View Full Version : Something not discussed re:bailout

09-28-2008, 05:41 PM
I'm waiting patiently for someone, anyone, in the mainstream media to step up and take responsibility for blowing smoke up our asses about the American economic system. How did this economic crisis that threatens the global economy sneak up on and surprise ALL the major media outlets in a matter of less than two weeks?

How is it that the so-called financial experts have been babbling about the fundamental strength of the American system, and then within days these same freaks are saying we are on the brink of total collapse? Were they lying then, or are they lying now? And why should we believe ANYTHING they have to say? :confused:

I think I already know the answer to this, and it has to do with the major media companies reporting faxed "talking points" from the whitehouse as if they were independently investigated facts.

So while we're all justifiably pissed at the corrupt lying politicians, let us not forget the enabling role played by the media. They are at least equally to blame for leading us down the garden path to national insolvency, but don't expect the media to report that fact. Oh no. They'll be busy finding some convenient scapegoat, like capitalism, or greed, but they'll never look in the mirror and admit their own involvement. I only wish we could vote those bastards out of office too.

09-28-2008, 05:44 PM
You will find in time, that this was a well organized event....

09-28-2008, 05:49 PM
The thing I'm angry about that isn't being said is spending in congress. It's either wall street lived outside of their means, or main street lived outside of their means, but never congress.

Maybe I'm an economic amateur, but wouldn't Dr. Pauls getting rid of the income tax and congress living within its means idea solve this problem, at least in the short term? People have more money in their pockets, and then they can pay the banks what they owe them.

Why haven't we heard anything about why people can't pay their debts because of the amount they are paying in taxes? I can't speak for everyone else, but between income, property, sales, etc.. I pay more in taxes a year than I pay for any one single bill a year; including my mortgage or any vacation I may take.

09-28-2008, 05:49 PM
Remember a few months ago when Bush said that the economy just had a little hangover :rolleyes:

09-28-2008, 05:58 PM
Remember a few months ago when Bush said that the economy just had a little hangover :rolleyes:

I sure do remember it, but I'm used to that monkey lying to me. It's been going on for 8 years. What I'm pissed about now is the fact that NOBODY in the media dared to question Bush's assertions. They all just echoed the snowjob like good little pravda aparatchiks.

09-28-2008, 06:18 PM
Remember a few months ago when Bush said that the economy just had a little hangover :rolleyes:

Remember a few weeks ago when McLame's economic advisor said we were just a nation of whiners? :rolleyes:

I sure do remember it, but I'm used to that monkey lying to me. It's been going on for 8 years. What I'm pissed about now is the fact that NOBODY in the media dared to question Bush's assertions. They all just echoed the snowjob like good little pravda aparatchiks.

Exactly what they are. No more, no less.

09-28-2008, 06:24 PM
Trust only your own experience and your buddies on the internet who have nothing to gain from lying. Also your friends and family etc...

You should not be shocked when you see lies from the msm. Get used to that.