View Full Version : This is by far the BEST write up on Ron Paul

09-06-2008, 08:53 AM
I don't know if anyone posted this or not, if so I apologize for the duplicate...

Top 15 Reasons Ron Paul is the Future Force in American Politics

Some of you may have heard about the recent “alternative” Republican Convention, something called “Rally for the Republic”, held by Ron Paul supporters alongside the RNC. As a foreigner, a journalist and student of political science, Rex thought he’d have a crack at writing an editorial trying to nail down the reasons why - despite losing the nomination - Congressman Ron Paul continues to be such a popular and pervasive force in American politics - or at least, why he might be someone to watch out for in 2012.

The following are conclusions (mostly opinion, granted) that Rex reached watching Ron Paul’s speech (ALL of it) from the “Rally for the Republic”.

1 - He’s a populist, - a political Rockstar.

Ron Paul attracts the sorts of crowds that one is more familiar seeing at a rock concert. The cheering, the “woo’s!” and the reaching out for just a hope of touching the hand of this man - his “fans” love him like a rock star. Just watch one of the six or so clips of him speaking at the “rally for the republic”, then compare it to the excrutiatingly stage-managed events of the Republican or Democratic national conventions - with their uniform placards and “applause now” crowds, and you can see that Paul has genuine populist appeal amongst large groups of ostensibly politically savvy American public - on both sides of the divide. His supporters are there of their own free will, not to bolster numbers for the TV cameras. We don’t claim to understand why, but people love this guy.

2 He appeals to left and right accordingly due to his anti-establishment rhetoric, his pacifist leanings, combined with his libertarian, free-market ideals, his genuine small-government credentials, his opposition to the “federal” income tax and the “Federal” Reserve, and of course his unwavering and staunch adherence to the Constitution - upon which he bases his entire political movement (much like Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich - Rex’s preferred candidate). In American politics (despite what 8 years of Neo-Con hell might prove), it’s politically difficult to compete with someone whose arguments are grounded in constitutional conscientiousness. The answer is money.

Many mainstream articles on Ron Paul emphasise how he’s able to draw upon fringe elements on both sides of politics. The fact is Ron Paul successfully appeals to the elements of the left and right who have been marginalised by the Republican/Democratic capitulation to corporate interests. He capitalises on the common ground between those two sides, while somehow magically glossing over their differences, and the “moral” differences that have been imprinted into them by the mainstream “debate”. A notable example is the Abortion debate. Paul is personally anti-abortion, however his political stance is arguably compatible both with supporters AND opponents of Abortion (he consistently argues that it is an issue to be decided by states as they see fit). This is a convenient political position - it endears him to the Right, and the Left find it hard to argue with his stance from a Constitutional standpoint.

3 He is the reincarnation Paul Revere (Ok, this is a bit rich, but.. Bear with us).

“Listen my children, and you shall hear,
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy Five,
Hardly a Man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year…”

His name is “Paul”. His self-created image is that of an eleventh hour horseman, riding up and down the river, ringing an alarm bell to save the American Republic and warn the people of the peril that awaits them. Many people have asked me why I should still be interested in a candidate in the American election when that candidate is so clearly not on the ticket of either party (”He can’t win, so why pay any attention?”). The answer is because I am interested in Ron Paul the phenomenon, the political personality, and in the movement. If anyone thinks that a movement that can raise as much money as this, that is as well mobilsed as this, and which can still, just months away from the election mobilise an event that draws more than 20,000 people will just go away? I don’t believe it. Watch this crew, they may be signing your checks in a few years.

4 His message is the embodiment of the American dream. He believes in the spirit of the individual. “Self reliance, self respect, and taking care of ourselves”….

Ron Paul is the original American individualist. Regardless of whether you believe or not that American idealism and individuality is the right way of life (we at Monopolymen are.. on the fence.. Rex is probably a Capitalist or Libertarian scumbag at heart, whereas Kenji realises that when Rex is out on his ass, somebody will have to give him the welfare checks so he doesn’t sponge off of Kenji), the fact remains that such a way of life IS the embodiment of the Republic that the founding fathers in the US created. It may not be the way in the AUS, or the UK, but in the USA people live and die by these rules every single day. Ron Paul is fighting for that ideal and those rules. It stands to reason that common people will find his message appealing.

5 He is a civil libertarian who does not believe that liberty can be traded for security, but conversely does not believe in a ‘victim mentality’. He believes in peaceful civil disobedience, and cites MLK and Ghandi in his speeches.

REALLY. I’m not kidding. As far as political figures in American history, they don’t come any more confusing. Watch his speech at the recent “Counter-convention” to the RNC, the “Rally for the Republic”. Amazingly, as a self confessed Republican, he cites Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Ghandi in his speech as an example of how sometimes passive resistance and civil disobedience are required in defending liberty in a Republic. This both appeals to the Left’s ideas of protest and free speech, while appealing to the Right (in the US) ideas of actively fighting for their freedom, and fending off Tyrannical central governments by force of arms. Heady stuff.

6 He believes in free speech AND the right to bear arms. Again - staunch constitutionalist, and while we’re at it, see number 5.

In many of Paul’s speeches, he quite clearly advocates in favor of the right to bear arms in America. Even from the Monopolymen, staunch pacifists and anti-gun advocates, we can clearly understand now why the American founding fathers enshrined in their constitution the right for the common man to bear arms. It seems that during peaceful times, the right to bear arms is a pain, and a nuisance, with violent crimes and suicides made easier. But in a time of revolution, when the powers that be are violently and forcefully repressing the people by force of arms? Where is self defense? The second amendment in the USA (and ONLY in the USA) starts to make some kind of sense - if only from a historical perspective. During hurricane Katrina, private citizens were arming themselves against roving bands of armed looters - but when the national guard and Blackwater turned up, they were forcefully disarmed. Regardless of whether you think that was right or wrong, under the American constitution, it was -illegal-. Fuel to the fire. We must remember, after all, that the Second amendment itself was designed specifically to create militias, a well-armed populace, in lieu of a national army (or one that is indisposed, perhaps in a faraway country like say, oh. IRAQ), and to place the power to defend the Republic in the very hands of the people themselves. For right or for wrong, their justification for protecting that right stems from a belief in the constitution as the final word in the United States of America.

7 he is not owned by corporate or government interests.

Nuff said. Just look at Congressman Paul’s Voting record. He consistently (unlike McCain, Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama) votes his conscience, and that of his constituents. He is anti-big pharma, anti-big oil, and anti-military industrial complex. His voting record always aligns along conscience lines, and never in favor of corporate lobbyists. In the USA, that practically makes it a miracle he’s even a Congressman. This type of politician is not unique in Washington, but is certainly rare. One which manages to combine this kind of honesty with charisma and an apparently financially independent and well-organised and motivated movement behind them, is probably a once in a lifetime thing. His independence is probably at the heart of his appeal. We repeat ourselves, but, he is one to look out for.

8 He is not afraid to speak truth to power.

Even though he ran for the nomination as a Republican, he was consistently comfortable in criticising their botched foreign policy for the last 8 years, and indeed, criticising their very marginalising of his campaign. Figures show that he consistently raised more money than McCain, and received the most donations from Active US Military Servicemen than any other candidate. Throughout his campaign, he was not ashamed to point this out, potentially ridiculing the Republican elite. Obviously, it was one of the things that cost him the presidency this time around.

9 He is a staunch Constitutionalist, the original kind of American Patriot

A brief trawl through the annals of American history shows that some of the most celebrated “Patriots” in American history were actually rather troublemakers. They were rascals and rebels, who didn’t answer to any political stripe, but rather to the calling and letter of ideals and revolution, and of their fervent beliefs in the philosophies underpinning their revolution (Locke, Paine, Adams, Jefferson, Washington). Patriotism, is as likely to reside in the vocal chords of an anti-globalisation protestor decrying the evils of a tyrannical government as it is in the words of a libertarian, or Republican or Democrat fighting in the court against unconstitutional actions by a government. Americans study and celebrate the Boston Tea Party as a turning point in gaining their freedom - and yet today the same people would be locked up for causing criminal damage, or disturbing the piece, or worse - sent to Guantanamo bay for acts of terrorism. Because let’s face it, the Boston Tea Party was, an act of terrorism (non lethal terrorism). Paul argues consistently (as evidenced by his voting record, as well as his rhetoric) in favor of the American constitution, above all else, and he argues that Americans today reconnect themselves with the same spirit as the people who carried out the Boston Tea Party, in response to tyranny and defense of the constitution. In Rex’s eyes, that makes him an American Patriot - for right or for wrong.

10 He is a father figure.

Paul’s manner is interesting. Both persuasive and humble. Powerful and subtle. Something about the way the man delivers his message clearly adds to his populist appeal. There’s, dare we say it, just something trustworthy about his ability to cut the bullshit and just tell you what he thinks is the right way things should be done, but without making it feel like he’s forcing you to believe that his way is right. This kind of trust, in our opinion, is much like the trust one has in their father. He might not always be right, but for right or wrong, he always has your best interests at heart.

11 His followers are self-motivated, organised, and technically savvy. They are the next generation of american political influence.

It’s no coincidence that Ron Paul, who ran for President of the USA as a Libertarian in 1988, attracted one of the widest followings of any Political candidate on the internet during the primaries - indeed most of his campaign was organised through grassroots, online movements.. The internet-savvy crowd (the hard-core of net users that fall out of the mainstream) are by most accounts, a largely Libertarian bunch. These are the people who have welcomed the proliferation of internet porn with open arms (or at the very least have opposed Censorship and supported net neutrality), who have gleefully embraced the electronic, tax-free, free-market experiments such as sites like Amazon and Ebay, and who have largely been in the forefront of companies like Google, Amazon and even Digg.com. Face it, the net is the ultimate technological extension of the Libertarian movement, and Ron Paul is a Libertarian at heart. The glove is a perfect fit.

12 He is not in the race in 2008. But IF there is a race in 2012 or after, he or one of his movement will have a very good chance at President..

One of the more interesting quotes from Paul at the Ron-Vention was this : “Our day will come”. Ron Paul is unashamed about the fact that despite not standing a chance in the 2008 race, he is about the message, and not the office. In this day and age, there is nothing as hugely appealing to the wider American politically savvy public than a genuine true believer who looks beyond the current election cycle.

13 He believes in hard money - gold+silver as legal tender.

The anti income-tax movement in the USA is a large and growing movement. Armed with the facts (see the curiously tabloid film “Monopoly Men” (with terrible and inappropriate music) about the true nature of America’s not-so-federal “Federal” reserve system), a huge and growing number of Americans are learning of the Weimar-esque dangers of a Fiat currency, and the true reasons behind the continuing decline of the value of the US dollar. Ron Paul eloquently states the case against Fiat money, which combined with pathetically under-regulated Wall-Street is ostensibly the major contributor in the current American financial crisis.

14 He is anti-drug war.

The United States currently incarcerates more people per head of population than anyone else on the planet bar China. Most of them are there due to drug offenses. Paul’s consistent stance against the war on drugs, and in particular against criminalising drug use amongst the terminally ill, places him squarely in the good books of many both on the pro-drug Left and the anti-big-government Libertarian Right.

15 He is anti big government in an era when big government are in bed with big corporations. This is why he appeals to Left AND Right. He is anti-establishment in an era when the establishment IS the CORPORATION.

Nuff said. More intelligent and well-educated Americans are standing up in their thousands and pointing out the continuing disaster that is destroying the American Republic. It is the influence of the corporation, and the military-industrial complex on politics, and as a result, the declining role of the common person’s control of the political establishment ( see, after all that it was a ’socialist’ message ;) ).

Until these things change, NOTHING will change in Washington. Rex endorses Obama, but really, if Rex was an American, he would vote for nobody. Many would argue this is pessimism, political apathy and starry-eyed idealism - “you have to pick one of the two, its a DEMOCRACY, you have to vote!”

To which Rex would reply : “I am a black South African in 1983. Let’s say hypothetically I’ve been given a special privellige to vote - for whatever reason. But I can only choose between two old white men, one right wing, one left wing, but niether of whom will challenge Apartheid as the status quo. But _I_ want to vote for Nelson Mandela, who wants to abolish apartheid (even if he is rotting away on a faraway prison island). What do you think I will do? Choose the lesser of two evils?

Yeah, right….

digg this story http://digg.com/political_opinion/Top_15_Reasons_RON_PAUL_is_the_Future_American_Pol itics


09-06-2008, 09:06 AM

09-06-2008, 09:19 AM
pretty good, the porn thing was out of place,but overall very good

09-06-2008, 09:20 AM
Wow, I think I'm gonna faint! What an excellent and spot on analysis!

I love the father figure part. :)

Does anyone remember the Tavis Smiley debate where RP talked about how the War on (some) Drugs and gun rights restrictions were racist in nature? I believe that eventually, that too will become an issue that, once understood by the general public, will help perpetuate our movement.

Thanks for posting this!

09-06-2008, 09:33 AM
Dugg. Great reading - thanks!

09-06-2008, 10:00 AM
I don't know if anyone posted this or not, if so I apologize for the duplicate...

Top 15 Reasons Ron Paul is the Future Force in American Politics

Nice find.

09-06-2008, 10:07 AM
Passed it along to a few people who still think I'm nuts for supporting RP. Thanks!