View Full Version : We should organize a CFL donation fund if the hurricane gets bad.....

08-31-2008, 02:20 PM
You know the media will try to paint it in a bad light if we're doing our thing while there's a hurricane on the loose. We should at least get ready to set up a CFL charity drive. We can prove that private charity works, and every time they bring it up, we can mention how much we raised. Plus, we can give the donations to the people who actually need it , instead of getting it entangled in bureaucratic mess. Win-win-win-win in my opinion.

Apologies if my pony is too slow.

08-31-2008, 03:07 PM
Is this in addition to the hundreds of billions in tax dollars already being spent on the region from the last hurricane?

If a charity drive is to be done, it should be for altruistic causes and not to get positive media coverage.

08-31-2008, 03:11 PM
Is this in addition to the hundreds of billions in tax dollars already being spent on the region from the last hurricane?

If a charity drive is to be done, it should be for altruistic causes and not to get positive media coverage.

Yes, in addition to those things.

I'm sorry if you don't live in the real world. But all the coverage of the RFR will be negative if we give them a reason to make it so.

08-31-2008, 03:18 PM
Yes, in addition to those things.

I'm sorry if you don't live in the real world. But all the coverage of the RFR will be negative if we give them a reason to make it so.


We could raise a million dollars for the cause and it wouldn't get the coverage it would deserve. I do live in the real world.