View Full Version : Bob Barr ack Obama?

08-18-2008, 02:36 PM
He's polling at 6% and all he wants to do is trash John McCain when he gets a chance to speak on National television. Shouldn't he be trashing the communist Obama with equal intensity?
He is campaigning for Obama.

08-18-2008, 02:41 PM
He's polling at 6% and all he wants to do is trash John McCain when he gets a chance to speak on National television. Shouldn't he be trashing the communist Obama with equal intensity?
He is campaigning for Obama.

Probably because his audience already knows (and dislikes) Obama, but thinks(mistakenly) that McCain is better.

08-18-2008, 02:41 PM
He's not polling at 6%... More like 2.5%. That poll was online, the phone polls put him at 2%, with a downward trend....

I haven't heard him trash McCain much more then Obama. In both radio and television shows, he seems to like to equate them as the same and attack them both at once. I think a lot of the McCain talk results from the media asking him the same question over and over "Do you feel guilty that you will 'nader-ize' the election for John McCain?" And then he says people should have a choice and that McCain isn't a conservative anyways.

08-18-2008, 02:41 PM
I think he wants to draw conservative voters from McCain to him by showing them how McCain is not "their man". There is little to be gained in votes from trashing Obama.

08-18-2008, 02:42 PM
Well Barack Obama is a fine individual and I would consider it unwise of any true patriot to not campaign for the Good Senator.

08-18-2008, 02:44 PM
i'm not voting for him but i don't think attacking the "lesser evil" is that good of an idea

i mean, if we're gonna get fucked, i'd rather we get fucked slightly less as hard

08-18-2008, 02:46 PM
i'm not voting for him but i don't think attacking the "lesser evil" is that good of an idea

i mean, if we're gonna get fucked, i'd rather we get fucked slightly less as hard
I think we should get fucked so hard that we do not put ourselves in the position to get fucked next time.

08-18-2008, 02:47 PM
I think we should get fucked so hard that we do not put ourselves in the position to get fucked next time.

History has a tendency to repeat itself, and those affected by that terrible history have a tendency to unsuccessfully proclaim that we need to learn from history so that we do not repeat our mistakes.

Maybe if we were forever a third-world country....

08-18-2008, 02:47 PM
He's not polling at 6%... More like 2.5%. That poll was online, the phone polls put him at 2%, with a downward trend....

I haven't heard him trash McCain much more then Obama. In both radio and television shows, he seems to like to equate them as the same and attack them both at once. I think a lot of the McCain talk results from the media asking him the same question over and over "Do you feel guilty that you will 'nader-ize' the election for John McCain?" And then he says people should have a choice and that McCain isn't a conservative anyways.

That makes sense Kludge on the Nader-ization questions, I was flipping through and heard he was coming up and when I heard him talking and walked back into the room the evil tv lives in, it was all John did this John did that on the Russian bullshit.
I was waiting for some equal slams on Obama about anything but they never came.