View Full Version : Every single Congressman is now an enemy of the Republic

09-28-2008, 06:57 PM
*cackles like Emperor Palpatine* With the exception of a few of course :)

You know what's amazing?? All three branches of government seem to have no problem expanding their power beyond Constitutionality, yet isn't it funny how the only time they actually use the Constitution is when one of the branches crosses over into another's jurisdiction?? Basically you can do whatever the hell you want so long as your shit doesn't come onto our side of the lawn.

Oh and that whole thing about judicial review...isn't it ironic how the Supreme Court unconstitutionally decides what is unconstitutional?? This whole Federal Government pisses me off.

09-28-2008, 07:00 PM
I think someone is just unpatriotic. If we don't get this passed we're going to be poor and hungry. :mad::rolleyes:

Seriously I agree with you.

09-28-2008, 07:10 PM
Keep it cool, our efforts won't be worthless in the long run.

Every crisis is created by the government and it steps in violating the constitution.

If we think this deserves a revolution, I wonder how people reacted during 1917's on espionage acts? How about during the New Deal era? What about the Civil War and the suspension of Habeas Corpus? Or the late 1790's Alien and Sedition Acts?

In the long run, it's up to the people. We need to continue to educate the people.