View Full Version : The coming collapse will usher in FREEDOM or TYRANNY within a few years

09-29-2008, 10:52 PM
It's crunch time folks! What we do now is far more important than all of our efforts last year on behalf of the Ron Paul campaign. Shit is about to hit the fan....bailout or not!!!. There are two possible outcomes.

1. An enraged an hungry citizenry will shed its apathy and rock the foundations of the ruling class from beneath them. A few key Media members and politicians with an ounce of decency and courage will choose to side with us against the Wall Street / DC criminal gangsters. The whole rotten system may collapse along with the government. Leaders will emerge and we take the shit back.


2. A bewildered and confused citizenry will beg Big Brother to save us and meekly accept the dictatorial powers they have long sought.

I believe it can go either way....and it can happen really fast! We are the vanguard of the liberty movement. Though it was often frustrating to get people to listen to our story about Ron Paul....this will be different. People are getting angry and scared. They will listen to our educational efforts now. Can we tilt the scale in our favor and away from the media? We certainly did in stopping the bailout.

I call upon all of you to get back in "campaign mode" and expose the Fed and our corrupt monetary system. One of the best educational tools I've seen (in terms of simplyfying a seemingly complex problem for the average Joe)...is a cartoon video documentary entitled MONEY AS DEBT. (attached) I plan on making flyers and organizing sign waves to advertise this video. People are listening! Let's restart the Meetups and go to war. Our window may only be open a few months!


09-29-2008, 10:53 PM
I think a true revolution is in store for the near future...perhaps within the next decade....unless there are some fundamental change in our government.