Nutritional supplements, while usually benign, can produce adverse reactions in some people. As with prescribed drugs, long-term effects from supplements are often unknown. Pregnant women and children should not take supplements except after consultation with their healthcare provider. Never exceed the recommended dosage on the container. If you observe adverse effects stop taking the supplement immediately and contact your healthcare provider.


1. The systemic availability of oral glutathione Witschi A, Reddy S, Stofer B, Lauterburg BH. [Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1992;43(6):667-9.

2. Dietary approach to attenuate oxidative stress, hypertension, and inflammation in the cardiovascular system Wu L, Ashraf MH, Facci M, Wang R, Paterson PG, Ferrie A, Juurlink BH. [Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 May 4;101(18):7094-9. Epub 2004 Apr 21

Can Curry Protect Against Alzheimer’s? American Physiological Society (APS) Press release; 16-Apr-2004

4. Protective effect of saponins derived from roots of Platycodon grandiflorum on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced oxidative hepatotoxicity Lee KJ, Choi CY, Chung YC, Kim YS, Ryu SY, Roh SH, Jeong HG. [Toxicol Lett. 2004 Mar 7;147(3):271-82.

Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah

Silver colloidal which can help fight the bi rd flu:



10-22-2008, 09:01 AM
Making Home-made Glutathione Herbal Soap which lasts 1 to 5 years!

Glutathione is now the crazed of today's body conscious individuals. Though there are many glutathione products made by big companies and sold in many well-known beauty stores, small entrepreneurs can still make his own home-made glutathione products like glutathione herbal soap and make money in the process, for there's a great demand of herbal whitening soap in the country.

To make glutathione herbal soap, and entrepreneur need to invest by buying raw materials and utensils, particularly a pail, spatula, hand mixer, scraper, small containers, and a 335mm (L) by 424mm (W) by 100mm (H) mold. They also need mold to shape a long bar that could be cut up into 60 individual bars of soap. If they entrepreneur can't find a mold of this size, he can improvise by making their own mold.

What are the Materials Needed to Get Started?

Here they are:

60 ml titanium dioxide
60 ml sodium silicate
3 ml anti-bacterial liquid
3 ml preservative (phenoxy ethanol)
60 ml moisturizer (castor oil)
60 ml cocodiethanolamide (CDEA)
60 ml kamias extract (Averrhoa bilimbi)

2 L lye solution (caustic soda)
60 ml evaporated milk
6 kg coconut oil (cooking oil)
12 pcs glutathione capsules
100 ml fragrance
60 ml apple extract
4 L distilled water

Procedures Making Home-made Glutathione Herbal Soap

1.Since titanium dioxide and caustic soda are sold in powder form, dissolve it in water to come up with the required solution. Specifically, dissolve 60 grams of titanium dioxide in 1 5L- of water, and 1 kilo of caustic soda in 2 5L of water. Although you can also use tap water, it is advisable to use distilled water to prevent contamination.

2.Produce the kamias extract by fermenting 1 kilo of the balimbi fruit (known locally as kamias) in a jar with 2 tablespoons of salt. After 24 hours, get the extract, strain it and transfer it to another container. Now, use the extract.

3. To produce the apple extract, cut up one apple and use a blender to crush it. Strain the extract using a piece of cheesecloth to remove impurities. Once you have measured the ingredients, put them in individual containers and label them properly. Since it is the base material for the soap, you may pour the coconut oil into the pail directly.

4.Remove the glutathione powder from the capsules, and then mix it with the coconut oil until the powder is fully dissolved. Pour the following ingredients into the mix in the following order: sodium silicate, CDEA, moisturizer, kamias extract, apple extract, milk, titanium dioxide, preservative, the antibacterial liquid and the fragrance. If the ingredients are not added in this order, the texture of the soap will be rough. Mix the ingredients well with a hand mixer.

5.Gradually pour the lye solution into the mixture, mixing continuously in one direction. Changing the direction when mixing will create swirls or a cloudy effect on the soap. After adding the lye solution, you will notice a change in the color and consistency of the mixture. Continue mixing until the consistency becomes like that of condensed milk, the mixture gets finer as you continue to mix. Make sure to mix the mixture well enough, otherwise, the soap will feel rough and itchy on the skin. Now pour the mixture into the mold. Before using the mold, make sure that its hollow part is covered with a plastic sheet so the soap will not suck to the mold and can easily be removed from it.

6.Using a scraper, level and smoothen the top portion of the soap. Once it becomes smooth, set it aside for five hours to cure. After some time, you will notice changes in the color of the soap. Heat will also be released by the soap. These are both signs that the soap is hardening. Even if the soap has already hardened after five hours, don't remove it from the mold until the following day, when it has really cooled down. Once cool, cut the long bar into approximately 60 pieces. Smoothen the edges of the soap. Use the soap only after 24 hours.

Glutathione herbal soap remains in the best condition for use from 1 to 1 5 years. Herbal soaps that are eight months to a year old are very well cured and so are better to use. After about a year, because the extracts drip in the form of moisture, herbal soaps shrank by some 5 grams Chemical-based soap, because they use preservatives, may remain hard and last longer.

To package the soap, wrap it in clear plastic and label it properly. To attract more people to buy the soap, state in the label its key ingredients. The price of a 130g bar of glutathione herbal soap in the market ranges from P100 to P200. While you may use this price range to sell individual bars, you may opt to lower the price for wholesale buyers.

Since the most important ingredients in this soap is glutathione, be careful of buying the right kind because just last month there were news about the selling of glutathione capsule containing very little amount of the said ingredients or fall short of the exact amount specified on their packaging and labels. It also doesn't mean that if the glutathione capsules sold in the market is expensive that it is already genuine. There are some brands that cost so much but when it was analyzed in the laboratory, the glutathione content lacks the specified amount on their packaging.

10-22-2008, 06:40 PM
bookmarked? can someone confirm / respond to the advice given :)

10-22-2008, 06:44 PM
What you MUST get, is Master Tonic. Google it.

Grimnir Wotansvolk
10-22-2008, 06:47 PM
Looks almost exclusively animal-product based. Any viable vegan options?

10-22-2008, 06:53 PM
Looks almost exclusively animal-product based. Any viable vegan options?

Dude, when your LIFE is threatened, who gives a flying f if it's vegetarian or not.

10-22-2008, 10:16 PM
The amazing thing about this all is that your immune system is much more capable then you think. We're being impaired and the old generation was given 3 to 5 shots of vaccines while the new generation is giving a staggering 36 vaccines. Some of which included mercury toxification given to babies that 236 lb. men can even be poisoned with. I believe all of these things handicap and overcompensate the immune system as this further prolongs once that baby gets an allergy or other symptom it can easily setoff a chain reaction and cause more dysfunction of the mind-body such as oxidative stress. The more this happens we throw out words like anxiety, depression, etc. which maybe just our mind telling us something is happening physically. The mind confuses the responses and signals until the problem escalates where the body will eventually call out for help in its weakened crisis. The more oxidative stress especially with a weak immune system leaves us vulnerable to many other health conditions.

There is glutathione in the market that is vegetarian-based. By the way, don't waste your money on products in capsule form as you'll need powder and water dissolvable products. This needs to penetrate through the intestinal tract not just a small portion of it to be effective. Once you take the 3 amino acids - NAC, Cysteine and Glycamic Acid then it starts Glutathione production and also increases the potency of many vitamins like E, C, and B Complex. Also make sure you detox your liver with milk thistle or acidopholis beore you begin as the production takes place in the liver. Don't worry though, Cysteine is included inside of the link provided with the Glutathione mix to save money.

This is the ingredients for this one or organic, and the great thing is its only $28 with shipping and handling and lasts for 90 servings which I believe is almost 3 months. That is a bargain.

Ingredients for this one:

Supplement Facts

One Scoop (5 grams) Contains: Amount Per Serving
Calories 20
Total Fat 0.3 g
Cholesterol 5 mg
Sodium 10 mg
Potassium 30 mg
Total Carbohydrates 0.4 g
Sugars 0.4 g
Protein 4 g
Calcium 20 mg
(whey protein) 520 mg
Lactoferrin 125 mg

Other Ingredients
Lo Han (Momordica grosvenori fruit extract), Proprietary Native Whey Protein Concentrate


On another tip this can help people who are bipolar as well.


How Glutathione helps Bipolar disorder



If you have kidney stones, cysteine amino acid intake is imbalanced and you cannot take it. Take methionine as a replacement to cysteine which works similarly. It's basically the same thing but you should be able to digest it.

Take the following:

For bipolar:

Vitamin A

Purchase cheap organic Glutathione, Whey, pesticide and chemical-free You could also do a money order.


Here's a list of things that Glutathione Cycle can help with:

Proper Glutathione cycle may fight Aviation flu, AIDs, Brain injury, Parkinson's disease Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Autism, Trauma, Alzheimer's dementia Down syndrome, Stroke Multiple sclerosis (MS) Tardive dyskinesia, Ischemia Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) Sleep deprivation, Toxicity of lead, mercury poisoning, fluoride, etc.

10-22-2008, 10:19 PM
Dude - wrong forum, please use the one I move this to, thanks

10-22-2008, 11:01 PM
Hmm. You eat lots of fresh meat, fruits and vegetables and you might get this nutrient which will keep you healthy. Are you sure it is only due to Glutathione and not just due to eating better? As I was reading, this compound is produced within the cells and is not absorbed?

Glutathione Side Effects:

There are no scientifically recognized side effects from or interactions with oral glutathione supplementation because oral glutathione supplements are not absorbed into the bloodstream in humans.

There are side effects associated with intravenous (putting glutathione directly into a vein) glutathione supplementation. Additionally some substances used to elevate glutathione levels such as N Acetyl Cystine, are associated with side effects.

Although glutathione is marketed as a nutritional supplement, there is no scientific evidence that glutathione supplements significantly increase the levels of glutathione in the blood stream or inside the cells ands tissues of the body in humans. In human studies, oral doses of glutathione had no significant effect in raising blood levels. When seven healthy people were given a single dose of 3,000 mg (a huge oral dose) of glutathione, there was no increase in blood glutathione levels. The authors of this study concluded that "it is not feasible to increase circulating glutathione to a clinically beneficial extent by the oral administrating of a single application of 3,000 mg of glutathione." Witschi A, Reddy S, Stofer B, Lauterburg BH. The systemic availability of oral glutathione. (source: Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1992;43(6):667-9) IV Glutathione is effective but it is expensive, uncomfortable, and somewhat impractical requiring infusions 2 times per week using an Intravenous (IV) line. Glutathione precursors such as Immunocal are a better solution.

Although glutathione supplements appear ineffective in humans, they are efficiently absorbed in rats. Most marketers of oral glutathione quote these rat studies as "proof" of their absorption. The successful absorption of glutathione in rats may be due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of rats has little or no gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase which is responsible for breaking down glutathione. The human gastrointestinal tract, however, contains significant amounts of this enzyme.

Isaac Bickerstaff
10-23-2008, 10:03 AM
Looks almost exclusively animal-product based. Any viable vegan options?


10-23-2008, 12:18 PM
Hmm. You eat lots of fresh meat, fruits and vegetables and you might get this nutrient which will keep you healthy. Are you sure it is only due to Glutathione and not just due to eating better? As I was reading, this compound is produced within the cells and is not absorbed?

First, let me get you a chart as I saw somewhere of how much is contained in each food that has it. I'll get back to you on your quote.

It's more along the lines thinking that this is apart of a natural cycle in your body which also cannot fully work unless it has the amino acids: cysteine, NAC and Glutamic acid. This is why some of the powder forms might have all of those. Your body naturally produces glutathione it is just becoming disadvantaged because your immune system is being attacked. However, enhancing the cycle could never be a bad thing. Some of the foods mentioned might contain glutathione but other foods can compliment it that contain the amino acid to fulfill the cycle. Do a google search and you'll uncover a lot about these amino acids as well as 80,000 articles on Glutathion on www.pubmed.com alone. That site is one of the leading sites on research and lab testing.

It is mentioning about intravenous shots which are possible, but personally I'd prefer just digesting it. At any rate, its effective if it reaches a large portion of the intestinal tract. Some of these videos claimed that is an effective approach for autistic children. Eating foods that contain it, Powder dissolvable in water and shots seem to be effective as long as its being distributed through rh intestinal tract. Vitamins are kind've worthless as they maybe time-released or just reach a small portion of the body not proportionate to what its intended for.

IV Shots:


That's a tricky question. Many foods contain good vitamins and minerals you need so all different diets can be beneficial. The problem really is that most of these conditions are reporting low glutathione levels so it's that and many of these people might also have mineral deficiencies. Your system maybe fine and a proper diet work but that doesn't discount always keeping a consistent Glutathione Cycle functional as a preventative as well.

The new children of today who are getting 36 vaccine shots versus the old generation who received 3-5 shots. Honestly, parents today should be extremely important for them to research and become knowledgeable about this. The possible mental and physical effects that come from a handicapped immune system may or may not happen which depend on a lot of factors and stages of the child's life. A child with mineral and nutrtional deficiencies as well as allergies is already at a much more disadvantage then other children.

What's happening is that makes it more difficult to produce this when you have something like mercury toxification in your body hindering it. The vaccines also put in aluminum. All of these metal toxins are hard to get out of the system. A mineral test is very cheap and naturopathic doctors can do that. It's worth looking into to find out if your child or someone else has a mineral deficiency.

Now, a lot of children may not even experience any symptoms but as they get older get involved in riskier activities like drinking, caffeine, anti-depressants, antibiotics, etc. even anything else like an allergy like gluten or what mccarthy's kid has like candida. Some are yeast-based, others deplete the glutathione levels and make it harder to digest and break up enzymes; the more the body is trying to do that normal immunization process while being handicapped with these toxins layer after layer then that makes them natural malnurished and have less nutrition supplementation. You start to see that modern nutrition loaded with diets like MSG, the Fluoride in our water may start to cause a chain reaction at a child who is disproportioned with toxins in their body.

I took Paxil and some other anti-depressants and then developed a gluten allergy. Then after a few months later I got fibromyalgia.

Interestingly after getting fibromyalgia I would experience a lot of placebo effects from vitamins and supplements. Notice, how I mentioned about those only hitting a small portion of the intestinal tract?

I thought they were placebo but I was wrong. It's just very difficult to absorb those nutrients properly having a disadvantage with my gluten allergy and fibromyalgia. The suprise was that when the glutathione levels are very low then nutrients are harder to get to other parts of the body. So, only when I can counterbalance that with what your saying by eating a good nutrition, cleansing my liver and producing the glutathione intake. A strong liver plays a role of metabolizing amino acids and the glutathione in the immune system. This makes it possible now to feel the benefits of all the great vitamins and supplements on the market.

So once you build this imune cycle regardless of how you do it, and like you mentioned keep a strong diet and eating better is important as nutrients can absorb through but a lot less then they normally would; you'll start noticing a lot of nutrients and vitamins having a stronger effect. Bread, or alcohol isn't necessarily a horrible thing but anything that takes a long time to digest and has fungi effects should be avoided until you can get your system working at a functional normal glutathione cycle level.

10-23-2008, 12:58 PM
Hmm. You eat lots of fresh meat, fruits and vegetables and you might get this nutrient which will keep you healthy. Are you sure it is only due to Glutathione and not just due to eating better? As I was reading, this compound is produced within the cells and is not absorbed?

Interesting to your theory, it increases the plasma effects not the blood Glutathione as you stated.

Read this part of research and what I wrote down initially with amino acids. I may have emphasized a lot about Glutathione without putting in enough about the amino acids so that I may have to modify so people don't stray on the wrong path. That is my mistake as you're right in order to get the full effect. However, at the beginning of what I wrote down I put Cysteine, NAC and Glutamic Acid. These also can increase the Glutathione Blood levels. I also found out people with kidney stones may want to avoid Cysteine and replace that with Methionine. By the way, I read reports about side effects with NAC however this is because it's clearing the body of a lot of mineral toxins you can thwart those negative effects it's because it's cleansing your body of minerals by putting in the essentials like Zinc. Some interesting reports from people who have used it on this page.







Vitamin C, Glutathione, NAC and B2

Glutathione (GSH) levels in blood plasma have been shown to be increased through supplementation with vitamin C and glutathione precursor, N-acetylcysteine (NAC).

10-23-2008, 03:12 PM


Why do you hate people who don't like killing animals when they don't have to??


Or are you referring to the glioatheaelneane???

10-23-2008, 05:07 PM
Dude, when your LIFE is threatened, who gives a flying f if it's vegetarian or not.

haha, no time to be picky

10-23-2008, 06:48 PM
By the way, you all are welcome to see the truth of what Fluoride is if anyone knows about chakras and the pineal gland.



I guarantee major changes will happen to your body and especially your mind in the etheric realm, once you detoxify it with Total Body Cleansers by Renew Pro and there are many others on the market along fiber this will remove aluminum, mercury and other toxins in your body.

Next take organic Glutathione to enhance the immune system. This will cause the body to naturally increase melatonin during your dreams and change the pineal gland AKA the 'DMT Third eye'.

Fluoride is a poison byproduct from aluminum production and thanks to Nazi Zyclon B (gassed prisoners to death) manufacturer IG Farben they finally found out fluoride is the perfect toxin to numb our brain and pacify us into subordinant slaves... its deposited in the pineal gland more than anywhere else in the body, which happens to be our 3rd eye. It is poisoning the 'seat' of our soul, the 6th chakra. Pineal gland produces DMT dimethytryptamine which allows us to communicate with the subconscious realm and by calcifying the pineal gland with fluoride we would begin to disconnect ourselves from the spirit world.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland:

Up until the 1990s, no research had ever been conducted to determine the impact of fluoride on the pineal gland - a small gland located between the two hemispheres of the brain that regulates the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.

It is now known - thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England - that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the body.

The soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft tissue in the body - a level of fluoride (~300 ppm) capable of inhibiting enzymes.

The pineal gland also contains hard tissue (hyroxyapatite crystals), and this hard tissue accumulates more fluoride (up to 21,000 ppm) than any other hard tissue in the body (e.g. teeth and bone).

After finding that the pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans, Dr. Luke conducted animal experiments to determine if the accumulated fluoride could impact the functioning of the gland - particulalry the gland's regulation of melatonin.

Luke found that animals treated with fluoride had lower levels of circulating melatonin, as reflected by reduced levels of melatonin metabolites in the animals' urine. This reduced level of circulating melatonin was accompanied - as might be expected - by an earlier onset of puberty in the fluoride-treated female animals.

Luke summarized her human and animal findings as follows:

"In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation."

Online Papers - Fluoride & the Pineal Gland:

FULL TEXT - html: Luke J. (2001). Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland. Caries Research 35:125-128.

EXCERPT - html: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford.

Summation - Fluoride & Pineal Gland: (back to top)

“The single animal study of pineal function indicates that fluoride exposure results in altered melatonin production and altered timing of sexual maturity. Whether fluoride affects pineal function in humans remains to be demonstrated. The two studies of menarcheal age in humans show the possibility of earlier menarche in some individuals exposed to fluoride, but no definitive statement can be made. Recent information on the role of the pineal organ in humans suggests that any agent that affects pineal function could affect human health in a variety of ways, including effects on sexual maturation, calcium metabolism, parathyroid function, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, and psychiatric disease.”
SOURCE: National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. p221-22.

"In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 177.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Never Studied before 1990s: (back to top)

"It is remarkable that the pineal gland has never been analysed separately for F because it has several features which suggest that it could accumulate F. It has the highest calcium concentration of any normal soft tissue in the body because it calcifies physiologically in the form of hydroxyapatite (HA). It has a high metabolic activity coupled with a very profuse blood supply: two factors favouring the deposition of F in mineralizing tissues. The fact that the pineal is outside the blood-brain barrier suggests that pineal HA could sequester F from the bloodstream if it has the same strong affinity for F as HA in the other mineralizing tissues. The intensity of the toxic effects of most drugs depends upon their concentration at the site of action. The mineralizing tissues (bone and teeth) accumulate high concentrations of F and are the first to show toxic reactions to F. Hence, their reactions to F have been especially well studied. If F accumulates in the pineal gland, then this points to a gap in our knowledge about whether or not F affects pineal physiology. It was the lack of knowledge in this area that prompted my study."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 1-2.
Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Accumulation of Fluoride in Soft Tissue of Pineal Gland: (back to top)

"After half a century of the prophylactic use of fluorides in dentistry, we now know that fluoride readily accumulates in the human pineal gland. In fact, the aged pineal contains more fluoride than any other normal soft tissue. The concentration of fluoride in the pineal was significantly higher (p <0.001) than in corresponding muscle, i.e., 296 ± 257 vs. 0.5± 0.4 mg/kg (wet weight) respectively."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 167.
Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Accumulation of Fluoride in Calcified Tissue of Pineal Gland: (back to top)

"In terms of mineralized tissue, the mean fluoride concentration in the pineal calcification was equivalent to that in severely fluorosed bone and more than four times higher than in corresponding bone ash, i.e., 8,900 ± 7,700 vs. 2,040 ± 1,100 mg/kg, respectively. The calcification in two of the 11 pineals analysed in this study contained extremely high levels of fluoride: 21,800 and 20,500 mg/kg."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 167.
Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Analagous to Dental Fluorosis? (back to top)

"Fluoride is now introduced at a much earlier stage of human development than ever before and consequently alters the normal fluoride-pharmacokinetics in infants. But can one dramatically increase the normal fluoride-intake to infants and get away with it? The safety of the use of fluorides ultimately rests on the assumption that the developing enamel organ is most sensitive to the toxic effects of fluoride. The results from this study suggest that the pinealocytes may be as susceptible to fluoride as the developing enamel organ."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 176.

"Alongside the calcification in the developing enamel organ, calcification is also occurring in the child's pineal. It is a normal physiological process. A complex series of enzymatic reactions within the pinealocytes converts the essential amino acid, tryptophan, to a whole family of indoles. The main pineal hormone is melatonin (MT)... If F accumulates in the pineal gland during early childhood, it could affect pineal indole metabolism in much the same way that high local concentrations of F in enamel organ and bone affect the metabolism of ameloblasts and osteoblasts."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 5.

"Any adverse physiological effects of fluoride depend upon the concentration at various tissue sites. Can pinealocytes function normally in close proximity to high concentrations of fluoride? One would predict that a high local fluoride concentration would affect pinealocyte function in an analogous way that a high local fluoride concentration affects: i) bone cells, since histological changes have been observed in bone with 2,000 mg F/kg (Baud et al, 1978); ii) ameloblasts, since dental fluorosis develops following fluoride concentrations of 0.2 mg F/kg in the developing enamel organ (Bawden et al, 1992). The consequences are disturbances in the functions of bone and enamel, i.e., changes in structure (poorly mineralized bone and enamel). If the pineal accumulates fluoride at an earlier age than in previous decades, one would anticipate that a high local concentration of fluoride within the pineal would affect the functions of the pineal, i.e., the synthesis of hormonal products, specifically melatonin... The controlled animal study carried out in this study produce compelling evidence that fluoride inhibits pineal melatonin output during pubertal development in the gerbil."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 168-169.
Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Earlier Puberty in Animals: (back to top)

"The section on the effects of fluoride on the physiological signs of sexual maturity in the gerbil was a preliminary, pilot study. There were not enough subjects to make any firm conclusions so an interpretation of the data is conjectural. However, the results do suggest that the HF (High-Fluoride) females had an accelerated onset of puberty as judged by several indices of pubertal development in rodents. At 7 weeks, the HF females were significantly heavier than the LF females (p < 0.004); as heavy as the HF males and LF males. The ventral gland in the HF female developed significantly earlier than in the LF female (p < 0.004). Vaginal opening occurred earlier in the HF female than in the LF female (p <0.03)."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 173-174.
Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Earlier Puberty in Humans? (back to top)

"The first step in assessing a health risk by a substance to humans is the identification of its harmful effects on animals. A health risk to humans is assessed using results from human epidemiological studies in conjunction with results from animal studies. The Newburgh-Kingston Study (Schlesinger et al, 1956) showed an earlier age of first menarche in girls living in the fluoridated Newburgh than in unfluoridated Kingston. The current animal study indicates that fluoride is associated with an earlier onset of puberty in female gerbils. Furthermore, more research was recommended on the effects of fluoride on animal and human reproduction (USPHS, 1991). This project has contributed new knowledge in this area."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 177.
Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Mechanism of Action: (back to top)

"The most plausible hypothesis for the observed significant decrease in the rate of urinary aMT6s excretion by the HF (High-Fluoride) group is that fluoride affects the pineal's ability to synthesize melatonin during pubertal development in the gerbil. Fluoride may affect the enzymatic conversion of tryptophan to melatonin. Although melatonin was the hormone investigated in this project, fluoride may also affect the synthesis of melatonin precursors, (e.g., serotonin), or other pineal products, (e.g., 5-methoxytryptamine). This would depend on the position(s) of the susceptible enzyme(s). For some unknown reason, pineal calcification starts intracellularly. Calcium has been demonstrated in pinealocyte mitochondria. Therefore, it may be a mitochondrial enzyme that is sensitive to the effects of fluoride, e.g., tryptophan-5-hydroxylase. Alternatively, fluoride may affect pinealocyte enzymes which require a divalent co-enzyme because such enzymes are particularly sensitive to fluoride."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 172-173.
Fluoride & Pineal Gland - Discussion: (back to top)

"Fluoride is now introduced at a much earlier stage of human development than ever before and consequently alters the normal fluoride-pharmacokinetics in infants.
But can one dramatically increase the normal fluoride-intake to infants and get away with it? The safety of the use of fluorides ultimately rests on the assumption that the developing enamel organ is most sensitive to the toxic effects of fluoride. The results from this study suggest that the pinealocytes may be as susceptible to fluoride as the developing enamel organ. The possibility of a species difference between humans and gerbils does not allow the extrapolation of the gerbil data to humans. However, if increased plasma-fluoride levels cause a decline in the levels of circulating melatonin during early human development, significant physiological consequences may have already occurred. Changes in plasma melatonin concentrations are serious functional disturbances because melatonin has many functions in the organism. The pinealogists have not completely unravelled the mechanisms by which the pineal gland performs its tasks in the brain. The neurochemical phenomenon elicited by melatonin in CNS are unclear.

The first step in assessing a health risk by a substance to humans is the identification of its harmful effects on animals. A health risk to humans is assessed using results from human epidemiological studies in conjunction with results from animal studies. The Newburgh-Kingston Study (Schlesinger et al, 1956) showed an earlier age of first menarche in girls living in the fluoridated Newburgh than in unfluoridated Kingston. The current animal study indicates that fluoride is associated with an earlier onset of puberty in female gerbils. Furthermore, more research was recommended on the effects of fluoride on animal and human reproduction (USPHS, 1991). This project has contributed new knowledge in this area.

I do not intend to discuss the relative merits of the claims made by the anti-fluoridationists that chronic ingestion of low levels of fluoride has harmful effects on human health, i.e., increases the risk of cancer, affects the immune system, and hastens the aging process. These claims could be associated with the effects of fluoride on the pineal because the gland has been linked to oncogenesis, immunocompetence, and, in recent years, to the process of aging.
In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation."
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 176-177.

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