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10-12-2008, 09:22 PM
this is my process analysis essay for the ap english class :D

How to Bring a Nation to Its Knees
Power is an abstract concept that human nature dictates people try to obtain. People, for whatever reason, like to have power over others. One of the best ways to obtain political power is to gain economic power. Those who control the money control the country. It is a very complicated and long process, but some people have succeeded in gaining economic power.
First, become a successful and rich banker. Top bankers, historically, are the best at gaining credibility as to assume control of the money supply. Along the route to the top of a banking company, become allies with other successful and rich bankers. It is vital to have other accomplices in the banking world, as one cannot usurp control of an entire economy by themselves. The plan should consist of creating a central bank, enacting regulation, making a move towards fiat currency, regulating the fiat currency, and instilling a belief in people that the bank is there for their protection.
Next, meet with the other bankers in a secret, remote location. Try to plan so the location is named something mysterious, like Jekyll Island. This ensures future authors will be able to have ominous names for their books on the subject. It is vital that the citizens of the country do not know you are meeting or why you are meeting, because they do not trust bankers and would harshly object to the plans being made. Remember to invite senators, as they will be instrumental in moving your plan from idea to law. Take steps so not everybody travels at the same time, and have cover stories so the media does not become suspicious.
Shortly after these meetings take place, the senators who are onboard with this plan shall present an act for creating a new central bank. They should name the act something that is subtle, so the people are more willing to accept it. For instance, naming the act the “Federal Reserve Act” makes it seem as if it were a part of the federal government, and people will not be as hesitant. Naming the act the “Privately and Secretly Owned Central Bank That Controls the Money Supply Act” is not a smart idea, as the people will instantly reject it. Once the act passes the congress and becomes law, it is time to collude with the other bankers to officially form the new central bank.
While forming the central bank, remember to keep everyone’s identities secret. No one outside of the upper-level executives at the bank should know who actually owns or runs it, for, once again, if the people knew they would rebel. Also, it is necessary to always keep in mind that it will be a very slow process in taking over. The plan will have to be implemented over several decades so the general public forgets about the constitutional objections they have and will accept the plan without argument. The central bank should work with the government to initiate a new propaganda campaign, blaming recent economic downturns on capitalism, and rallying support for the new organization that will keep that from happening again.
Once people are used to there being a central bank, it is time for the next step. It is time to cause a crisis. To do this, interest rates must be lowered so the economy booms. The economy will boom for a number of years, and the people will have an increased standard of living. Feel free to take credit, and tell the people that they would not have this if they had a free market economy. Eventually the market forces will need to correct themselves though. This step cannot be avoided, and in fact is part of the plan. Once the bubble reaches its peak, the economy will take a sharp downturn. This is because prices need to correct back to market value, as they are overvalued at the current time, due to the expansion of credit. At this point, the opportunity presents itself to take control over the currency.
The currency is the backbone of the economy, so it is naturally the object one who wants power would want control over. When the economy is in the process of free falling, the case may be made that this is the fault of the gold standard. The gold standard is the backing of a currency by gold. Currencies tend to be backed by gold (or silver) because the precious metals are the best known mediums of exchange in the world. This is because they are relatively imperishable, are easy to transport, are easy to store, are easy to divide, are of malleability, are of consistent quality, and are, above all, scarce. Since there is a finite amount of gold, the central banks are unable to expand the money supply, so the price corrections and thus economic downturn continue. The public will now accept a fiat currency, hoping to end the pain a depression brings.
Immediately following this, social plans are put in order, with the aid of newly printed money, to help quell the economic downturn. The central bank has this power now, vested in them by the government, to print money at their will. The money is backed by nothing other than faith, and thus they are able to print as much of it off as they want. This is called inflation, and for all the dollars the bank adds into circulation, they devalue all existing dollars. Unfortunately, to keep the citizens content, they cannot inflate the currency to extravagantly, usually only a few percent a year. However, the politicians still want to keep giving the citizens something for nothing, so they begin selling off the debt to foreign countries.
This process will go on for many decades. The central bank will inflate the currency steadily, and the politicians will keep introducing new social programs, all at no cost to the taxpayer. The central bank will lower interest rates, create a boom in the economy, then once the boom has gone too far, raise the rates and cause a bust. The boom-bust cycle, along with inflation and new social programs will all become common-place, and the people will accept them as natural. The people will have an increased dependence on the state, and entirely forget the limited constitutional duties of government, in favor of a welfare state.
Finally, after many decades of gradually inflating the currency, a perfect storm will brew for economic Armageddon. The currency will become so devalued, along with financial bubbles so big, that the largest financial collapse in history looms on the horizon. Now, it is time to get hundreds of billions or trillions of taxpayer dollars, and use them to prop up the system. During this time, it is necessary to blame free market capitalism and deregulation as the causes. Soon after this though, the currency will collapse and the economy will fall into deep economic depression. At this time, the government could disband the central bank, and allow the free market to take over and fix the problem as best as it could. However, this is highly unlikely, as the central bank has plenty of connections within the government. The most likely scenario is the government and central bank will work together to usurp in the marketplace, and even further increase citizen’s dependence on the state. Of course, it is once again necessary to tell the people that this is for their protection, so these deep economic downturns don’t happen again.
Now that the government and central banks have complete control over the marketplace, they have complete control over the country. The marketplace does not function without the money, and they control the money. The citizen’s are now completely dependent on the state. Proceed with fascism…

dr. hfn
10-12-2008, 09:51 PM

10-12-2008, 11:07 PM
Well done. You give this 51 year old hope.

10-18-2008, 02:17 PM
great essay! it was a pleasure to read

10-18-2008, 02:21 PM
very good!

10-18-2008, 02:21 PM
It's always good to make your schoolwork pro-liberty.
I recently inserted a pro-capitalist argument into an essay about wealth and a pro-originalist argument into an essay about judges.
I also mentioned blowback in some assignment.

10-18-2008, 03:54 PM
great essay! it was a pleasure to read

I agree. Well written and a great essay. Humorous also.

10-18-2008, 04:35 PM
Awesome job man :)

10-18-2008, 04:39 PM
Well done. You give this 51 year old hope.

+52 for me:D

10-18-2008, 07:59 PM