View Full Version : Congratulations Americans, We're becoming the next Great Generation.

09-26-2008, 07:57 AM
The buck is stopping.

It is stopping with us.

We are saying enough. Enough with growing socialistic government. Enough with infinitely expanding credit. Enough with inflationary fiat money.

We are taking a stand and willing to live with the consequences.

Our economy may fail, but we will rise. We will be better off because of this.

We will unite neighbor with neighbor, friend with friend, family member with family member, as never before in history, to rebuild our precious land of liberty on a solid economic foundation based on principles of freedom.

Gone will be the chains of oppressive, intrusive government. Gone will be the chains of regulation and taxation.

It will be risky living, but it will be free living. Freedom, yes freedom, is popular.

Thank you, fellow Americans and Revolutionaries, for standing firm.

Thank you, Ron Paul.