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09-26-2008, 12:24 PM
Bush & McCain Blackmail America With Economic Terrorism

Ferocious fear-mongering rhetoric, possible cancellation of presidential election as financial terrorists threaten Americans with chaos unless power-grabbing bailout bill is passed

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, September 25, 2008

From shying away from even mentioning such terms as “recession,” “unemployment” or “bank failures,” Bush, Bernanke and Paulson are now vigorously invoking the fear of financial meltdown as part of a campaign of economic terror to blackmail the American people into accepting the power-grabbing “bailout,” while John McCain, who last week said the fundamentals of the economy are strong, is now all but threatening to cancel the election should the proposal not receive swift passage.

Bush’s speech last night was a throwback to his March 2003 stump before the invasion of Iraq - replace words like “weapons of mass destruction” with “financial panic” and the tone of the two is not dissimilar.

Bush rammed home the fear by appealing to people’s personal anxieties.

“More banks could fail, including some in your community. The stock market would drop even more, which would reduce the value of your retirement account. The value of your home could plummet. Foreclosures would rise dramatically,” barked the President.

“And if you own a business or a farm, you would find it harder and more expensive to get credit. More businesses would close their doors, and millions of Americans could lose their jobs.”

Bernanke and Paulson spewed similar rhetoric during Tuesday’s Senate Banking Committee meeting. Compare their dire proclamations with their outright refusal to even entertain the notion of a recession as little as seven months ago.

Now Paulson tells us that people “should be scared” and that the only solution is for taxpayers to foot the bill to the tune of $700 billion dollars - a number we now learn was simply pulled out of thin air by the Treasury - while the Federal Reserve swallows up all manner of new regulation powers.

It seems that almost overnight these three stooges have gone from behaving like sedated zombies to end-times doomsayers.

Furthermore, John McCain, the man who as recently as last week proclaimed that “the fundamentals of the economy are sound,” is now canceling presidential debates, and some fear greasing the skids for the postponement of the presidential election itself, by insisting he and Obama “return to Washington” in order to put their weight behind the bailout.

As the George Washington Blog notes, McCain is basically implying, “Vote for the bailout or I’ll pull out of the election”.

The financial terrorism being perpetrated by Bush, McCain, Bernanke, Paulson and the rest of these criminals in threatening Americans with unbridled chaos unless they acquiesce to political demands, and the coordinated ferocity with which it is being delivered, is necessary for the crooks because they are desperate to get the bailout passed before Congress really has a chance to digest exactly what it stands for.

This is what’s called the “shock doctrine,” the accelerated passage of what is essentially dictatorial legislation without proper scrutiny by means of exploiting a temporary state of fear.

This is not just about $700 billion of taxpayers’ money and the continued sacking of the dollar, it’s about the imposition of a giant new infrastructure of control and regulation on behalf of the private, run for profit, Federal Reserve.

Bush even alluded to it last night, stating that Paulson’s bailout would mean the “Federal Reserve would be authorized to take a closer look at the operations of companies across the financial spectrum.”
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But this is merely scratching the surface. As Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., said, “This massive bailout is not a solution. It is financial socialism and it’s un-American.” In fact properly defined, one could label it “national socialism,” otherwise known as fascism.

As professor of economics at New York University Nouriel Roubini framed it, welcome to the United Socialist States of America and “the most radical regime change in global economic and financial affairs in decades”.

The plan was drawn up months ago, lying in wait for the right crisis to see it enacted, just as the Patriot Act was prepared well in advance of 9/11.

The Treasury’s fact sheet about the bailout states, “The Secretary will have the discretion, in consultation with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to purchase other assets, as deemed necessary to effectively stabilize financial markets.”

This gives the government and the Federal Reserve carte blanche to do whatever they want to long as it is done in the name of stabilizing financial markets, they can nationalize any company or industry and use taxpayer money, above and beyond the initial $700 billion, for whatever purpose is deemed necessary, without any oversight. Paulson’s bailout plan is also unreviewable by any court, it will remain in perpetuity.

Paulson’s draft bailout plans says: “The Secretary’s authority to purchase mortgage-related assets under this Act shall be limited to $700,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time.”

As Chris Martenson writes, “This means that $700 billion is NOT the cost of this dangerous legislation, it is only the amount that can be outstanding at any one time. After, say, $100 billion of bad mortgages are disposed of, another $100 billion can be bought. In short, these four little words assure that there is NO LIMIT to the potential size of this bailout. This means that $700 billion is a rolling amount, not a ceiling.”

“The bill would bar courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority,” reports Bloomberg.

The Bush administration seeks “dictatorial power unreviewable by the third branch of government, the courts, to try to resolve the crisis,” said Frank Razzano, a former assistant chief trial attorney at the Securities and Exchange Commission now at Pepper Hamilton LLP in Washington. “We are taking a huge leap of faith.”

“It sounds like Paulson is asking to be a financial dictator, for a limited period of time,” said historian John Steele Gordon.

Reporter Larisa Alexandrovna calls it “the final stages of the coup,” noting, “This manufactured crisis is now to be remedied, if the fiscal fascists get their way, with the total transfer of Congressional powers (the few that still remain) to the Executive Branch and the total transfer of public funds into corporate (via government as intermediary) hands.”

The legislation would provide billions to foreign central banks in addition to private foreign banks.

The proposed move represents a total shift of U.S. taxpayers’ funds into the hands of powerful private interests, some of which do not even represent American companies.

The bailout bill represents the most fascist centralization of power in America since 9/11 and the Patriot Act - and many would argue that it even trumps that. The fiscal terrorists hope to ram through their agenda by appealing to people’s fears about the economy, their jobs, their houses and their pensions. But the temporary pain brought on by a Wall Street crash and a severe recession would be nothing compared to the long term death knell that the bailout bill would mean to the free market and economic liberty in America.


09-26-2008, 05:34 PM
Granny What Big Teeth You Have
26 September 2008

Certainly the urgency of the "run up" to the Great Bailout is reminiscent of our reaction to another terrorist attack. Schizophrenic overkill and underkill, like the Addicts that we are.

There are traders and bankers...and appraisers and real estate agents and loan officers and risk managers and government officials, who are SUPPOSED to be risk managers...who both contributed to The Mess (Disaster has been overused, like Whatever, and like) AND who profited from The Mess.

It is less that we should be bailing people OUT of their problems, but locking people up for CREATING the problems. Laws have been broken. Shit like this doesn't just happen. Check these people, WHO ARE PAID A LOT OF MONEY TO SEE THAT SHIT LIKE THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN, saying that we "find" ourselves between a rock and a hard place. "We" "have" to do "something."

The principles of a Free Market are not in crisis.

The market will sort this out before anyone in Washington ever will. People in Washington THRIVE on problems.

I saw a C-SPAN segment on transportation this past spring and an outside expert...who was now volunteering his time after the salary stopped...reported among his learnings that adding ONE government dollar to a project adds ELEVEN YEARS to completion.

The corruption, abuse and waste are plain as day.

My background, education and experience lead me to believe that the primary "danger" fueling an urgency that Congress seems never to be able to muster in the name of orderly business is that some of the Big Boys are starting to lose serious money.

The Bay Area real estate/investment banker couple that I mention elsewhere? They know someone who just lost $50 million dollars, half his worth. You were worth $100 million a few weeks ago and now you're worth $50 million. That's a big difference, serious business. It's not MY business, however.

Money has not disappeared. Money has changed hands. The Biggest and Smartest Money is waiting to swoop. A "Disaster" like this represents a Buying Opportunity for them.

The truly Big Money is waiting to see what the bottom is. What goes down must come up. The Great Bailout proposes to ESTABLISH a bottom by buying all the crappiest stuff, then the Players can cherry pick with assurance. We know how adverse they are to risk taking.

Not that I don't feel for some of the people...my own security has been much compromised...but I feel certain that we should bail out NO ONE.

No matter how many ways you spin it, no matter which way you divvy it up, it not only constitutes rewarding bad behavior, it constitutes rewarding bad behavior that has been profitable.

Crime pays...what the hell kind of a message is that?

For sure, for sure, "rescue" legislation should not be rammed through. Every single thing that has ever been rammed through has fronted for an ulterior motive. We know this. We have no reason to think this is any different. The richest and most powerful men on earth are rooting for this. The richest and most powerful men on earth are only rarely friends of the Common People.

Haste makes waste. Patience is a virtue. This is the wisdom of the ages.

Also methinks they doth protest too much.

What are we thinking, that the sky will fall on Monday? It won’t. The sun will come up, and there will be the first of the sham and irritating “journalists” of CNN, coiffed and confident as they assure me over and over and over and over that I am listening to the Most Trusted Name In News.

No, I am not. Anderson Cooper is NOT keeping them honest. It is false advertising. What ever happened to THOSE laws?

They are announcing, with exclamation points, that unfortunately The Mess has simply got American taxpayers over a barrel. Hello? The American citizenry has BEEN over a barrel, for years.

The low end of the high flyers are feeling the squeeze. The Players will give it the Old College Try to save their asses…it’s the fraternity-brother-alumni-Ivy-League-inner-circle thing to do. But they’ll let ‘em fry, too. It will be a revelation to the Middle Management of Bad Big Business just how expendable they are.

Bernanke? Paulson? They’re WAY above the fray, even as they’re constantly in the thick of things. How can it be, if they are in the habit of not foreseeing wallapaloozas, that they’re personal portfolios fare so much better than the American economy?

Banks are like casinos, it’s rigged in their favor.

The Great Bailout speaks EXACTLY to the delusion that underpins The Mess that wants bailing out…that somehow, with enough fancy footwork, no one will take the hit on this.

The notion that people can be protected from all the vagaries of life is, in my view, probably the WORST thing that the Democratic party has infused into American politics. It’s bullshit.

And so is the Great Bailout.

Ever has it been said, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Pick your cautionary tale.

Little Red Riding Hood...what was she thinking?

Come in, come in my little Pretty, and Toto too...yeah, right.

The Trojan Horse...a gift, wasn’t that nice of the enemy? Let’s bring it inside.

Again and again, gullibility and misplaced trust.

I cannot think of a single thing, not one piece of evidence, that warrants believing this motley crew about anything, or taking anyone’s word for a disparity between their words and their actions. I look as forward as the next guy to a leisurely stretch of peace, goodwill and the essence of Ohm, but this isn’t it.

The very people who CONTRIVED the crisis are SCARING the public into thinking that we are doomed if we do not bend over and accept a vague, sweeping, secretive, crony-serving Fix.

They are lying.

It’s what they do.

Crash! Are You Ready?!
09-26-2008, 05:37 PM
With all the Current EconoBabble from both “Conservative” McCain & Obama, and all the BUSHIT from “W”, it is refreshing to see that a REAL PATRIOT has the ONLY solution:

To ABOLISH THE SOURCE OF ALL THE DEBT - the privately owned “Federal” Reserve Bank!

I interviewed Congressman Ron Paul this morning about HR 2755 - The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act - which will be rebroadcast this weekend.

To listen to the fastest growing program on the Genesis Communications Network, go to
http://www.hearitonline.com and click on the link to the Crash!

George W. Berry

09-26-2008, 06:04 PM
With all the Current EconoBabble from both “Conservative” McCain & Obama, and all the BUSHIT from “W”, it is refreshing to see that a REAL PATRIOT has the ONLY solution:

To ABOLISH THE SOURCE OF ALL THE DEBT - the privately owned “Federal” Reserve Bank!

I interviewed Congressman Ron Paul this morning about HR 2755 - The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act - which will be rebroadcast this weekend.

To listen to the fastest growing program on the Genesis Communications Network, go to
http://www.hearitonline.com and click on the link to the Crash!

George W. Berry

Whereas I have not seen your name in the several days that I've been posting here, I observe that you materialized with this same post directly upon my last two.

What gives?

The Fed will not be abolished between now and Sunday night.

The Great Bailout COULD be passed over the weekend.

Any Third Party effort will be greatly enhanced by a shelving of remoter convictions, however ardently held, while we take a FIRST THINGS FIRST approach.

I take the liberty of repeating myself:

Granny What Big Teeth You Have
26 September 2008

Certainly the urgency of the "run up" to the Great Bailout is reminiscent of our reaction to another terrorist attack. Schizophrenic overkill and underkill, like the Addicts that we are.

There are traders and bankers...and appraisers and real estate agents and loan officers and risk managers and government officials, who are SUPPOSED to be risk managers...who both contributed to The Mess (Disaster has been overused, like Whatever, and like) AND who profited from The Mess.

It is less that we should be bailing people OUT of their problems, but locking people up for CREATING the problems. Laws have been broken. Shit like this doesn't just happen. Check these people, WHO ARE PAID A LOT OF MONEY TO SEE THAT SHIT LIKE THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN, saying that we "find" ourselves between a rock and a hard place. "We" "have" to do "something."

The principles of a Free Market are not in crisis.

The market will sort this out before anyone in Washington ever will. People in Washington THRIVE on problems.

I saw a C-SPAN segment on transportation this past spring and an outside expert...who was now volunteering his time after the salary stopped...reported among his learnings that adding ONE government dollar to a project adds ELEVEN YEARS to completion.

The corruption, abuse and waste are plain as day.

My background, education and experience lead me to believe that the primary "danger" fueling an urgency that Congress seems never to be able to muster in the name of orderly business is that some of the Big Boys are starting to lose serious money.

The Bay Area real estate/investment banker couple that I mention elsewhere? They know someone who just lost $50 million dollars, half his worth. You were worth $100 million a few weeks ago and now you're worth $50 million. That's a big difference, serious business. It's not MY business, however.

Money has not disappeared. Money has changed hands. The Biggest and Smartest Money is waiting to swoop. A "Disaster" like this represents a Buying Opportunity for them.

The truly Big Money is waiting to see what the bottom is. What goes down must come up. The Great Bailout proposes to ESTABLISH a bottom by buying all the crappiest stuff, then the Players can cherry pick with assurance. We know how adverse they are to risk taking.

Not that I don't feel for some of the people...my own security has been much compromised...but I feel certain that we should bail out NO ONE.

No matter how many ways you spin it, no matter which way you divvy it up, it not only constitutes rewarding bad behavior, it constitutes rewarding bad behavior that has been profitable.

Crime pays...what the hell kind of a message is that?

For sure, for sure, "rescue" legislation should not be rammed through. Every single thing that has ever been rammed through has fronted for an ulterior motive. We know this. We have no reason to think this is any different. The richest and most powerful men on earth are rooting for this. The richest and most powerful men on earth are only rarely friends of the Common People.

Haste makes waste. Patience is a virtue. This is the wisdom of the ages.

Also methinks they doth protest too much.

What are we thinking, that the sky will fall on Monday? It won’t. The sun will come up, and there will be the first of the sham and irritating “journalists” of CNN, coiffed and confident as they assure me over and over and over and over that I am listening to the Most Trusted Name In News.

No, I am not. Anderson Cooper is NOT keeping them honest. It is false advertising. What ever happened to THOSE laws?

They are announcing, with exclamation points, that unfortunately The Mess has simply got American taxpayers over a barrel. Hello? The American citizenry has BEEN over a barrel, for years.

The low end of the high flyers are feeling the squeeze. The Players will give it the Old College Try to save their asses…it’s the fraternity-brother-alumni-Ivy-League-inner-circle thing to do. But they’ll let ‘em fry, too. It will be a revelation to the Middle Management of Bad Big Business just how expendable they are.

Bernanke? Paulson? They’re WAY above the fray, even as they’re constantly in the thick of things. How can it be, if they are in the habit of not foreseeing wallapaloozas, that they’re personal portfolios fare so much better than the American economy?

Banks are like casinos, it’s rigged in their favor.

The Great Bailout speaks EXACTLY to the delusion that underpins The Mess that wants bailing out…that somehow, with enough fancy footwork, no one will take the hit on this.

The notion that people can be protected from all the vagaries of life is, in my view, probably the WORST thing that the Democratic party has infused into American politics. It’s bullshit.

And so is the Great Bailout.

Ever has it been said, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Pick your cautionary tale.

Little Red Riding Hood...what was she thinking?

Come in, come in my little Pretty, and Toto too...yeah, right.

The Trojan Horse...a gift, wasn’t that nice of the enemy? Let’s bring it inside.

Again and again, gullibility and misplaced trust.

I cannot think of a single thing, not one piece of evidence, that warrants believing this motley crew about anything, or taking anyone’s word for a disparity between their words and their actions. I look as forward as the next guy to a leisurely stretch of peace, goodwill and the essence of Ohm, but this isn’t it.

The very people who CONTRIVED the crisis are SCARING the public into thinking that we are doomed if we do not bend over and accept a vague, sweeping, secretive, crony-serving Fix.

They are lying.

It’s what they do.

Having done so, here's as good a place as any to say that I quite understand if my views are unwelcome here and, if so, someone need only apprise me. We're running out of time, there's none to waste.