View Full Version : Convention Discussion

10-08-2008, 08:09 AM
A convention funded by private donation and volunteerism in order to gather together the best and brightest natural leaders who have arisen in our movement and who can earn our votes to become privately elected representatives of this convention.

Purpose of the convention:
To identify and clearly describe key concerns of the people represented (the movement), to settle upon a list of practical goals of the movement and a time frame to achieving them, to determine and clearly describe plans to achieve the goals and address the concerns of the movement, and then finally to report back to the movement.

Step 1:
Create an online resource to nominate candidates from each state in the union. Allow space in this resource for candidates to discuss their views, accomplishments, and to generally campaign.

Step 2:
Hold election of state representatives via web or in specific polling places.

Step 3:
Hold several day convention of representatives in Washington DC, the movement paying for the convention hall, flight, and basic rooms. Representatives will have to pay their own subway and other expenses.

Step 4:
Publish and make freely available the results of the convention.