View Full Version : Depart yee from the collective.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
08-13-2008, 09:37 AM
When a mother rushes her child to a doctor, she isn't doing it because her child is unhealthy but unhappy. This is the subtle proper order of the ways of things that governments never get while most mothers do. In the abstract reality of a responsible world, everyone gets healthcare; while, in the real world of contentment, we do whatever it takes to get our children the comfort they need to be happy. A mother rushing her child to the doctor is the market. Any forces against the mother will most likely be doing so in the name of responsibility. In the end, the real solution to healthcare is to eliminate the abstract illusion of health insurance altogether.

The business of health today is evolving itself from the healthcare industry into the heath insurance industry. The reason we know this is happening is the fact that more and more doctors are dropping out of the business of healthcare while less and less patients can afford the high costs of it. This means that more money is going into the process of delivering the healthcare, the middleman process of health insurance, than is going into the business of providing healthcare itself.

Eventually, a bourgeoisie insurance paradise is acheived when the proletariat doctors receive no pay for their services while the proletariat patients themselves are charged bills that they can't possible pay. In other words, we won't all have health insurance in the future per se; rather, even better, we will all live in and work for a health insurance collective.

While living and working in a socialistic health insurance collective might sound bad, we tend to forget that there exists a kind of primitive tyranny even worse than socialism. If an American today desires health insurance, they have 2 choices available to them of either sitting at the table as a member of the upper class, if they have the means or the social position to do so, or at the table as a member of the lower class -- if they can demonstrate that they aren't a gaft individual. If one is middle class, then chances are great that he or she either won't be able to afford healthcare or they won't qualify for it.

In the meantime, the health bourgeoisie collective, those who control the means of production, pay huge amounts to the Federal, State and Local governments every year in lobbying efforts. Also in the meantime, the Federal, State and Local governments spend huge amounts on health insurance policies for their employees driving up the costs of health insurance for corporations. This high cost paid in turn by the corporations then drives up the cost for healthcare for the middle class who have to pay even more in taxes to the Federal, State and Local governments for even higher costs that will be spent for their future healthcare.

While the patient at one time was the unqualified party, the client, to the doctor in terms of what is proper healthcare, the patient and the doctor together have become unqualified parties, the clients, to the financial expertise involved with what has become proper healthcare. This is happening because the business of heath is evolving from healthcare to the financial services of health insurance.

Other absurdities can be found where medical centers continue to expand while health insurance companies require hospitals located in them to empty out as many patients as quickly as possible. So, one has the situation where the Texas Medical Center has over 6000 beds and expanding while it is being forces to keep most of them empty -- at the dis-ease of the patients they serve. At the same time, rich patrons give hundreds of billions for research into healthcare that only they will be able to afford in the future, not because of the business of healthcare, but, because of the financial business of health insurance. If these rich patrons knew they were only giving to themselves, perhaps they would stop giving.

We need to quit. We need to shirk our responsibilities by going without health insurance. This could mean that we might die, granted, but fully insured patients are dying every day when they get turned away from over burdened emergency room service: once again, turned away not because of the healthcare industry but because of the healthcare insurance industry. This phenomenon will only get worse in the future.

We only have 3 choices to choose from in the future: Socialism, tyranny or the free market. The free market will work when we prevent governments from purchasing for themselves and their government employees health insurance. When governments aren't allowed to purchase health insurance policies for their employees with tax payer money, which amounts to an unfathomable piggy bank, this in turn lowers the price of healthcare for corporations. Ultimately the middlemen health insurance companies get removed from the financial process altogether as their business becomes less lucrative. This causes doctors and hospitals to become competitive with each other again. This in turn lowers prices for patients.

Anti Federalist
08-13-2008, 11:59 AM
UEW wrote:

We need to quit. We need to shirk our responsibilities by going without health insurance. This could mean that we might die, granted, but fully insured patients are dying today when they get turned away from over burdened emergency room service once again not because of the healthcare industry but because of the financial service provided to the healthcare insurance industry. This phenomenon will only get worse in the future.

Good idea.

That's why states, starting with Massachusetts, now makes it mandatory that you "buy" health insurance, even if you do not need it or want it.

So what then?

Truth Warrior
08-13-2008, 12:19 PM
Depart ye from the bogus "abstraction". :rolleyes:

Anti Federalist
08-13-2008, 01:06 PM
depart ye from the bogus "abstraction". :rolleyes:

Epic Lolz.

Truth Warrior
08-13-2008, 01:11 PM
Epic Lolz.

Epic Lolz. ? :cool:

Thanks! ;)

Anti Federalist
08-13-2008, 01:15 PM
Epic Lolz. ? :cool:

Thanks! ;)

I don't know why.

I'm drawn to a UEW thread like a moth to light.

Self flagellation I suppose.

"Pain is the cleanser!! Pain is the cleanser!!"

Truth Warrior
08-13-2008, 01:18 PM
I don't know why.

I'm drawn to a UEW thread like a moth to light.

Self flagellation I suppose.

"Pain is the cleanser!! Pain is the cleanser!!" It's kinda like watching a train wreck.<IMHO> :D

Anti Federalist
08-13-2008, 01:27 PM
It's kinda like watching a train wreck.<IMHO> :D

Check this:


Truth Warrior
08-13-2008, 01:34 PM
Check this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2jUYNimDnE Can't be UEW engineering there. It worked far too well for far too long. :D

Thanks! ;)

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
08-13-2008, 04:46 PM
Depart ye from the bogus "abstraction". :rolleyes:

Government is very simple. One tends to the thirst at the dinner table first before addressing the responsibility of dining and wining. When the proper order is addressed, one never deals with work but with enjoyment. This proper order is certainly followed by the Queen of England as it should be followed by us.
We are not here for our health. That is an abstract responsibility of life. If we were here for our health, then we would send all our sick off to war. We are here for our contentment which is why we send our healthy to fight in wars.
When we focus our attentions on the secondary abstract responsibilities in life -- health, wealth and education -- healthcare becomes a disease, money a burden which never solves problems and knowledge a process which destroys wisdom.

08-13-2008, 04:48 PM

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
08-13-2008, 05:07 PM
UEW wrote:

Good idea.

That's why states, starting with Massachusetts, now makes it mandatory that you "buy" health insurance, even if you do not need it or want it.

So what then?

As much as people hate it, Walmart is solving the problems with healthcare. We need a low cost health insurance which is really no insurance. Put me in a line so I can get the back of my head slapped a few times and on my way after paying a grand total of $19.95 for an office visit and $4.95 for my medication. This way I won't be paying that huge tab for illegal aliens added on as my dependents.
I guess you can pay that burden if you want to. Go ahead and move to Massachusetts. They like paying 20 billion to build 7.5 miles of freeways for low quality transportation.
Shoot, Massachusetts doesn't need healthcare because you can't get there to get it any way. It is all endless round abouts and leaking tunnels.

Anti Federalist
08-13-2008, 07:27 PM
For the love of all that's holy, stick with me for just a minute Uncle, please?

You said:

We need to quit. We need to shirk our responsibilities by going without health insurance

I said:

Good idea.

That's why states, starting with Massachusetts, now make it mandatory that you "buy" health insurance, even if you do not need it or want it.

So what then?

So, I agreed with you.

But I also made the point that option is now being taken "off the table", starting in Mass. and with many other states lined up to follow.

So the question is, what to do now?

Civil disobedience, rebellion, forget it, what?

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
08-13-2008, 08:23 PM
For the love of all that's holy, stick with me for just a minute Uncle, please?

You said:

I said:

So, I agreed with you.

But I also made the point that option is now being taken "off the table", starting in Mass. and with many other states lined up to follow.

So the question is, what to do now?

Civil disobedience, rebellion, forget it, what?

Yes. I did get that and, yes, I did twist things around. But I never shrink from the chance of ridiculing the Big Dig.
What now? No more health insurance for government employees. Period. Not for the President, Congress or the Supreme Court. Let them get their own health care.
We need duty free zones where foreign doctors can live. As foreign competition has worked fabulously in making our manufacturing competitive, foreign doctors will likewise work to bring down the price of healthcare. Don't give the doctors their citizenship though. Medication can be bought in Mexico for the same price that medication can be bought in the United States with healthcare benefits. Walmartize the process. Competition, competition, competition!