View Full Version : Why are so many spewing hate speech against ACORN?

10-17-2008, 04:48 AM
Keep in mind that ACORN’s plan is to intentionally get “poor people” registered to vote and participate in our “democracy“. What’s wrong with that? Let’s review the facts.

ACORN targets those who are within the 45 percent of American’s population who do not pay taxes and are currently on the public dole. The game plan is, increase the number of voters who are tax getters so they can outvote tax payers like Joe the plumber, and thereby get Obama elected so he can then use the force of our federal government to spread Joe the plumber’s wealth among tax getters which is Obama’s primary voting constituency.

Keep in mind how ACORN hides its real mission by claiming to be championing “democracy”. But our founding fathers established a constitutionally limited “Republican Form of Government” [see Article 4 Section 4, U.S. Constitution] with defined and enumerated specific grants of power, none of which authorized federal tax revenue to be appropriated to meet the personal economic needs of individuals. Helping the poor was intentionally retained within the powers of the various states and those powers were constitutionally asserted and protected by our Constitution’s Tenth Amendment! In short and simple language, our federal Constitution was intentionally designed to cure the excesses of “democracy”, a vile form of government which has so eloquently been described as two wolves and a sheep voting for what shall be for dinner.

As Madison has warned us with regard to "democracies", they "...have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths...".

And during the Convention which framed our federal Constitution, Elbridge Gerry and Roger Sherman, delegates from Massachusetts and Connecticut, urged the Convention to create a system which would eliminate "the evils we experience," saying that those "evils . . .flow from the excess of democracy..."\

And, then there was John Adams, a principle force in the American Revolutionary period who also pointed out "democracy will envy all, contend with all, endeavor to pull down all; and when by chance it happens to get the upper hand for a short time, it will be revengeful, bloody, and cruel..."

And Samuel Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and favoring the new Constitution as opposed to democracy declared: " Democracy never lasts long” . . . "It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself.". . . "There was never a democracy that ‘did not commit suicide.’"

And during the Constitutional Convention, Hamilton stated: "We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy."

And then there was Benjamin Franklin, who informed a crowd when exiting the Convention as to what system of government they created, he responded by saying "A republic, if you can keep it."

Democracy, or majority rule vote, as the Founding Fathers well knew, whether that majority rule is practiced by the people or by elected representatives, if not restrained by specific limitations and particular guarantees in which the unalienable rights of mankind are put beyond the reach of political majorities, have proven throughout history to eventually result in nothing less than an unbridled mob rule system susceptible to the wants and passions of a political majority imposing its will upon those who may be outvoted, and would result in the subjugation of unalienable rights, and especially subjugate rights associated with property ownership, which includes the confiscation of wealth from those who have earned it. And so, our Founding Fathers gave us a constitutionally limited Republican Form of Government, guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States.

ACORN does not support and defend our constitutionally limited Republican Form of Government nor the limited powers granted thereby, which in fact is our nation’s agreed upon social contract. ACORN and Obama’s kind are quite comfortable with a mob rule system of government in which 51 percent of the nation’s voters may use their vote to confiscate their neighbor’s property.


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon a federal government check, we can then bribe them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s working population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Obama’s Marxist Democrat Party’s game plan, a plan to establish a federal plantation.

Truth Warrior
10-17-2008, 05:10 AM
"Democracy is the road to socialism." -- Karl Marx :p

10-17-2008, 05:13 AM
"Hate speech"?

What exactly is "hate speech" to you? I'm not thinking you meant to use this term, as people who do, typically do not believe in the 1st amendment.

Truth Warrior
10-17-2008, 05:29 AM
http://www.acorn.org/ (http://www.acorn.org/) :p :rolleyes:

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hate%20speech (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hate%20speech)

10-17-2008, 05:58 AM
Why do we spew "hate speech" about the ACLU? Why do liberals spew "hate speech" about the JBS?

Just more signs of how divided against each other they have us to keep us from uniting against them.

10-17-2008, 06:37 AM
I think its a bigggg smoke screen for other voter scandals. Like the Diebold voting machines are rigged and easily hacked. blackboxvoting.org has been documenting this for years.

Time for Change
10-17-2008, 06:41 AM
Acorn has one goal.
They are not interested in getting people to vote per se

They are interested in getting people to vote for their guy only.

Cheat, Lie, Steal, Bribe, Incentivize or whatever it takes to sway the election to their moron socialist regime candidate.

"MORE WELFARE...because you shouldn't have to work, you're an American"

10-17-2008, 08:00 AM
ACORN is a communist organization and needs to be abolished by the RICO act. tones

10-17-2008, 08:03 AM
ACORN is a communist organization and needs to be abolished by the RICO act. tones


10-17-2008, 10:47 AM
Keep in mind that ACORN’s plan is to intentionally get “poor people” registered to vote and participate in our “democracy“. What’s wrong with that? Let’s review the facts.

Let's review Ethics.

When a person, organization, industry or country...be it Stanley O'Neal, Merrill Lynch, financial markets or the United States, be it Barack Obama, ACORN, Campaign-O-Rama or the United States...it matters not whether the original intent was altruistic or benign, when A Method for helping the less fortunate/more needy/less educated/more simple people becomes corrupted (as they almost always inevitably are, humans being humans), it is WORSE than the "average" shyster/scamming/bullshit at which we excel. Then there are the many "Services" and "Non-Profits" that EXIST to exploit and abuse...that are devious schemes from the get-go. There are some charlatan preachers livin' the high life, too, on the backs of Working Poor.

America's very first order of business is cleaning house. Nothing we say, nothing we do means a goddamn thing until we round up the riff raff.

Not just larcenous CEO's and corrupt Public Officials, but also the Brass of tax-deductible Do Gooder outfits.

Minor rip-offs, sly fine print...these are accepted across the land as normal business methodologies by which citizens of average, modest AND meager means are continually relieved of MORE than the stated price of a thing.

It is as incredible as anticipating and accepting that house-guests shall regularly purloin an item from your home or a twenty from your billfold. Hey, you should exercise personal responsibility by not leaving valuables lying around.

10-17-2008, 10:52 AM
"Hate speech"?

What exactly is "hate speech" to you? I'm not thinking you meant to use this term, as people who do, typically do not believe in the 1st amendment.

I think he's referring to the MSM spewing hate speech, not the people on this forum.

The ACORN debacle is just like Obama being a terrorist, it is being used to divide the country against itself.

10-17-2008, 11:04 AM
ACORN is a communist organization and needs to be abolished by the RICO act. tones
