View Full Version : I must have heard a lot of wool coming off peoples eyes today

Ex Post Facto
09-30-2008, 12:41 AM
You would think with the bailout and subsequent market drop people would start back peddling. Instead, today, I heard average joe's excited beyond all recognition that the bill didn't pass. The conversations I heard were geared toward how to survive a fall out where food supplies ran short. People are actually thinking how to take care of themselves, and more importantly how to take care of thier community. While they may be overreacting slightly, they are listening to their fear, yet standing firm on their desire to let this thing collapse so that it readjusts.

I'm not talking about the Ron Paul crowd. I'm talking about people that have barely heard of Ron Paul. I even heard a few people start talking about non gold backed currency and how it's the cause of this problem. Another guy I ran into said, "Can't you see, the wheels are in motion. They are trying to take over all the banks." I mean seriously, I never thought I'd hear non Ron Paul people finally realize the news is BS, and the monetary system is corrupt.

One thing that I think would really hit home right now are to plaster quotes from Thomas Jefferson regarding the central banking systems on everything you can plaster it to. People like figuring out stuff all by themselves, even though you put the answer right in front of them. They will come to quickly and the wool shall be lifted.

09-30-2008, 06:06 AM
so im in a new job now and im in a cube by some guy I dont know, but when the bill doesnt pass yesterday I tell him anyways since I need someone to tell.

he seems a bit pissed because I bet his retirement fund is tanking, but in the end he agrees that the a**holes at the Fed need to quit printing money. Some random guy who I doubt knows crap about RP actually agreed with me that this inflation is caused by money printing and these wall st losers need to fall face down!

my story anyway.

09-30-2008, 06:10 AM
so im in a new job now and im in a cube by some guy I dont know, but when the bill doesnt pass yesterday I tell him anyways since I need someone to tell.

he seems a bit pissed because I bet his retirement fund is tanking, but in the end he agrees that the a**holes at the Fed need to quit printing money. Some random guy who I doubt knows crap about RP actually agreed with me that this inflation is caused by money printing and these wall st losers need to fall face down!

my story anyway.

I bet that is only one of many interesting conversations he will have with you in the coming months! ;)

09-30-2008, 06:30 AM
I used a little end-of-season pool party Sunday night to spout my views. Got 'em good and riled too.

09-30-2008, 06:32 AM
One thing that I think would really hit home right now are to plaster quotes from Thomas Jefferson regarding the central banking systems on everything you can plaster it to. People like figuring out stuff all by themselves, even though you put the answer right in front of them. They will come to quickly and the wool shall be lifted.

I think that is a MOST excellent suggestion. :)

09-30-2008, 07:07 AM
You would think with the bailout and subsequent market drop people would start back peddling. Instead, today, I heard average joe's excited beyond all recognition that the bill didn't pass. The conversations I heard were geared toward how to survive a fall out where food supplies ran short. People are actually thinking how to take care of themselves, and more importantly how to take care of thier community. While they may be overreacting slightly, they are listening to their fear, yet standing firm on their desire to let this thing collapse so that it readjusts.

I'm not talking about the Ron Paul crowd. I'm talking about people that have barely heard of Ron Paul. I even heard a few people start talking about non gold backed currency and how it's the cause of this problem. Another guy I ran into said, "Can't you see, the wheels are in motion. They are trying to take over all the banks." I mean seriously, I never thought I'd hear non Ron Paul people finally realize the news is BS, and the monetary system is corrupt.

One thing that I think would really hit home right now are to plaster quotes from Thomas Jefferson regarding the central banking systems on everything you can plaster it to. People like figuring out stuff all by themselves, even though you put the answer right in front of them. They will come to quickly and the wool shall be lifted.

Heh, same. I heard the same from people whom I thought wouldn't have a clue about the system, none of these were RP people. I was surprised that they knew that the market had to correct, one way or another. Gave me a chance to talk about the Fed and how we had to get rid of that if we didn't want to keep up this cycle. They were all ears. :D

It gives me some cautious optimism.

09-30-2008, 07:08 AM
what sound does wool make as it is coming off one's eyes?

Ex Post Facto
09-30-2008, 01:12 PM
what sound does wool make as it is coming off one's eyes?

It's the sound of people breaking the status quo of political correctness...hence they actually start talking.