View Full Version : Why don't we make a new tv news channel?

10-02-2008, 12:26 PM
Its like virtually impossible to get a person supporting freedom to win, even in the democratic or republican parties without having television media on our side to "validate" the candidate in the public's eye. So are there Paul supporters trying to do this somewhere? And if not why? Its very important we try to make that happen, and in all honesty I think as hard as that would be it would actually be easier than getting a Paul-like person elected without friendly television media.

10-02-2008, 12:33 PM
I'm not positive but that sounds like what Break the Matrix is trying to do.


10-02-2008, 01:32 PM
Its like virtually impossible to get a person supporting freedom to win, even in the democratic or republican parties without having television media on our side to "validate" the candidate in the public's eye. So are there Paul supporters trying to do this somewhere? And if not why? Its very important we try to make that happen, and in all honesty I think as hard as that would be it would actually be easier than getting a Paul-like person elected without friendly television media.

This is vital conceptually, but I sense that enough people are now pissed enough that it may not have to be delivered via their longtime love, TV. Maybe that goes the way of home milk delivery...good back in the day.

Radio. Drive time.

10-02-2008, 03:02 PM
It's the only way. Even the so-called "friendly" reporters have to abide by the rules of the network. Having a channel which frees up a reporter to speak the truth will make all the difference. And I'm sure plenty of sponsors can be found.