View Full Version : Illinois Constitutional Convention

09-17-2008, 01:08 AM
In Illinois we the people have the opertunity to take control and fix our broken government. It is no secrect that Illinois is run by crooked pliticians that only care about filling their own pockets. The 14th amendment in the Illinois Constitution stats that a Constitutional Convention must be placed on the ballot for the people to vote on every 20 years. It will take a vote of 60% to say yes to have the convention. If it passes delegates will be elected to serve in the convention. Two from each senate district will be elected by the people. The delegates will then vote to either amend the current Illinois constitution or rewrite it. Any changes will have to be suported by the majority of the delegates. The changes that pass will then be placed on the ballot for the people to vote yes or no. It is a great opertunity for the people to fix what our elected officials can not seem to do. Some ideas for amending include: recall elections, term limits, open ballots and primaries, binding citizen referenda, property tax reform, ending gerrymandering, improved eminent domain protections.

For more information visit: illinoiscitizenscoalition.com yesforillinois.com and myillinoisconstitution.org

Please spread the word to vote yes for the Illinois Constitutional Convention on November 4, 2008.