View Full Version : Merced for Freedom campaign - I need your help

09-28-2008, 09:13 AM
Hey Guys,

I think I"m going to kick my political efforts a notch up from commentary and local activism into a more wider reach but in order for me to have some influence the obligatory time spending building awareness and understanding of what I'm about. This is where I need your guys help.

My goal is to be a young voice for the movement, at the age of 23 I have long road ahead of me to battle the forces of collectivism and statism but need to build the foundation of what will be a life long battle. I've been here for awhile, you've seen my videos, blogs, thoughts and understand my sincerity in advancing the knowledge of sound economics, liberty, and the constitution.

I'm not sure where this campaign to educate the masses will take me, but planting this seed for a future movement figurehead could prove to be worthwhile.

Right now it's not about getting into office more than educating those not yet in the fold, and I need your help in getting their ears.

I will soon be making flyers that people can print out that if you want to help can pass and post in your localities.

I also have MercedforFreedom.com and many videos on issues that you can refer people as to who I am and what my goals are.

Hopefully come 2012 I have built the foundation to really ruffle some establishment feathers.

09-28-2008, 10:29 AM
Proud of you!!

09-28-2008, 06:47 PM
Here's the flyer/image post it up and help spread the word


09-29-2008, 03:35 AM

I added #1-8 of my economic video series, 9-13 will be available online at the end of the week. those go over topics such as monopoly and marginal price theory.