View Full Version : NEXT STEP: How to Become Mainstream

09-18-2008, 04:45 PM
In the growing age of the internet, website news giants are becoming more and more influential. Instead of focusing on creating multimillion dollar television channels, the real focus must be on the internet.

After the next 50 years, nearly every person will be online. We must get a head start, to capture this market. But "liberty" blogs will not do. We need to appear to give fair coverage across the board and appear neutral...otherwise, people will be turned off. We need giant news sites like a politico.com, digg.com, or cnn.com. No more sitting around, we need to capture the monopoly of the internet.

The current system of the state runs on mis-education. Through the internet an enlightenment of the population must be started. For history shows that people are enlightened through education, they rebel against the establishment.

Deborah K
09-18-2008, 05:32 PM
I think Break the Matrix is attempting this...?

09-18-2008, 06:31 PM
The media is only a small part of the problem.

The majority of Americans believe an important role of the Federal government is to take money from the successful and give it to the unlucky. The entire Democratic party is built on this view of government.

09-18-2008, 06:39 PM
The media is only a small part of the problem.

The majority of Americans believe an important role of the Federal government is to take money from the successful and give it to the unlucky. The entire Democratic party is built on this view of government.

I think the true problem is lack of knowledge. And the Media is a large part of why there is a lack of knowledge. I think we have all seen in previous personal conversations that this is an easy message. It's clear, its concise, its understandable, its true. If people were exposed to this message instead of the celebrity bullshit the Media gives them, this Revolution would pack a much larger punch.

The problem is educuating the people who has been drilled with bullshit their entire lives. The problem is telling them of the possible changes, and the possible outcomes of doing this and doing that. The problem is people think it's just the beliefs of the two Mainstream canidates, and nobody else.

I read an excellant book this summer for school, "The Color of Water" by James McBride. And his mother always said, "Educuate your mind." And that's what has to happen to America.

We must end this dumbing down, and increase the intelligence.


09-18-2008, 06:47 PM
The simplest way to reach the most amount of people is for everyone to educate those in their neighborhoods and cities. If we are all doing this then we really do not need a huge ad campaign budget at all. Belly to Belly works better than the talking box, the only thing that stops us is our own inability to talk with our neighbors. Some are not talkative, get nervous and feel like they are selling something. Casual conversation followed by a "hey check out this video, audio or text" depending on what you are trying to educate them on. Casual belly to belly will beat out the internet and media as long as it is person to person and simple conversation versus a sales pitch.

09-18-2008, 06:52 PM
yup. The internet. Evolving everyday. We don't have to do anything and we will win eventually. Do a little something and we win sooner. It's a matter of connecting information. The trend is for information to become more connected, the byproduct is a more connected population. I could write for hours.

09-18-2008, 07:53 PM
Don't expect the media giants to lie down and do nothing. Expect them to do what they can to wedge themselves in somehow and make the best effort to drown out everyone else.

09-19-2008, 05:04 PM
The simplest way to reach the most amount of people is for everyone to educate those in their neighborhoods and cities. If we are all doing this then we really do not need a huge ad campaign budget at all. Belly to Belly works better than the talking box, the only thing that stops us is our own inability to talk with our neighbors. Some are not talkative, get nervous and feel like they are selling something. Casual conversation followed by a "hey check out this video, audio or text" depending on what you are trying to educate them on. Casual belly to belly will beat out the internet and media as long as it is person to person and simple conversation versus a sales pitch.

Good point. The simple act of mentioning topics and bringing it to the table can go a long way. I've had far better success mentioning liberty topics in conversation every so often than bombarding people in a full out debate.

The key is to mention a point: An interesting one.

Me: Did you know the income tax is not legally justified?
Dude: Wow, no way!
Me: blablah bla

then give them a simple direction

Me: Yeah. Freedom to Fascism is a terrific video. You can watch it for free on Google videos.
Dude: Awesome.

If their interested. They will look it up on their own, on their own time. Their hooked and you have another liberty mate.

This liberty part of the conversation goes on for no more than 3 minutes. Anything further is a waste of your time. Make sure you know other interesting things to talk about. Instead of just liberty. Otherwise it will be a sales pitch.