View Full Version : Talking About Race Better Than Denying it

10-06-2008, 02:04 PM
"This result is fascinating because it shows that children as young as 10
feel the need to try to avoid appearing prejudiced, even if doing so leads
them to perform poorly on a basic cognitive test," said Kristin Pauker, a
Ph.D. candidate at Tufts who also was involved in the research.

The authors associated with both studies said their findings offer several
important implications.

"Our findings don't suggest that individuals who avoid talking about race
are racists," Apfelbaum explained. "On the contrary, most are
well-intentioned people who earnestly believe that colorblindness is the
culturally sensitive way to interact. But, as we've shown, bending over
backward to avoid even mentioning race sometimes creates more interpersonal problems than it solves."


Our society has too many taboos to talk about the issues in any sensible way.

This is just one of them.

10-06-2008, 02:14 PM
God I've been thinking this for years & things like affirmative action only fuel the fire of racism, it doesn't extinguish it. They further the notion that because someone has a different skin color, that they are somehow different from and deserve more chances or consideration. Then I see commercials on TV like the National Black McDonalds Owners association.. Like I really care if the owner of my McDonalds is owned by a black or white or indian or whatever. Just give me my f'ing Big Mac. Unfortunately, I just don't think we're ready yet to move past racism as a whole in this country. Ignoring the problem or playing color-blindness games just isn't going to solve anything.

10-06-2008, 02:15 PM
its funny aint it? It sounds " Racist" to me do deny any people of being proud of there race whether its the western europeon race, middle-eastern race or Asian-indo race , denying the right for people to be proud of there own heritage sound to me to be more " Racist" then anything else why be afraid of letting people be proud of who they are?