View Full Version : Campaigns are like Spiritual Revivals

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
09-09-2008, 09:13 AM
The problem with Spiritual revivals are how they tend to make Christians hot and cold. It is actually this methodology of spiritual growth that keep Christians (Luke) warm for God.
The focus on political campaigns have the same effect on the American people. Ask either candidate about the American Movement and each will certainly claim their campaigns are such. But campaigns make us hot before and after the election and then cold until the next one. We do this because we are disillusioned in thinking we can ever solve our problems from a single campaign outside of an American Movement.
Once again, the only victory for the people is in establishing a bipartisan movement to reestablish Civil-Purpose, to reestablish the two party system, to consecrate that which is Holy (Founding Fathers, The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution) and to improve the quality of our American lives while altering, tweaking, clarifying and ammending the Constitution as little as possible.
Please note that it isn't the intentions of bipartisan American Movements to do away with the two party system by establishing a single party totalitarian system. Once again, this is disillusionment. A true bipartisan American Movement works to reestablish the two party system.

Truth Warrior
09-09-2008, 11:02 AM
Religion and politics are both the very same thing. They are both only, very old and very effective, means to control large masses of people. It has always only been that way, and it always only will be.

The ends do NOT justify the means.