View Full Version : The Delusion of Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils

10-03-2008, 03:45 AM
In my opinion, the main reason that Constitutionalists and Conservatives keep losing ground year after year, election after election, is because of the doctrine of the “lesser of two evils.” You hear it all of the time. “Well I’m going to bite my tongue and vote for the rascal because the other rascal is worse.” Or, “I’m not going to vote for the third party candidate because I would just be throwing my vote away.”

But many do not understand the Power of Principle. Even if the bad guys are elected, the good guys might wake up and nominate better candidates the next time. But if they think that it makes no difference, they will never make the necessary changes. For instance: the Democrats know that in the end the Jews and Blacks are going to be in their corner, and the Republicans know that the conservatives and Christian Right will vote with them when push comes to shove. Well, maybe it’s just time that we fool them.

Robert E. Smith is the Black pastor of the Evangelical Outreach Center of Little Rock, Arkansas. He is one of the 33 pastors that was recruited by the Alliance Defense Fund of Phoenix, Arizona, and is defying the IRS, and planned to preach a politicized sermon on September 28 in violation of the Internal Revenue Code. However, Pastor Smith missed his flight from New Jersey and didn’t have an opportunity to preach his prepared text in front of the media cameras that were waiting for him. If he had made it, he had planned to warn his congregation and fellow Blacks across the nation to refrain from voting for Barak Obama because of his pro-abortion stance. He was prepared to say that abortion is killing the black race far more than drugs and gangs in America.

Another example of the tide turning toward a third party candidate is the recent endorsement of the Constitutional Party Candidate Chuck Baldwin by Congressman Ron Paul. I personally know that great numbers of my friends will vote for him. He will also be the main speaker on Wednesday night, October 15, at the Unregistered Baptist Fellowship Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Following is an outstanding article that puts this whole issue in perspective entitled The Evil of Two Lessers by Marty Tate, Pastor of the Peaceful Valley Baptist Church in Rising Fawn, Georgia.

The flaw in this logic is two-fold:

1. God’s people are never required or commanded in scripture to do the “lesser” evil. We are commanded to do what is right.

2. Under the “lesser of two evils” argument, we may only vote for whichever candidate has a “chance” of winning the election.

Truth Warrior
10-03-2008, 05:00 AM
Interesting article. Thanks! :)

10-03-2008, 06:29 AM
As far left as can be,
With a full head of steam.
OBamas to dangerous,
Can't you see what I mean?
With precedents set,
by one called decider.
I can't take that chance,
Its simply not viable.
For if he were `lected
after all thats been said,
I fear my best bet
Would be a slug my head.

10-03-2008, 06:36 AM
Can you see my position?
Its not hard for me.
If I go third party,
We lose all libertee.
Can't you see my position
I must do my part.
I must keep those Commies
All hiding in dark.

10-03-2008, 06:52 AM
OBama has risen,
So far and so fast.
but from whom and where
and what of his past?
His supporter all fainting
and drooling I see.
Whenever he speaks
On the evil Tv.
He speaks to the poor
and he speaks to the rich
If he finds power
We'll all be his bitch.

10-03-2008, 06:59 AM
So don't blame me for noting,
all these things that I see.
And please don't ask or scold,
that I vote third party.
After all its my vote
like yours is your own
and I can't risk throwing
The commies this bone.

It looks like a setup
thats the opinion of me.
From where comes Brzezinsky
Its so plain to see.
A Grand Chessboard to him,
But its just home to me...

Truth Warrior
10-03-2008, 08:05 AM
So don't blame me for noting,
all these things that I see.
And please don't ask or scold,
that I vote third party.
After all its my vote
like yours is your own
and I can't risk throwing
The commies this bone.

It looks like a setup
thats the opinion of me.
From where comes Brzezinsky
Its so plain to see.
A Grand Chessboard to him,
But its just home to me...
