View Full Version : My Answer to People Who Think Radical Islam is a "Threat"

10-20-2008, 11:02 PM
Perpetuating the "Islamo-Fascist Threat"
By: nodope0695

Radical Jihadists are a threat to us how? How are they a theat to our "way of life?" How are they a threat to our nation as a whole?

Who really hates us because we are free? Who really holds us in contempt for our ideals of liberty and freedom? The terrorists? The evil doers?

Who really are the terrorists, and evil doers?

The people who hate us for our freedom, our ideals, our civil rights, are the very people elected to protect those things. Its the people who sit in corner offices making eight figure salaries, the big bankers and oil tycoons. The ruling elite. The threat to our nation, to our Constitution is not from enemies foriegn, the threat is from enemies DOMESTIC.

Elected politicians who whore for the bankers and corporate elites - they are the real threat to our way of life. They are the ones who want to take our freedoms. These are the real enemy of the state, not some guy living in a cave in Pakistan. Not 19 hijackers flying planes into our buildings. Just look at what has come of our nation since that day in September, 2001.

Who have been the terrorists, and the evil doers? Are the following the creation of a Islamo-fascist state, a terrorist group, a man in a cave: The Patriot Act, Dept. of Homeland Security, FISA, Military Commissions Act, suspension of Habeas Corpus, warrantless wiretapping, torture, Guantamimo Bay, Abu Garabe...the list goes on. No, these are things created by OUR government, in only a matter of seven years! All the result of ONE single "terrorist act" on September 11, 2001.

But the ruling elite need us to focus on an invisible enemy. They pound it down our throats, overflowing the airwaves with fear of a boogie-man, when they are the true threat to us, our nation, and our Constitution. They keep us pacified with iPhones, American Idol, Michael Vick, Brittney Spears, and a myriad of mindless drivel in order to keep our attention away from what really matters: the dwindling of our free society, and the theft of our civil rights.

I submit to you, that since we the people have allowed these things to occur, the terrorists, the REAL terrorists, have won. It is for us to repair the damage done. We must fix the problem, either by words, or by arms, it must be fixed.

People need to wake up and see this fact, or nothing is going to change.

Note: A rough version of this post was written by me in response to a person who posted a video about the "Radica Islamic Threat" to the U.S.A. It really got me spooled up, especially when I saw that, of all people, Rudy Giuliani (suprise) was part of it. So, I cleanded up the origional post, edited it for content, and now present it here.

Micah Dardar
10-20-2008, 11:28 PM
Radical socialist terroristic presidents are more dangerous than nutty farmers with medieval weapons.

10-20-2008, 11:36 PM
Those who are scared of Islam are clinically retarded. You've got more chance of dieing, driving to the airport - than you do flying, and getting blown up because of a terrorist attack.. >.<

It's all irrational fear.

10-20-2008, 11:40 PM
Those who are scared of Islam are clinically retarded. You've got more chance of dieing, driving to the airport - than you do flying, and getting blown up because of a terrorist attack.. >.<

It's all irrational fear.

Yep, you're right, but sheeple buy into it, lock stock and barrel.

10-21-2008, 05:52 AM

10-21-2008, 06:09 AM
Yep, you're right, but sheeple buy into it, lock stock and barrel.

As they have for thousands of years. This is why it is a favorite technique to use. This is why, the neocons are always stating another terrorist attack would be helpful to their plans. They already know how irrational the public will act in the face of fear. The desecration of this country's freedom and sovereignty is almost complete, and it wasn't a few jihadists that made it happen.

10-21-2008, 06:21 AM
There is no such thing as radical islam, that is just fear mongering, its like calling radical orthodox, catholic and so on.... Remember Ron Paul's question? Why do they hate us?

Bush & Chaney has created more enemy's around the world then any other president anywhere in the world...

10-21-2008, 08:48 AM
I'm going to take a little different (likely, unpopular) tac on this.

Whether you call it "radical Islam" or whatever, there is a segment that hate us. Do they hate us because we're free? No. That's absurd. They hate us because we (the "infedels") have meddled in their affairs and put a military presence on lands they see as sacred. That has bred terrorist acts (which are wrong, IMO) against our country.

But there is a another segment of Islam that may not hate us, but it does resent our freedoms because those freedoms are a hurdle to their ultimate goal of spreading Islam and instituting Sharia law. This is the one I worry most about as I watch our leaders slowly decimate the Constitution and steal our liberties.

Part of the problem is that the MSM, gov't, etc. are dumping both ideologies into the "radical Islam"/terrorism trough they are trying to feed us from.

10-21-2008, 09:01 AM
Radical Dominionist End Times Christian Fundamentalists with endless supplies of serf money are more dangerous than anything else on this planet. Period.

They represent a new reign of fascism the world has never seen. A global theocracy.

When the first Halloween trick or treater kid is burned at the municipal stake, it will be too late.

10-21-2008, 09:20 AM
There is no such thing as radical islam, that is just fear mongering, its like calling radical orthodox, catholic and so on.... Remember Ron Paul's question? Why do they hate us?
Sure there is such a thing as radical islam. Just like there are radicals in every religion.

Bush & Chaney has created more enemy's around the world then any other president anywhere in the world...

10-21-2008, 09:30 AM
read this: http://www.independent.org/pdf/tir/tir_13_01_2_payne.pdf

as far as osama bin laden is concerned, spreading islam across the world is not the goal of radial islam. they want the West out of their affairs. that's it.

they want us to stop bombing them and trying to tell them how to live their lives. they don't hate our freedoms and do not want to spread their religion to distant lands. indeed, osama thinks muslims living in infidel lands (u.s.) aren't real muslims.

10-21-2008, 09:30 AM
"We have always been at war with EastAsia".

When I was a child, Communists were the political bogeymen. We were endlessly warned about the dangers of Communism and taught to fear the military strength of the USSR. The US engaged in military conflicts (Korea, Vietnam, etc.) to "keep the world safe for democracy". The Communists also hated us for our freedoms, apparently.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, our government lost a valuable tool for justifying unconstitutional activity and defense spending - until September 11, 2001. I have no doubt there were many in our government who found a silver lining that day - a new enemy to replace the one that did itself in.

10-21-2008, 10:58 AM
Sure there is such a thing as radical islam. Just like there are radicals in every religion.

OK, you have a point there,:o my point was, the way this administration and the controlled media has painted it to be is anyone who doesn't agree with the US must be "radical" I just find the word used only in Islam and not in other cultures/religions.