View Full Version : CFL Strategies discussion - please keep active

08-21-2008, 09:58 PM
Think about the CFL hosting precinct picnics every quarter, coordinated by district and county reps.

And the GOP holding County meetings every month, and district meetings semi-annually, stressing above all on how all-comers can get more involved and have more of a voice in affairs.

Now, holding both sides of the house, pair up CFL coordinators with GOP chairs, working together as a team to spread the message of strict construction and Taft-Goldwater Conservatism. Lobby the body to promote T-G Conservatives and Strict Constructionists into office, so that candidates literally come "up from the people" of your district.

Hold political debates at every event, the CFL backing the "home team" leaving the Neocons as the "away team." Contrast crucial policies through the setting up of debates up to specifically cover monetary policy; privacy policies, civil rights, legal construction, welfare reform, gun rights, current events, immigration, and fundamental Americanism.

Bring people and candidates together, debate it out, and then hold your primaries.

"Free picnic! Congressmen debate! Speak your peace, and choose your Congressman before the Primary!"

Every CFL District Rep needs to have someone in mind for GOP District Chair right now!

08-21-2008, 10:03 PM
all great ideas.
do all we can to promote true "Paul" conservatism

08-21-2008, 10:16 PM
Design every picnic/meeting from the ground to to "promote the will of the people" attending.

Debates can be voted on by the people, and votes tallied at the end of the picnic.

Meetings can be designed to interact with the community attending.

Promote "the party of the people" a big tent.

Actually have a big tent at the picnic.

08-21-2008, 10:42 PM
Bring back the old-school community Republican by township and county. Hold a public district meeting twice a year, and do your best to have your congressman in attendance. Regardless of party. "Mr Democratic Congressman, why do you want Republicans to vote for you?" Probably won't come; but that's ammo too.

08-21-2008, 11:11 PM
semi-annual meetings on november 5th and in may...

08-21-2008, 11:25 PM
All good ideas, our goals should be closely aligned to much of what is suggested by G. Edward Griffin here:


To sum up the video in a few words, basically we should be moving past just getting votes and raising awareness, we should actively seek positions of influence. We've already seen the impact this has had with the push for delegates from the primaries. So one of the key focuses of such events (rallies, picnics, etc) should be to distribute literature and contact information on how to get involved in the various levels available (state, federal, local, etc). Hell, we should probably push people to pledge to become 2012 delegates starting now.

08-22-2008, 12:32 AM
All good ideas, our goals should be closely aligned to much of what is suggested by G. Edward Griffin here:


To sum up the video in a few words, basically we should be moving past just getting votes and raising awareness, we should actively seek positions of influence. We've already seen the impact this has had with the push for delegates from the primaries. So one of the key focuses of such events (rallies, picnics, etc) should be to distribute literature and contact information on how to get involved in the various levels available (state, federal, local, etc). Hell, we should probably push people to pledge to become 2012 delegates starting now.

Hear here!

CFL-ers should dominate held offices.

08-22-2008, 01:19 AM
1) Emplace a majority Strict Constructionist Congress and Senate
2) Emplace an executive Strict Constructionist

Hold hearings over every single law on the books; sitting judges preside over legal arguments from their communities and forward their conclusions to appeals judges to appeals judges, to the USSC; who sits in and briefs Congress over every decision. In this manner, the entire volume of law is covered, with the singular goal of repealing as much legislation as possible.

USSC returns with an analysis of the results, and points out gaps wherein needs coverage. Congress works to agree on Constitutional coverage, and passes laws.

Once coverage is met, publish the new law. It should, in the end, be at least 1/3 of it's current size. If not smaller.

Trim the legislation back to it's Constitutional foundation.

08-22-2008, 01:32 AM
Republicae-Seditionist wrote:

During the period that the Federal Reserve Act was passed, so too was the 16th and 17th Amendment to the Constitution. Of course, many people tend to realize that the 16th Amendment (Progressive Income Tax) and the Federal Reserve Act have not been in the best interest of the People, but few realize that the 17th Amendment has caused major damage to this former Constitutional Republic. It is strange that the same politicians didn’t attempt to amend the Constitution to include the Federal Reserve Act and deny Congress the authority to coin money; perhaps they thought themselves lucky to “ratify” the 16th and 17th Amendments.

Section 3 of the Constitution states:

"The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.

Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies."

Now, there was a very good reason why the Founding Fathers placed the Senators outside the direct electoral process and placed them within a framework of indirect elections. By doing this, the Founders knew that they were placing yet another level of checks and balances over the government. They sought to keep the balance of power between the State Republics and the federal branches of the Executive, Legislature and Judicial. In fact, they wanted to be sure that the Rights and Interests of the State Republics were maintained while keeping a very close eye on the federal branches. They also wanted the Senate to be comprised of men who were mature, possessing a higher degree of experience and wisdom then those directly elected to the House of Representatives.

The Senate was to be insolated from influences of direct politics, financial corruption and whims of the public. Senators were to answer indirectly to the People through their respective State Legislatures. It really was a stroke of absolute genius; too bad the same corrupt officials that brought us the Federal Reserve Act and Progressive Income Tax eliminated this extremely valuable check on power and abuse.

In 1787, John Dickerson, delegate to the Constitutional Convention from the State of Delaware spoke about the power of this vital check on governmental power: “ The preservation of the States in a certain degree of agency is indispensable, it will produce the collision between the different authorities that should be wished for in order to check each other.”

The Senate, appointed by the respective State Legislatures, also provided a very strong barrier to potential mistakes made by the Citizens of each State Republic. James Madison in the Federalist #63, said that indirect elections would be a “defense to the people against their own temporary errors and delusions and would blend stability with Liberty.”

The Power and Rights of the State Republics, through the direction and guidance of each State Legislature, would be the only influence on their respective Senators. The Senate would dutifully represent the best interest of the State Republics and therefore, the Citizens of each State. It was, to say the least, an ideal program to maintain the balance of power and curtail potential usurpations of the federal government over the States and their People.

Of course, the 17th Amendment was touted as a measure to eliminate undue influences on the Senate from special interests yet it had the opposite effect.

With the passage of the 16th, 17th Amendments and the Federal Reserve Act, the government increased its reach and power over the People. There are some who question the validity of the actual ratification of the above-mentioned Amendments, but time and space restrict us from that subject at this time.

At one time, the power of taxation was only on the State Level, with revenues being submitted to the federal government to fund the various limited functions of government, but in 1913 all of that changed, in fact it was all reversed. Each of these pieces of legislations, more than any other, allowed the growth of the federal government beyond the restrictions and limitations of the Constitution.

Now, although the State Republics have been neutered by the overwhelming reach and power of the federal authority, they stand as potentially the only viable medium for the People of this Country to regain control over their government. Within the Halls of the State Legislatures abides the some of the last remaining remnants of Constitutional Power, sitting dormant and un-utilized by those who have either forgotten their power or who have played their respective political party plays far too long.

If We, the People of these United States of America are ever to regain Our Sovereignty, I have a feeling that it will only come when we retake the Halls of Power within the individual State Houses and Governorships. It is not enough to simply support certain run-of-the-mill Republican or Democratic candidates; we must field candidates who are dedicated to the ideals of Constitutionalism and the goal of restoring the Republic to the People.

Most people, especially our politicians have forgotten, or chose to ignore the fact that it is absolutely indispensable to the well-being of a Free People that each person enjoy the full benefits of Liberty, not as would be granted or allowed by government, but that Liberty which is Guaranteed by Providential Right alone! All demands upon us for any part of our Liberty or even our substance, which is not given by our own consent amounts to nothing more than governmental allowance of a measure of contingent freedom.

Freedom which is contingent upon the allowances of the government is no Freedom at all, indeed it amounts to little more than coercive tyranny and should not be allowed to stand. The People of this Nation are neither the property nor the wards of this government; the government is the ward and possession of the People. The correct role of this government should be viewed and maintained as nothing more than a tool, created and used to promote and secure the ability of the People to live their lives in Liberty and Freedom. The primary function and really the only reason for the existence of this government is proclaimed within the philosophy of the Declaration of Independence and explained within the Constitution of the United States.

Any man who values his Freedom, indeed his Life, must demand of the government the full acceptance of his Natural Right, unfettered by governmental intervention or coercion. Without such a demand by the People, government will always gravitate toward an arbitrary will and application of law to the point that neither the law nor the Constitution will remain without being stripped of all vestiges of Liberty. Within the writings of Our Founding Fathers are solutions; embedded within the Founding Documents are principles which provide both wisdom and guidance for the proper role of government, to be used as a tool, an instrument that forms the foundation of Our ability to live Free.

Our ability to live Free is not, nor was it ever intended to relieve the responsibility of each man to determine his own direction in life, nor to provide a safety net for those lives. Our primary Freedom is the Freedom from government intervention and interference. Under the Founding philosophy, the political Sovereignty exists only in and through the People themselves, not in a governmental body. Until that Sovereignty is restored to the People, we will continue to live under a state of existence no different than any other person living under any other state. We will suffer the same fate as all others, differing little from any other person who must play second fiddle to their state ideology and the force of coercion. Currently, this Nation has regressed into a pre-revolutionary state, one where the government is seen as the end all be all, and end all, the final authority to grant or abridge any Right to its Citizens.

This government has forsaken “Just Power” in favor of “Raw Power”. It has lost it sense that the Unalienable Rights of the People are inviolate and that the Protection of those Rights is the primary obligation the government has to the People. No individual, no political party, no class of people, no authority, and no government have the right to deprive the People of Liberty. For government is the trustee of the Common Liberty of the People as long as it remains trustworthy of that post! When a government no longer is willing or able to be entrusted with safeguarding the Liberty of the People then it should no longer be considered as a legitimate authority and ultimately it must be treated as an Enemy of the People.

This government does not have the lawful right to issue any law, arbitrarily, that it pleases, in order to bind us and nullify Our Natural Liberty. Consent is not the same as Representation, for all Representation must come from the directive of the People. Although at one point in our history, the directive of the People was the power and the authority of the vote, it is no longer the case. Now, it appears that those who hold office do so at the will of special interests, corporations, even secret and foreign influences.

In Liberty,

Heave-Ho and on you go.

08-22-2008, 02:34 AM
I don’t forsee the possiable benificiary in individual terms but i see the rise of a new major conservative party, the two main contenters being the Constitutional Party and the Libertarian Party. in fact, in just a few election cycles, i see one major party- the democratic Party with three lesser parties, the two just mentioned and the soon to be deceased GOP. It will take time for the public to reformulate which of these two, the Libertarian or the constitutional Party will rise to replace the GOP. My bet would be on the Constitutional Party.


hmmm. Just a thought I could live with...