View Full Version : Ron Paul story #1 on Digg

09-02-2007, 12:50 PM
Ron Paul delegates Experience Tyranny at the Texas Straw Poll
http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Ron_Paul_delegates_Experience_Tyranny_at_the_Texas _Straw_Poll

Currently #1

digg to critical mass:)

Mr. White
09-02-2007, 12:55 PM
The bandwagon conspiracy thing that some of our members have when something doesn't go there way, despite the fact that they were in the wrong, makes me uneasy.

People need to research things before they go screaming bloody murder after watching a video with no context whatsoever.

09-02-2007, 12:58 PM
The bandwagon conspiracy thing that some of our members have when something doesn't go there way, despite the fact that they were in the wrong, makes me uneasy.

That's fair enough, but this bandwagon conspiracy thing doesn't come out of nothing. It comes from several months of purposeful exclusion, neglect, and slander from the powers that be, including the main stream media. I'm sure you know this.

Mr. White
09-02-2007, 01:13 PM
That's fair enough, but this bandwagon conspiracy thing doesn't come out of nothing. It comes from several months of purposeful exclusion, neglect, and slander from the powers that be, including the main stream media. I'm sure you know this.

I do, but raising Kane aboiut a situation where we were the ones who scrwed up doesn't lend creedence to the claims we levy when we ARE mistreated.

09-02-2007, 01:18 PM
The bandwagon conspiracy thing that some of our members have when something doesn't go there way, despite the fact that they were in the wrong, makes me uneasy.

People need to research things before they go screaming bloody murder after watching a video with no context whatsoever.

No joke. This makes us look like fools, people.

09-02-2007, 01:20 PM
Lets not blow this out of proportion.

Lets not take our displaced anger at losing the straw poll and displace it onto the GOP.

Considering the Odds, and the rules of the Texas Straw Poll, we did well.

Should it have been an open Straw Poll?: I think yes.

Did we do well considering Only delegates (Mostly Hard-core Neo-Cons) could vote?

I would say: Hell yes.

Instead of placing blame on the Texas GOP and making enemies; we should display a mature attitude about this; which may help us convert more Texas GOP.

Derek Johnson
09-02-2007, 04:31 PM
No joke. This makes us look like fools, people.

The only one that looks like a fool is you.

Mr. White
09-02-2007, 04:44 PM
The only one that looks like a fool is you.

I'm beginning to see why LE was so pissed at this forum a few days ago.

Some of you people are so busy tooting your 'woe is us' horn that you fail to recognize that this is the nature of politics. You want to bitch and moan? FINE. Do it without our campagin attached. You think those delegates were wronged? FINE. Work to contact them and see what you can do to help them.

Don't drag our collective name to the doors of the GOP, the party we are trying to WIN OVER, and BITCH at them for some of OUR delegates being unable to get somewhere on time. Don't then TURN AROUND and yell at US for not appreciating what you are doing.

If you read something that you don't like, do MORE RESEARCH before you start urging others to jump on your bitching bandwagon. Spend more than half an hour on something before touting it as the Gospel Truth.

09-02-2007, 05:24 PM
Let the gop do whatever they want and if they dont nominate Ron paul .They will lose.Once again if the GOP refuses to include Ron Paul or nominate him,then so be it.They choose to lose if they dont nominate Ron Paul,really no sweat off my back(we are already getting screwed by both parties,look at your paychecks),just keep pushing Ron Pauls message with or without the gop,they can make their own bed. Ron Paul 2008 PS America is over both parties,let the GOP make their own bed KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND SPREAD RON PAUL'S Message

09-02-2007, 05:50 PM
Yeah. I agree with some of you. We really need to chill out and stop crying wolf (even if we're confused and concerned). It will come back to bite us in the ass if we don't chill out when it comes to stuff like this. My general impression of the video is that it reminds me of a "reality TV" show--i.e., unsubstantiated, melodramatic video clips.

"Look at all the Ron Paul crazies," many will say.

Is it not weird, though, that this Ron Paul digg--out of all of the articles, videos, etc. posted on digg.com--has shot to #1? Why in the world would one of the worst Ron Paul associated videos be #1 on digg.com?!?! Is it me, or is there something a little fishy about that? It seems as if people on the internet are very interested in Ron Paul videos that could easily be taken as negative.

So really, I have no idea what I think about this yet. I don’t have much time to investigate either.

(It sucks, because I’m supposed to be at “Booms Day” in Knoxville tonight--a really big event every year on Labor Day weekend, complete with fireworks and all--helping the local meetup group(s) spread the message of Ron Paul, but my grandfather is having complications from his surgery yesterday, so I’m doing family stuff. Ah...Life....)