View Full Version : Election Day

09-05-2007, 12:28 PM
Ok, I've been trying to think of ideas to get people out to the polls who wouldn't usually get out there on their own, something such as a party or something where people will go to the polls because "everyone else is going".

I've hung out with people who have showed mild interest in Ron Paul but I do not see them getting out that day, and I'm sure a phone call on primary day they'd be like "oh, that's today? ya I'll have to get around to doing that...eventually...sure"

I guess it would have to be two parties, one being before the voter registration is due, then another on primary day.

Though there's got to be a better idea than a party...maybe a concert? Something in each precinct?

I know most states will be cold so it'd have to be indoors...I think here in TX it'll be March so not so bad.

Any thoughts?

09-05-2007, 12:31 PM
well, my thoughts are that this is a great idea. registration drives now, parties and buses on election day.