View Full Version : "That One" bumper stickers

10-10-2008, 01:39 AM

Can somebody photoshop "This one" in his font/style?

So for "This One"

It'll say "This One & A Lady", for "that one" it'll say "That One & Joe Somebody"

10-10-2008, 04:57 AM
http://images.cafepress.com/jitcrunch.aspx?bG9hZD1ibGFuayxibGFuazo5MF9GLmpwZ3x sb2FkPUwwLGh0dHA6Ly9pbWFnZXMuY2FmZXByZXNzLmNvbS9pb WFnZS8yOTk1NzU1Nl80MDB4NDAwLmpwZ3x8c2NhbGU9TDAsNDI wLDE0MCxXaGl0ZXxjb21wb3NlPWJsYW5rLEwwLEFkZCwzMCwxN zB8bG9hZD1tYXNrLGJsYW5rOjkwX0ZfbWFzay5qcGd8Y29tcG9 zZT1ibGFuayxtYXNrLE1hc2ssMCwwfGNwPXJlc3VsdCxibGFua 3xzY2FsZT1yZXN1bHQsMCw0ODAsV2hpdGV8Y29tcHJlc3Npb24 9OTV8

10-10-2008, 05:15 AM
I would rather it say "no one."

I am kind of tired of this whole presidential election show. Ron Paul should have run. He would have lost nothing by running. Maybe he thought he was too old. Chuck Baldwin isn't too old, but I don't really know if he can be trusted like Ron Paul can. But he is the only one Ron Paul has personally endorsed and I like most of what he says so I will be voting for him. Then on election day I will not worry about how many votes the other candidates get. I will only look at how many people out there really want to change this nation by voting for Chuck Baldwin.