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10-13-2008, 08:22 PM
4. Why it is almost impossible for a layman to understand the Hegelian dialectic
Hegel's theory that philosophy is the ultimate achievement of the human spirit is
extremely difficult reading for a well-educated person. It's almost like reading a foreign language to the average student, and it rings false to the "healthy instincts of the plain man."

Detective Phillip Worts' 2001 article Communist Oriented Policing is a nice explanation of the influence Dialectical Materialism has had on America.

Henry D. Aiken, a Professor of Philosophy at Harvard explains the Hegelian theory of no-reason in Introduction to the Age of Ideology:

"...Beginning with Kant, the very conception of the philosophical enterprise that had prevailed since the time of Aristotle underwent a profound sea-change, with the consequence that the meanings of even such basic terms of the traditional philosophical vocabulary as 'metaphysics' and 'logic' were altered beyond recognition... Much of the obscurity that pervades nineteenth-century philosophical writing is directly related to this fact."

Considering the power it wields, and how many people have embraced the ideology, it's amazing how very few people in the world will tell you they understand the Hegelian dialectic. That's because it was never written to be understood. Even Hegel's biographers call his writing "impenetrable" which means: "incapable of being penetrated or pierced," innaccessible to knowledge, reason or sympathy" and "incapable of being comprehended" (Merriam Webster).

At one point, Karl Marx planned to simplify Hegel for the "common man," but we have not been able find this explanation, if it exists.

We think there's a very simple explanation for why the Hegelian dialectic is not simple, and why it can never be simplified. While the American's 18th century political system ranks among the top modern scientific achievements, the 19th century's educated imperialist writers pursued the highest achievements in irrational thinking about thinking. Hegel is at the top of our list of the world's most irrational thinkers.

How is it possible to consider a Hegelian argument? If the ideas, interpretations of experiences, and the sources are all wrong, can a conclusion based on all these wrong premises be sound? The answer is no. Two false premises do not make a sound conclusion even if the argument follows the formula. Three, four, five, or six false premises do not all combine to make a conclusion sound. You must have at least one sound premise to reach a sound conclusion.

Logical mathematical formulas are only the basis for deductive reasoning. Equally important is knowledge of semantics, or considering the meanings of the words used in the argument. Just because an argument fits the formula, it does not necessarily make the conclusion sound. Hegel knew this when he designed his dialectic. He was an imperialist con-artist who established the principles of dialectical "no-reason." His dialectic has allowed globalists to lead the world by its nose into a superstitious, unreasonable, racist age of global dominance.

National governments are supposed to protect the common man from imperial controls over private property, trade and production. They insure their workers against imperial slavery by protecting markets. But if you use Hegel's twisted logic, the only way to protect people from slavery is to become a slave trader, just for a while.

Like Hegel and Marx, the best street con knows his spiel has to be based in truth to be successful, and good cons weave their lies on logic. This sort of twisted logic is why cons are so successful. Hegel twisted it in such a way as to be "impenetrable."

5. The communitarian purpose for the Hegelian dialectic
Hegel was an idealist who believed that the highest state of mankind can only be attained through constant ideological conflict and resolution. The rules of the dialectic means mankind can only reach its highest spiritual consciousness through endless self-perpetuating struggle between ideals, and the eventual synthesizing of all opposites.

He believed that all conflict takes man to the next spiritual level. But in the final analysis, this ideology simply justifies conflict and endless war. It is also the reasoning behind using military power to export an illogical version of freedom and false democratic ideals.

The reason we can call it the justification for modern conflicts and war is because no one can prove Hegel's theory is true. No matter how many new words they make up to define it, or how many new theories they come up with to give it validity, we can prove beyond a doubt that it is all false. And, we can show the final equation in Hegel's dialectic is:

A: The [your nation goes here] System of Political Economy (List 1841) + B: State-controlled world communism = C: State-controlled global communitarianism

The Hegelian dialectic was created because the American colonials won their national independence from Imperial domination.

In the War of 1812, the United States of America defeated the Imperial British Navy. That same hear, Hegel published his confusing theory in The Science of Logic. Coincidence? Not hardly. The Hegelian dialectic was used to justify expansionist colonial policies and terrorist acts against Americans. It was an academic elitist ploy to cloak British interference in national trade, now that they'd lost their naval-piracy power over the world's trade routes.

The Americans won their second War of Independence, which was fought for the same reasons as the first war: to stop British control of local manufacturing. Americans declared their right to produce and trade as a sovereign nation. They insisted they were free to trade without thuggish European merchants and banks getting in their business. After this embarrassing defeat, the imperialists needed a sneaky way to regain domination of American trade. Hegel's theory created a justification for the conflict between European merchants and the American system of Political Economy, which allowed merchants to operate as independents.

Americans have forgotten that theirs was an economic revolution. The American Colonial Revolution wasn't a "revolution of ideas" -- it was a revolution against the European imperial mob, which controlled the production of goods and services in its colonies.

The American idea of an economy free from tariffs and constraints spread like lightening across the world. Colonies and peasant workers everywhere took actions to regain control of their own national markets and stop imperial gluttony.

By 1824, colony after colony had declared independence from imperial domination. Greece declared independence from the powerful Ottoman Empire and based their successful revolution on American principles for self-governance.

The imperialists were also losing control to new national unions, which formed to protect local production from foreign imports. The government of the United States was formed simply to protect labor and markets, and American economics was the foundation for the protected German manufacturing unions in the 1840s. Considering how many nations embraced the idea so quickly, it must have been a pretty easy sell to the "healthy instincts of the plain man."

So, what did the imperialists do next? They created a theory of collective worker's rights and claimed that abolishing private property and controlling world markets was the best way to help laborers.

Marxism was the foundation for the Fabian Socialist agenda when they merged with the British Labour Party in 1904, and the entire labor movement has been convinced their principles are based in Marxism. Modern labor unions have no idea what they are factually based in, which is entirely in the protected individual merchant principles inherent in the national system of political economy. The U.S. constitutional framers also agreed to require all public servants to abide by a fixed standard of law, whereas the British constitution is continually evolving.

There was a time when Americans had the ability to call a duck a duck. The former colonials were fearless in their devotion to The Rights of Man (Paine 1791). Some of our citizens maintain the founding principles of economic liberty to this very day, in spite of how most of the world drowns in the brown matter that clouds the dialectical head game.

While Darwin's theory of evolution is still being debated, there is absolutely no proof that societies are continually evolving. So when the London Communist League used the dialectical method of spiritual advancement via constant resolution of differences, they based the theory of communism on an unproven theory. Marx and Engels later changed their minds, amazingly, and redesigned communism around the anthropological theories of Lewis Henry Morgan (also unprovable). When Amitai Etzioni used Hegelian reasoning to base the Communitarian Network on a "balance" between rights and responsibilities, he built the entire theory of ommunitarianism on nothing but disproven and unprovable, unscientific theories. This gives credence to the Anti Communitarian hypothesis:

(A) Communitarianism did not evolve naturally
(B) and it was never a movement that arose out of U.S. society
(C) therefore, communitarianism has no natural home in the United States.

6. How we interpret the history of the dialectical argument
Aristotle gave the world his methods for deductive logic in the 4th century B.C. American colonists used John Locke's philosophy of man's natural property rights to form a free country in 1776.

British economist Adam Smith published Wealth of Nations in 1776 to distort and redefine American economics. In 1791, Immanuel Kant challenged reasonable, logical principles used by Americans with his Critique of Pure Reason.

Edmund Burke backstabbed France and America both when he wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France. Thomas Paine published a rebuttal to his ex-friend Burke called The Rights of Man. Paine's reasoned arguments against the imperialists rippled further than his motivational pamphlet Common Sense did during the American Revolution.

The Rights of Man went global with the French Revolution, and something had to be done to stop it. In what could be called the most brilliant act of desperation of all time, the imperialists used Kant and Hegel to redefine logic and exclude reason from logical formulae.

In 1841, Friedrich List published The National System of Political Economy and successfully disputed imperialist free trade ideology. His book is still in use worldwide, such as with the Social Movement Pan Russian Eurasia.

In 1844 Engel's published Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy, and in 1845 Marx wrote a A Draft of an Article on Friedrich List's Book, where he repeatedly calls List a "German Philistine."

Accounts about the life and death of Friedrich List are full of inconsistencies. According to some, he was the most outspoken opponent of free trade, and was becoming a venerated source for ideas to protect local labor and markets. Others claim he was ridiculed for his outlandish protectionist theories, lost hope and became despondent, wandering aimlessly around Europe.

In 1846 List died mysteriously after (or during) a trip to London, where he was discussing English manufacturing and free trade with regular folks and leaders of the Comden Club. There is a huge disparity in the record of his death, so that it is impossible to determine how, when, and where it happened.

However he died, List's body was barely cold before the London Communist League began preparing their 1847 draft of a manifesto for world peace and economic justice via a mass revolutionary movement against private property. German-British merchant Frederick Engels revised Hegel's theory to suit his needs, and then passed it on to Karl Marx, who rewrote it with "proper revolutionary flair" (Chaitkin 1985). The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848. In 1850, a French economist named Frederic Bastiat wrote The Law and logically disputed Marxist fallacies used in France.

Amazingly, the logic of Locke, Paine, List and Bastiat are relatively unknown to modern Americans, and yet Karl Marx is a household name.

Already gaining substantial ground against the Americans, British Marxism was bolstered when Charles Darwin published his theory of human evolution in 1859. Engels, according to modern day scholars, seized upon Darwin's theory to substantiate communism: "When Marx read The Origin of Species he wrote to Engels that, 'although it is developed in the crude English style, this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view.' They turned against what they saw as the social, as opposed to the biological, implications of Darwinism when they realised that it contained no support for their shibboleth of class oppression. Since they were slippery customers rather than scientists, they were not likely to relinquish their views just because something did not fit." (see: Marxism and Darwinism by Anton Pannekoek, 1912.)

In 1877 Lewis Henry Morgan published Ancient Society, or Researches in Life, Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Barbarism, to Civilization. Then the "slippery" Engels seized upon Morgan's work as the constantly "evolving" basis for the totally unsubstantiated theory of natural social evolution into utopian world communism.

In 1887 the First World Zionist Federation was formed to plan for the creation of a Zionist nation state. In 1947 Israel was formed in Palestine. In 1958, Fabian-Zionist Amitai Etzioni emmigrated to the U.S. from Israel. This former terrorist became a sociologist, joined the "peace movement" in the 60's, and created the Communitarian Network in the 90's. The "father" of communitarianism also created the "new" science of socio-economics and has been advising the White House to incorporate Hegelian solutions into domestic policy since 1979. Today Etzioni is often called a "guru" by mainstream media. It's not unusual for Hegelian players to change their modus operandi, as can be seen in other writers like fellow Fabian H.G. Wells, who was an early supporter of ethnic cleansing. As Well's biographers explain, "Wells's political evolution was from an optimist who believed in casual eugenic slaughter to a pessimist who cultivated humane virtues."

In 1889 the British Fabian Society-London School of Economics created Socialist Clubs across America and worked with Oxford, Harvard, Columbia, and Yale to infiltrate the Marxist's more socially evolved ecomonic theories of Maynard Keynes, using the Hegelian dialectic to describe the conflict between Marxism and the un-American "capitalist" theories of Adam Smith. The definative authors of American political and economic practices, such as Locke, Hamilton, List, Paine and Bastiat were somehow relieved of their former influence and position in the "debate." By the time Dr. Etzioni "introduced" the academic world to the Hegelian communitarian synthesis, re-educated American students were well-prepared to accept any new Hegelian based theory without ever hearing the real and valid American arguments against global imperialism and free trade. Hegel's formula has been so successful that in 2003 all U.S. domestic and foreign policy is dominated by "communitarian thinking," the whole country is living under the new laws, and yet Americans most affected by "impenetrable" Hegelian laws have never once heard the term used.

"... some historians have depicted the United States as a society centered around Lockean values, those of rights and liberty 8. Actually, it is now widely agreed that the United States had, from its inception, both a strong communitarian and individualistic strand, a synthesis of republican virtues and liberal values."

-- The Emerging Global Normative Synthesis by Amitai Etzioni. Published in The Journal of Political Philosophy (2004). Postgraduate Certificate in Spiritual Development and Facilitation University of Surrey, UK.

Political communitarianism includes market communist/socialist economic programmes, free trade, appointed citizen councils, exportable freedom programmes, faith-based funding, intervention programmes, mental health testing, emergency preparedness training, FEMA, The Vatican, The Talmud, The Earth Charter, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Earth Summits, sustainable development, European royals, British royals, Communist Party leaders, elected Socialists, friendly dictators, sociologists, fascists, mobsters, Fabians, international liberals, G-8, Bank of England, The City of London, billionaires, Bilderbergs, secret societies, think tanks, private foundations, philanthropists, alchemists, theosophist organizations (like 1000 Points of Light), environmental law firms (like 1000 Friends of Washington/Oregon etc.), UN, LA-21, EU, WB, ICC, NATO, WTO, GATT, NAFTA, NSC, OAS, AID, IMF, FED, IRS, SSI, UI, NEA, CFR, TR, AIPAC, NOW, ACLU, NLG, FBI, CIA, KGB, Mossad, M-15, M-16, NSA, WH, DOD, DOJ, HS, War on Terror, PNAC, War on Crime, War on Poverty, War on Drugs, War on Obesity, Neighborhood Watch, Volunteer America, ABCD, NGOs, churches, WCC, NATS, DON, SPO, COPS, IACP, USDOE, USDOA, USNF, USNP, HUD, Weed&Seed, Citizen Corps, CAOs, EPA, Crime Acts, DV Acts, DUI laws, COMPASS and much, much more.

7. The Anti Communitarian League's conclusion
The Hegelian dialectic presupposes the factual basis for the theory of social evolutionary principles, which coincidentally backed up Marx. Marx's Darwinian theory of the "social evolution of the species" does not adhere to the basis for all good scientific research, even though it has been used for a century to create a vast new scientific community, including eugenics and socio-economics. It appears to exist mainly to advance itself, and all its sub-socio-scientific arms, as the more moral human sciences.

To us this means the entire basis for the communitarian solution is based on a false premise. There is no factual basis that "social evolution of the species" exists, based as it is on mankind's supposed evolution towards a British version of utopia.

The Marxist platform in 1847 was "to abolish private property" and the American Revolution was to protect private property rights.

Marxist societies confiscate wealth and promise to "re-distribute it equally." America promised everyone they could keep and control what was the product of their own labor. Modern Marxist adherants openly claim they will "rebuild the world," and they train activist change agents to openly support overthrowing the legitimate governments of the world.

Since their inception, Marxist agent provacateurs can be linked to every anarchist assasination and student uprising that caused chaos to the established European civilization throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. Modern Americans have succumbed to the conspiracy theory label and will only listen to what the propaganda machines tell them. Now our people don't believe anything but "the Arab world hates our freedom." Most modern Americans will never know what went wrong with their "great experiment in democracy."

While the Marxist-communitarian argument has not provided a shread of evidence to prove their utopian vision, and their synthesis does not match their own projected conclusions of world justice, we are convinced their argument does in fact substantiate our conclusion, that the entire philisophical dialectical argument is nothing but a brilliant ruse.

We used to call it "a cheap parlor trick" until a reader wrote us wondering how we could call it "cheap" when it's been so successful, and he was right.

The dialectical arguments for human rights, social equity, and world peace and justice are a perfectly designed diversion in the defeated British Empire's Hegelian-Fabian-Metaphysical-Theosophical Monopoly game. It's the most successful con job in the history of the modern world. (For a well presented Christian overview of the con, see American Babylon Part Five: The Triumph of the Merchants by Peter Goodgame.)

The communitarian synthesis is the final silent move in a well-designed, quietly implemented plot to re-make the world into colonies. To us it doesn't matter if there is some form of ancient religion that propels the plotters, nor does it really matter if it turns out they're aliens (as some suggest).

The bottom line is the Hegelian dialectic sets up the scene for state intervention, confiscation, and redistribution in the United States. Communitarian development plans are functioning in every corner of the the world, and there is no legal avenue to withdraw from them.

The Hegelian dialectic cannot be a conspiracy theory, because it is well-documented, and the concept of Conspiracy Theories is a cruel joke. We've all been duped by global elitists who plan to exercise complete totalitarian control over the people and property of every nation.

8. Four examples of the power of the semantics in the dialectic

A. Adam Smith's laissez faire capitalism emphasizing selfishness (false)
B. Communism and socialism emphasizing controlling capitalist selfishness (false)
C. Communitarian morality emphasizing balancing capitalist selfishness (false)


A. Government of the People (true)
B. Government of the State (false)
C. Government of the Community (false)


A. American's Individual Freedom (1775- ) power inherent in the people (true)
The U.S. Constitution, The U.S. Bill of Rights, and 50 individual U.S. State Constitutions

in constant conflict/resolution with

B. Marx's Theory of World Communism (1847- ) power inherent in the state (false)
The ideology of Engels and Marx, enforced by European powers, international banks, the Mossad, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc

naturally balances/evolves into

C. The Communitarian Third Way (2002- ) power inherent in the global community (false)

Jacobin Civil Society: legally authorized by United Nations' Local Agenda 21 players and their Earth Charter-- represented by the Communitarian Network, the International Socialist Party, British Fabians & The New Democratic Leadership Council, British Labour, the neo-cons, the International Court of Justice, NATO, Jewish and Christian Zionists, feminists, the Christian Right, Chinese communists, the Russian KGB, the Mossad, the CIA, M-15, the European Union, the World Bank, The Bilderbergs, the CFR, the Royal Society, Rhodes Scholars, the G-8, the WTO, AID, IMF, Community Policing, cultural anthropologists, Rural and Neighborhood Planning, thousands of non-governmental organizations, conservationists, Gaia worshipers, think-tanks, the Radical Middle, the terrorist environmental movement, the violent peace movement, 33rd degree freemasons, progressives, change agents and community "builders," et. al.


A. United States of America: Individual Rights of the Common Born Man. (national law)
The U.S is founded upon the concept of man's "natural rights." Man's natural rights, (as can only come from one's Creator) are recognised for all naturalized, individual U.S. state citizens. The U.S. states created a new system of federal government, one that works submissively for the free states, under Supreme Laws that arose from a free society. It was established under one-of-a-kind, original, legally binding documents.

B. Communism: The Common Good of the Party, Sacrificing Individuals. (unprovable theory)
The Marxist theory of extreme, central government control is the first step to teaching people to live collectively. Communism trains people to be more moral citizens. Once a population is subdued by the absolute power of the local committees, the theory says that totaliatrian controls can and will be modified to allow mankind to blossom into full utopian bliss. It was established under Frederick Engel's and Karl Marx's publication of the "Communist Manifesto" in 1848, an unoriginal, non-legally binding document.

After social scientists earnestly engaged in the capitalist-collective debate for over a 100 years in a worldwide "philosophical" struggle, it has finally been resolved in a "new age" political theory. Americans saw what happened to Senator McCarthy and the results of the Cox Congressional Investigtations* of communists. Americans who questioned communist programs and agencies were termed "red-baiters," and completely discredited. U.S. laws against communist conspirators remained on the books, but since 1953 few Americans have participated in the "debates." In 1993, U.S. Individual Liberty and International Communism were balanced by social scientists; they established:

C. The Third Way: Elitist Social Justice by Sacrificing Individual Rights. (unprovable theory)
Human Rights is the new preferred term used by all politically correct goverment bodies. It is the result of the communitarian's balancing act between man's natural rights and the collective good. The modern communitarian philosophy used by Americans today was founded by Dr. Amitai Etzioni, a Zionist-Fabian scholar who emmigrated from Israel to the U.S. in 1958. Active in the World Order projects since the early 60's, Etzioni's rise to American power is a lesson in itself. As an adviser to Presidents Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and Bush Jr., Etzioni's involvements include new Character Education, Americorps, Faith-based initiatives, community governments, community cops, limiting individual's privacy, and total elimination of individual's right to bear arms. His lectures on his "more moral" dialogues are the basis for all new communitarian laws.

* - "In 1952, Congress commissioned the Cox Committee to investigate U.S. foundations. In 1953 it was the Reece Committee." Rene A. Wormser was its general counsel. He published "Foundations: Their Power and Influence." [Sevierville TN: Covenant House Books, 1993. 412 pages. First published in 1958 by Devin-Adair Company, New York.]

9. Four different impressions of the modern Hegelian dialectic theory
The Scientific Side:
Hegel's Dialectic as Interpreted by Gavin Schmitt: "To Hegel, understanding what something is not helps to better understand what something is (and conversely, the more we know what something is, the more we know what it is not). The concept or object (which we call a "realization of the concept") is "affirmed" by its opposite....Often times Hegel's method is explained as "thesis, antithesis, and synthesis." This was, in fact, the way it was explained to me in my introductory classes and the way it appears in many philosophic dictionaries. If we start with a certain idea or object, this idea or object is the thesis. Any idea or object we compare contrary to the thesis is the antithesis. The outcome is the synthesis, a better understanding of the thesis and occasionally a "higher" step in the world of ideas (as we will see in a moment when I discuss history)."

The American Side:
Helping you connect the global to the local: UNDERSTANDING HOW THE HEGELIAN DIALECTIC IS TRANSFORMING THE WORLD TO BRING IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER by the Women's International Media Group, Inc. Researcher-writer Joan Veon's view: "In the last four years while covering the United Nations, I have come face to face, on a regular basis with communism, fascism, and socialism. I found, as a result of my own ignorance, that I could not identify them and therefore not identify the true meaning of what was being put forth in all of the documents I was reading. While I understood the goal of world government to be behind everything the United Nations was doing, I did not know how -- what modus operandi -- they would use to convert people from a capitalistic system where the individual is the master and molder of his own destiny undergirded by personal property rights reinforced his claim to that destiny, to one of complete control where man did what the State directed, when the State directed, and in the process gave up his freedoms and private property so the State could better direct its use. I then found that the "modus operandi" being used for this transition was called the "Hegelian Dialectic" which is comprised of three parts: the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. "

COLD WAR MYTH: AN EXERCISE IN THE USE OF THE DIALECTIC by Charlotte Iserbyt,November 23, 2002, at NewsWithViews.com.

The Israeli Side:
The Talmud is considered to be a "dialectic". "Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has written a multivolume work, The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition (Random House), which includes a A Reference Guide, in which he says: "... The ultimate purpose of the Talmud is ... to seek out truth. ... The Talmudic dialectic can be compared to an inquiry in pure science, particularly in the sphere ... of mathematics. ...".

The Catholic Side:
Pope John Paul II endorses the New World Order and Communitarianism. The Vatican calls St. Peter's 2nd conversion and baptism (at 1429) a communitarian event.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
10-15-2008, 08:48 AM
4. Why it is almost impossible for a layman to understand the Hegelian dialectic
Hegel's theory that philosophy is the ultimate achievement of the human spirit is
extremely difficult reading for a well-educated person. It's almost like reading a foreign language to the average student, and it rings false to the "healthy instincts of the plain man."

Detective Phillip Worts' 2001 article Communist Oriented Policing is a nice explanation of the influence Dialectical Materialism has had on America.

Henry D. Aiken, a Professor of Philosophy at Harvard explains the Hegelian theory of no-reason in Introduction to the Age of Ideology:

"...Beginning with Kant, the very conception of the philosophical enterprise that had prevailed since the time of Aristotle underwent a profound sea-change, with the consequence that the meanings of even such basic terms of the traditional philosophical vocabulary as 'metaphysics' and 'logic' were altered beyond recognition... Much of the obscurity that pervades nineteenth-century philosophical writing is directly related to this fact."

Considering the power it wields, and how many people have embraced the ideology, it's amazing how very few people in the world will tell you they understand the Hegelian dialectic. That's because it was never written to be understood. Even Hegel's biographers call his writing "impenetrable" which means: "incapable of being penetrated or pierced," innaccessible to knowledge, reason or sympathy" and "incapable of being comprehended" (Merriam Webster).

At one point, Karl Marx planned to simplify Hegel for the "common man," but we have not been able find this explanation, if it exists.

We think there's a very simple explanation for why the Hegelian dialectic is not simple, and why it can never be simplified. While the American's 18th century political system ranks among the top modern scientific achievements, the 19th century's educated imperialist writers pursued the highest achievements in irrational thinking about thinking. Hegel is at the top of our list of the world's most irrational thinkers.

How is it possible to consider a Hegelian argument? If the ideas, interpretations of experiences, and the sources are all wrong, can a conclusion based on all these wrong premises be sound? The answer is no. Two false premises do not make a sound conclusion even if the argument follows the formula. Three, four, five, or six false premises do not all combine to make a conclusion sound. You must have at least one sound premise to reach a sound conclusion.

Logical mathematical formulas are only the basis for deductive reasoning. Equally important is knowledge of semantics, or considering the meanings of the words used in the argument. Just because an argument fits the formula, it does not necessarily make the conclusion sound. Hegel knew this when he designed his dialectic. He was an imperialist con-artist who established the principles of dialectical "no-reason." His dialectic has allowed globalists to lead the world by its nose into a superstitious, unreasonable, racist age of global dominance.

Like Hegel and Marx, the best street con knows his spiel has to be based in truth to be successful, and good cons weave their lies on logic. This sort of twisted logic is why cons are so successful. Hegel twisted it in such a way as to be "impenetrable."

5. The communitarian purpose for the Hegelian dialectic
Hegel was an idealist who believed that the highest state of mankind can only be attained through constant ideological conflict and resolution. The rules of the dialectic means mankind can only reach its highest spiritual consciousness through endless self-perpetuating struggle between ideals, and the eventual synthesizing of all opposites.

He believed that all conflict takes man to the next spiritual level. But in the final analysis, this ideology simply justifies conflict and endless war. It is also the reasoning behind using military power to export an illogical version of freedom and false democratic ideals.

The reason we can call it the justification for modern conflicts and war is because no one can prove Hegel's theory is true. No matter how many new words they make up to define it, or how many new theories they come up with to give it validity, we can prove beyond a doubt that it is all false. And, we can show the final equation in Hegel's dialectic is:

Americans have forgotten that theirs was an economic revolution. The American Colonial Revolution wasn't a "revolution of ideas" -- it was a revolution against the European imperial mob, which controlled the production of goods and services in its colonies.

The American idea of an economy free from tariffs and constraints spread like lightening across the world. Colonies and peasant workers everywhere took actions to regain control of their own national markets and stop imperial gluttony.

By 1824, colony after colony had declared independence from imperial domination. Greece declared independence from the powerful Ottoman Empire and based their successful revolution on American principles for self-governance.

in the protected individual merchant principles inherent in the national system of political economy. The U.S. constitutional framers also agreed to require all public servants to abide by a fixed standard of law, whereas the British constitution is continually evolving.

There was a time when Americans had the ability to call a duck a duck. The former colonials were fearless in their devotion to The Rights of Man (Paine 1791). Some of our citizens maintain the founding principles of economic liberty to this very day, in spite of how most of the world drowns in the brown matter that clouds the dialectical head game.

(A) Communitarianism did not evolve naturally
(B) and it was never a movement that arose out of U.S. society
(C) therefore, communitarianism has no natural home in the United States.

6. How we interpret the history of the dialectical argument
Aristotle gave the world his methods for deductive logic in the 4th century B.C. American colonists used John Locke's philosophy of man's natural property rights to form a free country in 1776.

British economist Adam Smith published Wealth of Nations in 1776 to distort and redefine American economics. In 1791, Immanuel Kant challenged reasonable, logical principles used by Americans with his Critique of Pure Reason.

Edmund Burke backstabbed France and America both when he wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France. Thomas Paine published a rebuttal to his ex-friend Burke called The Rights of Man. Paine's reasoned arguments against the imperialists rippled further than his motivational pamphlet Common Sense did during the American Revolution.

The Rights of Man went global with the French Revolution, and something had to be done to stop it. In what could be called the most brilliant act of desperation of all time, the imperialists used Kant and Hegel to redefine logic and exclude reason from logical formulae.

In 1841, Friedrich List published The National System of Political Economy and successfully disputed imperialist free trade ideology. His book is still in use worldwide, such as with the Social Movement Pan Russian Eurasia.

In 1844 Engel's published Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy, and in 1845 Marx wrote a A Draft of an Article on Friedrich List's Book, where he repeatedly calls List a "German Philistine."

Accounts about the life and death of Friedrich List are full of inconsistencies. According to some, he was the most outspoken opponent of free trade, and was becoming a venerated source for ideas to protect local labor and markets. Others claim he was ridiculed for his outlandish protectionist theories, lost hope and became despondent, wandering aimlessly around Europe.

In 1846 List died mysteriously after (or during) a trip to London, where he was discussing English manufacturing and free trade with regular folks and leaders of the Comden Club. There is a huge disparity in the record of his death, so that it is impossible to determine how, when, and where it happened.

However he died, List's body was barely cold before the London Communist League began preparing their 1847 draft of a manifesto for world peace and economic justice via a mass revolutionary movement against private property. German-British merchant Frederick Engels revised Hegel's theory to suit his needs, and then passed it on to Karl Marx, who rewrote it with "proper revolutionary flair" (Chaitkin 1985). The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848. In 1850, a French economist named Frederic Bastiat wrote The Law and logically disputed Marxist fallacies used in France.

Amazingly, the logic of Locke, Paine, List and Bastiat are relatively unknown to modern Americans, and yet Karl Marx is a household name.

Already gaining substantial ground against the Americans, British Marxism was bolstered when Charles Darwin published his theory of human evolution in 1859. Engels, according to modern day scholars, seized upon Darwin's theory to substantiate communism: "When Marx read The Origin of Species he wrote to Engels that, 'although it is developed in the crude English style, this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view.' They turned against what they saw as the social, as opposed to the biological, implications of Darwinism when they realised that it contained no support for their shibboleth of class oppression. Since they were slippery customers rather than scientists, they were not likely to relinquish their views just because something did not fit." (see: Marxism and Darwinism by Anton Pannekoek, 1912.)

In 1877 Lewis Henry Morgan published Ancient Society, or Researches in Life, Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Barbarism, to Civilization. Then the "slippery" Engels seized upon Morgan's work as the constantly "evolving" basis for the totally unsubstantiated theory of natural social evolution into utopian world communism.

In 1887 the First World Zionist Federation was formed to plan for the creation of a Zionist nation state. In 1947 Israel was formed in Palestine. In 1958, Fabian-Zionist Amitai Etzioni emmigrated to the U.S. from Israel. This former terrorist became a sociologist, joined the "peace movement" in the 60's, and created the Communitarian Network in the 90's. The "father" of communitarianism also created the "new" science of socio-economics and has been advising the White House to incorporate Hegelian solutions into domestic policy since 1979. Today Etzioni is often called a "guru" by mainstream media. It's not unusual for Hegelian players to change their modus operandi, as can be seen in other writers like fellow Fabian H.G. Wells, who was an early supporter of ethnic cleansing. As Well's biographers explain, "Wells's political evolution was from an optimist who believed in casual eugenic slaughter to a pessimist who cultivated humane virtues."

In 1889 the British Fabian Society-London School of Economics created Socialist Clubs across America and worked with Oxford, Harvard, Columbia, and Yale to infiltrate the Marxist's more socially evolved ecomonic theories of Maynard Keynes, using the Hegelian dialectic to describe the conflict between Marxism and the un-American "capitalist" theories of Adam Smith. The definative authors of American political and economic practices, such as Locke, Hamilton, List, Paine and Bastiat were somehow relieved of their former influence and position in the "debate." By the time Dr. Etzioni "introduced" the academic world to the Hegelian communitarian synthesis, re-educated American students were well-prepared to accept any new Hegelian based theory without ever hearing the real and valid American arguments against global imperialism and free trade. Hegel's formula has been so successful that in 2003 all U.S. domestic and foreign policy is dominated by "communitarian thinking," the whole country is living under the new laws, and yet Americans most affected by "impenetrable" Hegelian laws have never once heard the term used.

"... some historians have depicted the United States as a society centered around Lockean values, those of rights and liberty 8. Actually, it is now widely agreed that the United States had, from its inception, both a strong communitarian and individualistic strand, a synthesis of republican virtues and liberal values."

-- The Emerging Global Normative Synthesis by Amitai Etzioni. Published in The Journal of Political Philosophy (2004). Postgraduate Certificate in Spiritual Development and Facilitation University of Surrey, UK.

Political communitarianism includes market communist/socialist economic programmes, free trade, appointed citizen councils, exportable freedom programmes, faith-based funding, intervention programmes, mental health testing, emergency preparedness training, FEMA, The Vatican, The Talmud, The Earth Charter, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Earth Summits, sustainable development, European royals, British royals, Communist Party leaders, elected Socialists, friendly dictators, sociologists, fascists, mobsters, Fabians, international liberals, G-8, Bank of England, The City of London, billionaires, Bilderbergs, secret societies, think tanks, private foundations, philanthropists, alchemists, theosophist organizations (like 1000 Points of Light), environmental law firms (like 1000 Friends of Washington/Oregon etc.), UN, LA-21, EU, WB, ICC, NATO, WTO, GATT, NAFTA, NSC, OAS, AID, IMF, FED, IRS, SSI, UI, NEA, CFR, TR, AIPAC, NOW, ACLU, NLG, FBI, CIA, KGB, Mossad, M-15, M-16, NSA, WH, DOD, DOJ, HS, War on Terror, PNAC, War on Crime, War on Poverty, War on Drugs, War on Obesity, Neighborhood Watch, Volunteer America, ABCD, NGOs, churches, WCC, NATS, DON, SPO, COPS, IACP, USDOE, USDOA, USNF, USNP, HUD, Weed&Seed, Citizen Corps, CAOs, EPA, Crime Acts, DV Acts, DUI laws, COMPASS and much, much more.

7. The Anti Communitarian League's conclusion
The Hegelian dialectic presupposes the factual basis for the theory of social evolutionary principles, which coincidentally backed up Marx. Marx's Darwinian theory of the "social evolution of the species" does not adhere to the basis for all good scientific research, even though it has been used for a century to create a vast new scientific community, including eugenics and socio-economics. It appears to exist mainly to advance itself, and all its sub-socio-scientific arms, as the more moral human sciences.

To us this means the entire basis for the communitarian solution is based on a false premise. There is no factual basis that "social evolution of the species" exists, based as it is on mankind's supposed evolution towards a British version of utopia.

The Marxist platform in 1847 was "to abolish private property" and the American Revolution was to protect private property rights.

Marxist societies confiscate wealth and promise to "re-distribute it equally." America promised everyone they could keep and control what was the product of their own labor. Modern Marxist adherants openly claim they will "rebuild the world," and they train activist change agents to openly support overthrowing the legitimate governments of the world.

Since their inception, Marxist agent provacateurs can be linked to every anarchist assasination and student uprising that caused chaos to the established European civilization throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. Modern Americans have succumbed to the conspiracy theory label and will only listen to what the propaganda machines tell them. Now our people don't believe anything but "the Arab world hates our freedom." Most modern Americans will never know what went wrong with their "great experiment in democracy."

While the Marxist-communitarian argument has not provided a shread of evidence to prove their utopian vision, and their synthesis does not match their own projected conclusions of world justice, we are convinced their argument does in fact substantiate our conclusion, that the entire philisophical dialectical argument is nothing but a brilliant ruse.

We used to call it "a cheap parlor trick" until a reader wrote us wondering how we could call it "cheap" when it's been so successful, and he was right.

The dialectical arguments for human rights, social equity, and world peace and justice are a perfectly designed diversion in the defeated British Empire's Hegelian-Fabian-Metaphysical-Theosophical Monopoly game. It's the most successful con job in the history of the modern world. (For a well presented Christian overview of the con, see American Babylon Part Five: The Triumph of the Merchants by Peter Goodgame.)

The communitarian synthesis is the final silent move in a well-designed, quietly implemented plot to re-make the world into colonies. To us it doesn't matter if there is some form of ancient religion that propels the plotters, nor does it really matter if it turns out they're aliens (as some suggest).

The bottom line is the Hegelian dialectic sets up the scene for state intervention, confiscation, and redistribution in the United States. Communitarian development plans are functioning in every corner of the the world, and there is no legal avenue to withdraw from them.

The Hegelian dialectic cannot be a conspiracy theory, because it is well-documented, and the concept of Conspiracy Theories is a cruel joke. We've all been duped by global elitists who plan to exercise complete totalitarian control over the people and property of every nation.

8. Four examples of the power of the semantics in the dialectic

A. Adam Smith's laissez faire capitalism emphasizing selfishness (false)
B. Communism and socialism emphasizing controlling capitalist selfishness (false)
C. Communitarian morality emphasizing balancing capitalist selfishness (false)


A. Government of the People (true)
B. Government of the State (false)
C. Government of the Community (false)


A. American's Individual Freedom (1775- ) power inherent in the people (true)
The U.S. Constitution, The U.S. Bill of Rights, and 50 individual U.S. State Constitutions

in constant conflict/resolution with

B. Marx's Theory of World Communism (1847- ) power inherent in the state (false)
The ideology of Engels and Marx, enforced by European powers, international banks, the Mossad, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc

naturally balances/evolves into

C. The Communitarian Third Way (2002- ) power inherent in the global community (false)

Jacobin Civil Society: legally authorized by United Nations' Local Agenda 21 players and their Earth Charter-- represented by the Communitarian Network, the International Socialist Party, British Fabians & The New Democratic Leadership Council, British Labour, the neo-cons, the International Court of Justice, NATO, Jewish and Christian Zionists, feminists, the Christian Right, Chinese communists, the Russian KGB, the Mossad, the CIA, M-15, the European Union, the World Bank, The Bilderbergs, the CFR, the Royal Society, Rhodes Scholars, the G-8, the WTO, AID, IMF, Community Policing, cultural anthropologists, Rural and Neighborhood Planning, thousands of non-governmental organizations, conservationists, Gaia worshipers, think-tanks, the Radical Middle, the terrorist environmental movement, the violent peace movement, 33rd degree freemasons, progressives, change agents and community "builders," et. al.


A. United States of America: Individual Rights of the Common Born Man. (national law)
The U.S is founded upon the concept of man's "natural rights." Man's natural rights, (as can only come from one's Creator) are recognised for all naturalized, individual U.S. state citizens. The U.S. states created a new system of federal government, one that works submissively for the free states, under Supreme Laws that arose from a free society. It was established under one-of-a-kind, original, legally binding documents.

B. Communism: The Common Good of the Party, Sacrificing Individuals. (unprovable theory)
The Marxist theory of extreme, central government control is the first step to teaching people to live collectively. Communism trains people to be more moral citizens. Once a population is subdued by the absolute power of the local committees, the theory says that totaliatrian controls can and will be modified to allow mankind to blossom into full utopian bliss. It was established under Frederick Engel's and Karl Marx's publication of the "Communist Manifesto" in 1848, an unoriginal, non-legally binding document.

After social scientists earnestly engaged in the capitalist-collective debate for over a 100 years in a worldwide "philosophical" struggle, it has finally been resolved in a "new age" political theory. Americans saw what happened to Senator McCarthy and the results of the Cox Congressional Investigtations* of communists. Americans who questioned communist programs and agencies were termed "red-baiters," and completely discredited. U.S. laws against communist conspirators remained on the books, but since 1953 few Americans have participated in the "debates." In 1993, U.S. Individual Liberty and International Communism were balanced by social scientists; they established:

C. The Third Way: Elitist Social Justice by Sacrificing Individual Rights. (unprovable theory)
Human Rights is the new preferred term used by all politically correct goverment bodies. It is the result of the communitarian's balancing act between man's natural rights and the collective good. The modern communitarian philosophy used by Americans today was founded by Dr. Amitai Etzioni, a Zionist-Fabian scholar who emmigrated from Israel to the U.S. in 1958. Active in the World Order projects since the early 60's, Etzioni's rise to American power is a lesson in itself. As an adviser to Presidents Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and Bush Jr., Etzioni's involvements include new Character Education, Americorps, Faith-based initiatives, community governments, community cops, limiting individual's privacy, and total elimination of individual's right to bear arms. His lectures on his "more moral" dialogues are the basis for all new communitarian laws.

* - "In 1952, Congress commissioned the Cox Committee to investigate U.S. foundations. In 1953 it was the Reece Committee." Rene A. Wormser was its general counsel. He published "Foundations: Their Power and Influence." [Sevierville TN: Covenant House Books, 1993. 412 pages. First published in 1958 by Devin-Adair Company, New York.]

9. Four different impressions of the modern Hegelian dialectic theory
The Scientific Side:
Hegel's Dialectic as Interpreted by Gavin Schmitt: "To Hegel, understanding what something is not helps to better understand what something is (and conversely, the more we know what something is, the more we know what it is not). The concept or object (which we call a "realization of the concept") is "affirmed" by its opposite....Often times Hegel's method is explained as "thesis, antithesis, and synthesis." This was, in fact, the way it was explained to me in my introductory classes and the way it appears in many philosophic dictionaries. If we start with a certain idea or object, this idea or object is the thesis. Any idea or object we compare contrary to the thesis is the antithesis. The outcome is the synthesis, a better understanding of the thesis and occasionally a "higher" step in the world of ideas (as we will see in a moment when I discuss history)."

The American Side:
Helping you connect the global to the local: UNDERSTANDING HOW THE HEGELIAN DIALECTIC IS TRANSFORMING THE WORLD TO BRING IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER by the Women's International Media Group, Inc. Researcher-writer Joan Veon's view: "In the last four years while covering the United Nations, I have come face to face, on a regular basis with communism, fascism, and socialism. I found, as a result of my own ignorance, that I could not identify them and therefore not identify the true meaning of what was being put forth in all of the documents I was reading. While I understood the goal of world government to be behind everything the United Nations was doing, I did not know how -- what modus operandi -- they would use to convert people from a capitalistic system where the individual is the master and molder of his own destiny undergirded by personal property rights reinforced his claim to that destiny, to one of complete control where man did what the State directed, when the State directed, and in the process gave up his freedoms and private property so the State could better direct its use. I then found that the "modus operandi" being used for this transition was called the "Hegelian Dialectic" which is comprised of three parts: the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. "

COLD WAR MYTH: AN EXERCISE IN THE USE OF THE DIALECTIC by Charlotte Iserbyt,November 23, 2002, at NewsWithViews.com.

The Israeli Side:
The Talmud is considered to be a "dialectic". "Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has written a multivolume work, The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition (Random House), which includes a A Reference Guide, in which he says: "... The ultimate purpose of the Talmud is ... to seek out truth. ... The Talmudic dialectic can be compared to an inquiry in pure science, particularly in the sphere ... of mathematics. ...".

The Catholic Side:
Pope John Paul II endorses the New World Order and Communitarianism. The Vatican calls St. Peter's 2nd conversion and baptism (at 1429) a communitarian event.

Comprehension is a naive interpretation of reality. Though important, it is delegated as a matter of authority. When they determined that the space shuttle was safe to land, the authority of the managers at NASA superceded their own engineers whose concerns were such they were all about the place worrying about the problem like chickens with their heads cut off. This is because we don’t think in terms of 60% to 40% when it comes to authority. One person is empowered as a certified knower while the other is designated as an official layman. Yet, comprehension in history has always been paradoxical.

Comprehension takes an odd turn in the beginning with the presocratic philosophers writing in a poetic prose. This means historians, including Aristotle, had to interpret their meaning. How can poetic prose be accurately interpreted by Aristotle who developed rational thought?

From the Presocratics to Socrates himself, one stumbles upon another oddity. While it is believed that Socrates never wrote, one can argue he never knew how to read. The skills of reading and writing weren’t considered the most intelligent endeavors with the rhetorical skills of the Sophists and oral tradition taking precedence during that time. Because of the lack of paper, traveling troubadours would set whole books to memory so that they could perform them live in front of audiences throughout the Greek world.

Plato wrote his dialogues to a formal finish but then delivered them live in a performance in front of his students. Aristotle oftentimes was the only remaining student left in the “lecture” because he was responsible for scribing the performance to scroll.

But Aristotle never finished any of his writings. Because of the immensity of their rationality, they have become known as “works.”

Galileo comprehended enough to write a Platonic dialogue challenging the logic of Aristotle. Yet, his comprehension was so poor that he was unaware that Simplicio, the Sophist-like character he created to represent the argument of the Pope, was made to look a fool when compared to Salviati, the Socrates-like character he created to represent his own argument.

Descartes once commented that most of the people who complimented him on his work didn’t understand his work. Even today, intelligent people interpret "I think therefore I am" as a rational statement when it is not. It is actually a Platonic "Best principled statment."

During the correspondence between Leibniz and Newton’s disciple Clarke, who was speaking for him, neither understood the other. Yet, Leibniz and Newton, co-authors of The Calculus, were two of the smartest men to ever live. Even today, few fully comprehend the significance of Leibniz’s challenge to Newton’s gravity as a theory.

Many believe that Darwin was the greatest scientist to live since Aristotle, yet he had poor skills in math and logic. Just how did Darwin write a great argument without the use of rational thought? He did so by not taking up any issue he wasn't 100% certain about (An example are the little wings on insects. These anomalies just killed him because they didn't make sense. But he never addressed them because he was never 100% certain. Recently it was discovered that early insects first evolved to fly around while standing on the water. After they evolved to walk around on land, they then evolved large wings to fly around in the air. This was substantiated when the large wings were clipped off the insect leaving the small wings after which, when set upon the water, the insects could still scoot around on it).

Even Einstein, the one most likely to comprehend reality, altered his comprehension towards the end of his life when he spoke of reality not as a theory but as a metaphysical determination: God does not play dice!

So, comprehension is an idea perpetuated by novices.

10-15-2008, 09:11 AM
Can I get an executive summary? :D

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
10-15-2008, 09:26 AM
Can I get an executive summary? :D

Summary: "Interpretation" is what Immanuel Kant was all about. He is considered the father of epistemology which ultimately ushered in the cognitive sciences. What good is it to narrow evidence down in terms when the mind can't interpret such terms? Tautology wasn't just a matter of whether things existed or not, physically speaking. There was also a matter of cognitive interpretation. This is why science developed to submit its conclusions in two ways: As narrowed-down evidence in such a way that its logic was undeniable and as written analysis in such a way that its conclusion was linguistically understood.

10-15-2008, 10:52 AM
Can I get the one-line, political-party-attack-ad summary of this?? Por favor?

10-15-2008, 11:05 AM
Can I get the one-line, political-party-attack-ad summary of this?? Por favor?

buy the book.

10-15-2008, 11:55 AM
You can google controlled opposition...and then go to Hegelian Dialectic and read it...i had to read it a couple of times..and probably even more times to fully understand it..tones