View Full Version : A letter to the CHURCH - The Evil Economics of America

10-13-2008, 02:29 PM
The Evil Economics of America

It has come to my attention, by the spin of a troubled mind, that the economics of America are purely evil. I know this may come as a shock to many Americans because all our lives we've been shoved the influences of greed and selfishness for so long, that we have become numb to it all, but may I offer some thoughts to back up my claims?

Domestic violence is economic related. War is economic related. Murder is often economic related. Theft is economic related. Abortion is economic related. Bribe taking politicians are economc related. Most sin and problems in the world all have to do with economics on a 1st or 2nd degree level.

DO you not see how important it is to talk about economics. Yet the only time preachers talk about economics is when they want people to give money or they want blessings.

Firstly, let's lay the foundation of what our economics are, who are tax dollars go to and what those tax dollars are actually doing. Despite what you've been told all your life (another numbing of the conscience), your individual income tax does not go to government services, AT ALL!

The Ronald Reagan 1982-84 Grace Commission Report clearly proves this when it reported,

"With two-thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government."

This statement is utterly shocking and unbelievable to the average american, no doubt, but you have to understand, this group of investigators hired by President Reagan was an independent group of 100's of individuals headed by Peter Grace who spend an exhaustive 2 years like blood hounds, tracking down every dollar collected by the government.

Our government is not funded by our individual income tax money. Our government is funded by the multi billions of dollars from gas tax, corporate tax and other excises, but your right to labor goes to the fraud called the interest on the "national debt", which is merely an offshore account of international bankers and their families who control this money. In other words, we are slaves of central bankers who are anonymously controlling america. We pay them close to 500 billion dollars a year just on the interest on the national debt. These banking families have funded wars, slavery, lies, theft and social engineering. They also control the media thru the CFR (council on foreign relations). One only has to google or youtube "who owns the fed" or "CFR media", to get the records." The facts are, no war can be won without money. Everyone knows, we defeated communist russia thru economics.
Any economist will tell you, YOU NEED MONEY to fight a war!

These banking families have been calling the shots for quite sometime now, but we as americans, have been supporting them thru our tax dollars! Do you now see why american economics are so evil! Our money, time in labor and tax dollars are going to fund wars, murder, lies, theft thru direct taxation forbidden by article 1 sections 2 and 9 of the Constitution, which is a form of socialism and social engineering! In fact, we have quite a history of funding war. We funded the bolshevik revolution of the communists by our Wall St banks and tax dollars. It's on public record, George Bush's grandad, Prescott Bush, and the bank he was a part of, was involved with funding the Nazis during WWII. All with part of our tax dollars!
And none dare call it conspiracy!

Now we have multi billion dollar government bailouts of private corporations and banks! Not only that, but now, foreigners who hold our debt can, by the new bailout bill fraud, come and take our lands and properties, all made legal thru the new 700 billion bailout bill. The origional bailout bill was 3 pages long, but the new one is over 400 pages long. How did they come up with over 400 more pages to this bill in just over a week??? LOL..... obviously, it was conspired and pre planned that way. No one can come up with that much legislation in a matter of a week of time...... do you not see the obvious?

We are being held captive by the money powers. America is not free and Americans are living in a dream world. One day, the dream is going to end and it is going to be a rood awakening! We cannot sell debt forever. Pay day eventually comes! "Ye are servants to whom ye are indebted." These means China and middle east oil men can take our properties, mortgages because the new bailout bill now gives them legal right to do so. I'm sure some chinese or foreign creditors were doing some Paulson and Bernanke arm twisting behind the scenes. Desperate bills are enduced by desperate measures.

The average amercan cannot fathome these things because all their lives they've gone to the trough of mainstream media, owned and controlled by the big 6 (google who owns the media). AND FELLOW CHRISTIANS....... how can you support murder, lies and theft thru your vast ignorance? Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. How can you turn a dumb ear and a callus heart to the over 200,000 innocent Iraqi civilians we have killed, all for the sake of protecting the petro dollar. Google and youtube search "petrodollar warfare" to appease your neoconned political mind sets, of the real reason we went into Iraq. Shall I spell it out for you, or would you turn a blind eye to justify the warmongering support in the church?

At a festival last summer, I ran into a former marine who had huge white stuff growing all over his skin. He was almost covered head to toe. He said this was from depleted uranium bombs being dropped on Iraq. Why would our armed forces use depleted uranium bombs??? There is no logical reason for it. We could have used more conventional bombs to blow things up, but no, we had to use depleted uranium bombs???

I speek as a prophet (no, i'm not a prophet), so why does the neocon church despise these truths?? Why do they not cry from the pulpit, away with this evil?? The church claims to be a light to the world, but they are nothing but a sleeping giant in gross ignorance and vast thick neocon darkness, and so, we continue to live in a dream bubble called the american economy where our number 1 export is US paper dollars. One day, the foreign banks are no longer going to buy our debt and the dream will be over and the rood awakening will come! And the church, no one will look to her because her lips have been sealed thru 501c3 status. The IRS would shut such a church down to speak these truths of the money powers and how they have made american economics down right evil in support of intl banksters who fund war, murder, lies and social engineering thru the media.

Will you be silent? I can no longer be silent! This is utterly evil and I can no longer stand to see a church continue to support these lies, theft and murder with their neocon chatter. Utterly amazing ignorance! Come out of it Church of the living God! Your sin is great! Your ignorance and darkness is great! If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! Stop supporting republicans and democrats and start supporting Constitutional and sound money and tax honesty candidates only! Otherwise, you give your vote to evil, whether it be the lesser of two or not! DO you not have principles! Why are you so spineless and sold on the one issue of abortion? Ahh, but that is how they control you. You think you are righteous because you do not support abortion, but you do support murder, lies and theft thru your vast ignorance. How are you salt? How is your information any different? You say you promote the word of God, but then you back neocon politics full of lies, theft and murder! REPENT! REPENT OF YOUR SUPPORT OF EVIL! Awaken from your politcial sleeping pill. Grow a conscience of the evil all around you! DO not stick your head in the sand of ignorance! Awaken you sleeping dirty bride! Awaken you church of Laodicea! Cleans yourself of dirty neocon politics and honor the law of this land youlawless church! Honor the Constitution! Learn it and do as the Lord commands! If not, you light will be shown to be darkness, in due time! In due time church!

10-13-2008, 03:18 PM
Nice, but you need to check your spelling, grammar, and mechanics. :(

10-13-2008, 08:18 PM
Most of the people who are the church, like everyone else, churchy or not, are in need of education.

Probably most of the population have a vague sense that something is off keel, but their knowledge of economics may be minimal. Many otherwise intelligent people supported the bailout because they assumed that others understood economics much better than they. Because they themselves are honest, decent, hard-working people, they attribute noble qualities to others who, in fact, are not trustworthy regardless of their knowledge of banking, etc.

Some denominations are more socially aware and active than others. Most simply try to teach the congregations Christian values, but, let's face it: One hour a week isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Maybe an "Each one teach one," literally grassroots, one-to-one sharing of information would help. When one person is fired up and won't shut up, (!!!) someone almost has to listen eventually.

Your enthusiasm is contagious. You do know that the very word "enthusiasm" has a religious base, don't you? From the Greek "theos," meaning God or deity, and the "in" comes the root that means "in God," entheos=enthus. A combination of knowledge and enthusiasm is a powerful force.

I would be very wary of calling people neocons or whatever. People need the basics before moving on; ABCs come before activism. Frankly, I still dnk what a neocon is; I know what a neon tetra is, though. To paraphrase the mantra of realtors, it's all about education, education, education.

Oh, yes, I have a feeling that it is we who would like to fight and kick ttub rather than Jesus, who advocated going a second, unpleasant mile.

Selah. And Hezekiah 4:12. I know you'll get a kick from that!!! Godspeed. :cool: