View Full Version : Revolutions do not come through the ballot box

09-23-2008, 05:55 PM
The American revolution did not come from Americans voting in parliament in England to succeed. The Americans successfully overthrew the state through agorism and withdrawing consent of English governance.

The French revolution alike came from the people withdrawing consent of the French monarchy.

Voting is OK if you want to vote your way towards communism. Tell me one civilization that successfully voted their way back to a libertarian society. You can't. We can barely get our libertarians elected!

It's time to go nonpolitcal with our strategy.

09-23-2008, 05:56 PM
Nonpolitical Libertarian Strategies:
1. Voluntaryism - People simply withdraw consent through nonvoting, taxes, and will not consent to being governed by force.

Example: Colonials in America declared their Independence of England and no longer gave consent to their governors.

2. Agorism - People use blackmarkets to weaken the government. Markets produce better products than the state so people choose markets to do the services of the state. Blackmarkets cannot be taxed which weakens the state.

Example: Agorism in colonial America helped them bring about revolution through ignoring laws such as the navigation acts and other taxes.

3. Passive Resistance - People passively resist the government. Police are known to initiate force against the innocent and nonviolent. Through media and the internet, the populace will see the testimony against the state.

Example: Gandhi in Indian Revolution.

4. Education - People through learning and becoming smart tend to rebel. This is exactly why the slaves in America started to rebel. As a slave became smarter, that slave was worth more. However, that slave also attempted to escape more because he was smarter. Thus, slavery was dubbed the perculior institution.

Example: The enlightenment sparked the most revolutions in recorded history throughout the world.

09-23-2008, 05:56 PM
all with you!

09-23-2008, 05:58 PM
We should all apply for welfare

09-23-2008, 05:59 PM
меньшинство, соединяет!

Fight collectivism with collectivism!

Peace through war!

Smash the state!


09-23-2008, 06:18 PM
Destroy the state! WWEEE!

Matt Collins
09-23-2008, 10:34 PM
See my signature!