View Full Version : USA Today/Gallup Poll claims 78% of Americans want bailout. Propaganda?

Join The Paul Side
09-26-2008, 12:39 AM
This is a far reach considering Rasmussen polls have suggested the opposite of what USA Today & Gallup claim. Out of everybody I have talked to and postings I've read online I have not encountered many opinions at all in favor of this government scam.

To make it worse, watching CNN and MSNBC, they seem to be posing to their viewers as if Americans really do support the bailout and they are also villifying House Republicans for not supporting this bill by claiming they are only playing political theater to help Juan McCain score brownie points. I call bullshit. :mad:


http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/business/general_business/just_30_think_government_should_bail_out_the_marke ts

09-26-2008, 12:43 AM
If you saw it in USA Today, then you bet its propaganda. Just as assuredly as if you saw it on Faux News.

09-26-2008, 12:45 AM
Yes total propaganda. 90% don't want it.

09-26-2008, 12:47 AM
I have not yet heard ONE real person say this to me. I talked about the bailout yesterday with Neocons, socialists and libertarians. NONE of the at least twelve people I talked about it with had ANYTHING to say even relatively close to supporting the bailout.

09-26-2008, 12:53 AM
Total propaganda. I, too, have talked to a couple dozen people and found not one wanting to rubber stamp the bailout. One person believes in a revised bailout plan, but only because they bought Bush's fear claim that we can stop a second depression with some kind of bailout.

09-26-2008, 12:56 AM
This is a far reach considering Rasmussen polls have suggested the opposite of what USA Today & Gallup claim. Out of everybody I have talked to and postings I've read online I have not encountered many opinions at all in favor of this government scam.

To make it worse, watching CNN and MSNBC, they seem to be posing to their viewers as if Americans really do support the bailout and they are also villifying House Republicans for not supporting this bill by claiming they are only playing political theater to help Juan McCain score brownie points. I call bullshit. :mad:


http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/business/general_business/just_30_think_government_should_bail_out_the_marke ts

Who the hell did they poll? The people on the Wall Street floor? This is bs. And it is more evident as you read the posts. Not to mention I haven't talked to one person that said that this bailout is a good idea. And I talk to a lot of people. Simply hysterical.

Join The Paul Side
09-26-2008, 01:12 AM
Thay are even advertising this bogus poll on news stations. Where do they get the balls to do this crap? They are blatanly trying to brainwash the American public. What a crock of crap. :mad:

Listen to this dickhead Congressman (D) Rahm Emanuel spew this propaganda poll on national TV. (3:25)



09-26-2008, 01:15 AM
they are asking questions like:
Do you want 25% unemployment?
Do you want $2000 bread?

oh good you must support the bailout!

09-26-2008, 01:30 AM
Well, right now, CNN has a story on their web page that says,

One Republican aide said that "not much has changed in the last 24 to 48 hours. I think it has to be pretty radically altered for House Republicans to support it."

This aide stressed, "at the end of the day, these members represent the people who sent them here, and the people who sent them here are so overwhelmingly opposed to this."

This aide said the calls coming into GOP offices are 90 to 1 against the plan.


Doesn't sound very supportive of the poll results.

09-26-2008, 03:25 AM
This poll about 80% is bullshit...You listen to the left radio and the right radio...out of 100 callers, you get about 2 callers for the bailout.

09-26-2008, 03:28 AM
I actually saved the images when the percentages were equal

09-26-2008, 03:28 AM
MSM = Controlled globalist media. And you can bet at the end of the day they WILL say that americans want it even if the opposite is true.

09-26-2008, 03:30 AM
The poll on Lou Dobbs showed 94% opposed the bailout! So that is pure BS propoganda! Yeah, a lot of people are now trying to smear House Republicans who oppose this atrocity. It goes to show who owns much of the media. I hope Americans resist these bought-and-paid-for opinion makers and think for themselves.

Truth Warrior
09-26-2008, 03:40 AM
Let those that want it, pay for it. DUH!!!

09-26-2008, 03:45 AM
USA/Today article is a sensationalized headline and not supported by the numbers in their poll.


11% Want "No Action"
11% Have "No Opinion" (Not offered as an option in the polling)
22% Think "Bush's shit don't stink"
56% Want "A different plan"

Join The Paul Side
09-26-2008, 10:23 AM
USA/Today article is a sensationalized headline and not supported by the numbers in their poll.


11% Want "No Action"
11% Have "No Opinion" (Not offered as an option in the polling)
22% Think "Bush's shit don't stink"
56% Want "A different plan"

They are manipulating the questions they ask in theirs polls to give the perception that the American People support this bill. They don't ask a simple "Yes" or "No" in support of the bailout.

They ask other questions around the issue and spin it into favorable public opinion for supporting the bill.

These people are evil. :mad:

09-26-2008, 10:27 AM
Total propaganda. I, too, have talked to a couple dozen people and found not one wanting to rubber stamp the bailout. One person believes in a revised bailout plan, but only because they bought Bush's fear claim that we can stop a second depression with some kind of bailout.

Similar for me. Only one in about a dozen was in favor of some type of bailout. And most of the others were liberals. They don't want this either, no matter what Pelosi and Reid are saying.

09-26-2008, 10:38 AM
Funny how CNN is just reporting people are outraged about any bail out plan.

They are inviting people to email their comments.

USA must be polling Wall Street types. SPIN SPIN

09-26-2008, 10:47 AM
It's the ELITIST, Wealth, and ZIONIST controlling the POLLS and AIRWAVES.

CNBC, FOX BUSINESS, BLOOMBERG... we've ALREADY WITNESSED first hand CNBC and BLOOMBERG EDITING and SUbversely Sabtoging dialog and news stories.

Every single anchor and guest is stating BAILOUT Propaganda. "BAILOUT IS NEEDED..." yotta yotta

Keep calling Washington DC...

I called my representatives and they are scared straight, because NORTHERN and WESTERN NEVADA: IS RON PAUL Country!!!

And they even admitted, when I brought it up... so they know the RP Grassroots can end their JOBS in Washington DC.

Oh, Except SENATOR Harry the SLIMEBALL REID... all his lines are off the HOOK/BUSY!

I can never get through to that SHILL, NEVER... it kinda tells yah something.

Join The Paul Side
09-26-2008, 10:49 AM
Is Harry Reid's seat up for grabs on November? God I hope so.

09-26-2008, 11:34 AM
Bullshit since a few days ago, 7% was in favor of the bailout.

You can't jump more than 50% within a few days.

If so, then Paul would be the Presidential nominee by now.

09-26-2008, 11:58 AM
Of the four Congresspersons I called today, three answered the phone, and the three stated I was in the vast majority.

They were:

Sue Myrick (R - NC 9) - my district (I think she will vote against. She was against the Fannie/Freddie bailout)
Ron Paul - well duh. I just offered thanks and support for the job he's doing.
John Spratt (D - SC 5) - surprised, but hopeful

Mike Ferguson (R - NJ 7) - used to live there, left message.

09-26-2008, 12:58 PM
Messages to Congress as high as 300 to 1 against the bailout.

First the Republicans were for it (the Big Bailout), and then they were against it. What happened?

What happened is YOU, and others like you, pounding on Congress to NOT pass the Big Bailout.


09-26-2008, 01:39 PM

09-26-2008, 01:44 PM
Of all the people that I've talked to about this (about a dozen), ALL were vehemently against the bailout, one was undecided, and none of them were particularly Ron Paul supporters.

This poll is just pure and simple propaganda. I doubt if any real polling was done. I wouldn't put it past USA Today to just make up numbers and throw them in.

09-27-2008, 04:05 AM
This is a far reach considering Rasmussen polls have suggested the opposite of what USA Today & Gallup claim. Out of everybody I have talked to and postings I've read online I have not encountered many opinions at all in favor of this government scam.

To make it worse, watching CNN and MSNBC, they seem to be posing to their viewers as if Americans really do support the bailout and they are also villifying House Republicans for not supporting this bill by claiming they are only playing political theater to help Juan McCain score brownie points. I call bullshit. :mad:


http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/business/general_business/just_30_think_government_should_bail_out_the_marke ts

Nothing but thousands of letters demanding no bailout.How much more serious can it get?We are being completely ignore with impunity.

09-27-2008, 06:39 AM
USA Today are filthy, stinking liars. I'll never buy another paper of theirs again (not that I ever did anyway:p ).

09-27-2008, 10:20 AM
They forgot to mention: the polling phone calls went to Bankers, Wall street, and real estate and state government agencies numbers.

Typical "90% of ALL STATISTICS can be made to say ANYTHING!"

USA TODAY/Gallup poll: Wall Street bailout plan
Updated 1d 22h ago | Comment | Recommend E-mail | Save | Print |

Results for questions 1-6 are based on telephone interviews with 1,019 national adults, aged 18+, conducted Sept. 24, 2008. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.

Polls conducted entirely in one day, such as this one, are subject to additional error or bias not found in polls conducted over several days.

Truth Warrior
09-27-2008, 02:11 PM
I kinda tend to doubt that 78% of the American people have a frickin' clue about ANYTHING. :p :rolleyes:

09-27-2008, 02:17 PM
Of all the people that I've talked to about this (about a dozen), ALL were vehemently against the bailout, one was undecided, and none of them were particularly Ron Paul supporters.

This poll is just pure and simple propaganda. I doubt if any real polling was done. I wouldn't put it past USA Today to just make up numbers and throw them in.

Hey, inflating poll numbers is easier than inflating paper money :p