View Full Version : Democrat hatred for the Fed 'begins'.

09-27-2008, 03:28 PM
This is a very interesting development. Just recently, I've noticed Democrats taking interest in the Fed. And then there is the Kuncinich plan below.

Also, there is a vicious divide among Democrats whether to support the bailout or not.

I skim these sites from time to time to see how they react to Obama betraying them and their party being destroyed. I've seen many comments by Democrats who recognize that this is happening.

And before any accusations start, no, I am not a secret Democrat. :rolleyes:


4. lol ...

I'm sorry guys but this is what happens when we allow private international bankers (The Federal Reserve) control our currency. Is America tired of this gig yet?

The answer to everything lies in our Constitution. Our forefathers gave us, the people, the right to issue our own sound money. And by sound money, I'm not talking about this fiat currency bullshit where bankers create 'money' out of thin air. I'm patiently waiting for Americans to wake up and realize that once we abolish the Federal Reserve, the cancer will be removed from our country. Until then, these cockroaches will keep looting us dry.

Our Constitution *protects* us from this crap so why do we keep taking it?


5. God, this video actually true?




Tragedy and Hope should be mandatory reading for
anyone on DU who thinks the TC and CFR are "conspiracy theory."
Two party system my ASS.
Thanks for you VERY important link and posts!



29. Yes, I saw that yesterday, thanks. I'm becoming increasingly suspicious and

angry. IF there is no REAL need for this bailout, why is everyone, including Obama, acting as if there IS? What is going on here??


35. This, and other aspects of the bailout needs to be investigated by forensic accountants

that aren't under political or economic control.

It appears the Federal Reserve is the bad guy, and many have said that for many years now, essentially that they represent the public face of the shadow government, the owners of all of us. How to get an honest investigation under such circumstances appears impossible, and getting justice served harder still.


41. "Kennedy wanted to give the power of issuing our currency away from the bankers...

and back to the people."

Assassination, meet motive.


42. The American prophets:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

"All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." - John Adams


[NOTE: This link redirects to Dem-Undergr0und.]



"Kucinich Slams the Fed and Fractional Reserve Banking"

16. Monetary Policy: It is long past the time that we looked at the implications of our debt based monetary system, the privatization of money created by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the banks fractional reserve system and our debt-based economic system. Unless we have dramatic reform of monetary policy, the entire economic system will continue to accelerate wealth upwards. I am currently working on drafting legislation for an 'American Monetary Act' to address these and other issues in order to protect the economic wellbeing of America.


09-27-2008, 03:30 PM
That's very nicely done. Focusing on what we agree on is much better than focusing on where they are wrong. :)

09-27-2008, 04:00 PM
It's all a song and dance.

They need a central bank, because Marx told them so in the Communist Manifesto.

09-27-2008, 07:06 PM
Besides Ron Paul, there's another Republican who is skeptical about the Fed...Jim Bunning

See below


The real fuel for the fire of this crisis has been the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve. I have been a vocal critic of the Fed for many years, and have been warning that their policies would hurt Americans in the short and long term. For most of those years I did not have much company, but I am glad that many economists and commentators have recently joined me in criticizing the Fed.

09-27-2008, 07:11 PM
Interesting, OP. But I don't hear a lot of Dems saying this, so I'm skeptical.

09-27-2008, 07:13 PM
This economic firestorm is necessary for people to wake up. Unfortunatley, it will need to get a lot worse before it gets better. There is not yet enough outrage on both sides, but there will be.

09-27-2008, 09:14 PM
We need to spread out and get ourselves out of our comfort zones and talk to people. Good on the OP for searching.....

09-27-2008, 09:59 PM
I was even more surprised to see this in a different thread:

"17. I actually agree with you completely. In fact I have a theory...

that credit actually keeps our economy from being a market by distorting prices. Prices are really just pieces of information that tell producers to make more or less of something, and with credit it's possible that too much of something can be made.

Although, I think we need to just go back to tying the dollar to some physical quantity, the main reason being that it's very hard to inflate a currency when tied to a certain amount of something, like gold for example."



Even if they come up with a bad solution, which I expect, like having Congress vote on what the rates should be :rolleyes: -- or something like that, I think it's a good sign when even Democrats are starting to discuss these things.

Maybe it was all of those quotes by Jefferson and the other Founders I've been seeing on digg lately that got them wondering. :D

Some unrelated yet interesting topics:

"Somebody tell me WHY are Pelosi & the Dems pushing the bailout for Bush? I'm not getting it."


I welcome a Socialist scenario. Bring. it. on.

Right now, if the government were actually interested in correcting the direction we are in now, they would:

- Nationalize all banks. Ensure all deposits and all accounts with Federal money.
- Nationalize the oil companies. Right now, they are part of the problem.
- Nationalize the health care system, right from the big hospitals, to the insurance companies, to big pharma. Let the small clinics stand.
- Nationalize the Federal Reserve Bank. For those of you who think its already owned by the taxpayers, think again.
- Bring the UN in to oversee this election. With the last three, we need this oversight
- Nationalize the insurance industry.


NO FUCKING BAILOUT!!!! I don't WANT the idiot Dems to figure out how to "fix" this.

Just back the fuck off and DON'T PASS ANYTHING!


My God I just had a epiphany

The Democrats on this board are more corporate lovers than the Republicans. I'm confused. I thought the Republicans were the ones for the Corporations and the Democrats were for the little guy! Something is amiss here I must say. I mean if the Republicans are the ones to keep this Bailout from happening not the Democrats what is a person suppose to think? Why would the Democrats want to help out these Corporations that have screwed the little guy for so long? My God this is confusing!


2. Middle class can't afford anymore taxes.

I have about 30% of my check taken out as it is.


We are gonna bail out foreign banks also! HOLY MOLY!


17. Not only will it be Obama's mess to clean up, but there will be no money

for any of the programs he's proposed....


Why does Obama label Venezuela a "Rogue State"?

Venezuela has open and transparent elections (according to Jimmy Carter).


No mumbo jumbo, folks. It's REALLY simple. It's YOUR money. Demand ownership.
Updated at 12:39 PM

Please, do not allow anyone to confuse you or anyone you know.

You work.

You pay taxes.

That's YOUR money, they are talking about spending.


That last one amuses me, for obvious reasons. :D

Fox McCloud
09-28-2008, 12:10 AM
What I fear could happen, however, is that Congress could get fed up with the Federal Reserve System and end up abolishing it, but instead of putting competing currencies or a gold standard in its place, they'd end up making the currency instead.

-it'd cut the banks out of the cartel to a small degree (Congress could still bail them out).

-no controls for inflation, other than Congress realizing its causing it
-it would most likely be interest free, which would mean no penalties or bad repercussions for borrowing/printing too much
-it's still debt based, since Congress is issuing the currency, how scary is that?
-still requires governmental violence (coercion) to stay afloat
-Congress is brainless

As much as I hate the Fed, I think having Congress issuing a paper currency would be a step back and not forward.

edit: Yeah, I bet some Dems are getting really confused right now with the Dem's actions. Either way, if some of these Dems are having second thoughts about their own party, it may be the perfect time to say "you're party is correct...on half the things" and "the Republican party is also correct...on half the things", then bring in Libertarianism and how it is the "correct" on both things. After that? Show them some Ron Paul videos and show them the Campaign for Liberty.

09-28-2008, 12:17 AM
Problem is, a certain faction of the democrats will vote for Obama even if he manifests as the devil himself. They dont' care if he is a crook. It's not about issues or policy with them. Most of them are probably clueless about history or politics. That's Tones being proudly politically incorrect again. TONES

Truth Warrior
09-28-2008, 12:37 AM
The Democrats blatant stupidity and abysmal ignorance of THEIR own history ( too ) just continues to really boggle the mind. :rolleyes: