View Full Version : Help submit a list of grievances for the following CFL promo to be sent all over the,

08-06-2008, 06:52 AM
My American countrymen,

We stand today at a crossroads in the epoch of change for our global civilization. There are enormous trials that surround us in each and every direction, and the way in which we face those trials will spell the difference between the dusk of our age, or the dawning of of a glorious new American era.

My friends, I believe that within every American heart there remains the very spark of liberty which our forefathers first ignited upon this Continent which has spread throughout the world, and today it is our duty -- no ladies and gentlemen, our very honor to rekindle the flame and the passion of liberty to consume the world in a glorious awakening of freedom.

Do not be misled. We indeed face a set of challenges today that are more difficult than any that has ever been faced in the history of civilization itself. We are at a crossroads, and if we continue down the same path that we have trod for nearly a century, then the path ahead will yield only darkness and despair for our generation, the next generation, our nation, and the nations throughout the world.

Do not be deceived, but know that the destiny of our great nation has been hijacked by a handful of profiteers and robber barons bent on enriching themselves at the expense of the very principles which make us free, and of the very practicals that have spread freedom around the globe.

Nearly the whole of Washington has become corrupted, bought and sold under the system of indenture that steals the the voice and the franchise of the American citizen and places it into the hands of the corporate lobbies that peddle influence and power in the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House.

The very hands that feed the wallets of our indentured politicians, handwrite the headlines and the hard lines of our media and our newsprint, which media in turn tells us only what they want us to know.

Indeed, never before in the history of America has it become more imperative than today that we take heed to the words once written into the hearts of every American by the patriot Thomas Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Wisdom reveals to us that any government that has graced our nation for more than two centuries should not be lightly abandoned for some minor or temporary grievance, and experience reveals to us that people are more likely to endure the griefs that they are accustomed to enduring, rather than to break off and venture into uncharted territories.

We have grown accustomed to being fed the same bad choices every two and four years. The commonness of the depravity of our situation has become so grave that the phrase "the lesser of two evils" has entered our vernacular to the depth that it has come to embody our entire electoral process. No longer do American vote for a given candidate, rather we merely vote against another candidate, scarcely realizing that both candidates are bought and sold under the system of indenture, and both choices are owned by the same master.

And so we wonder why, election after election and year after year, when we are promised change, change never comes. And still we wonder why, year after year and election after election we are promised hope, hope never bears fruit. We elect a statist Republican, and slide deeper into socialism, we elect a socialist Democrat, and slide deeper into fascism; no matter who we elect, we continue to march inevitably towards a collectivofascist state, in direct violation of every principle once laid out by our Founding Fathers.

Thus we see that beyond the illusion of choice which is thrust upon us in every election, there has come a long train of abuses and usurpations, which invariably pursue a singular object -- that is to reduce the population of these United States under an absolute despotism in the service of the very interests that have purchased the political process in our nation at the cost of our own blood and treasure.

Therefore it is time that We The people of these United States stand up and with one voice throw off the chains of bondage that have conspired to reduce us under the despotic domestication of the profiteers and the modern day robber barons. It is past time that we reject the special interests and the corporate lobbies that trade in influence and power over the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House.

Our forefathers who stood upon the field of battle now two and one-third centuries ago, have blessed us each in the deepest part of our hearts with the spark of liberty which we must now rekindle towards the ultimate goal of restoring the heritage of freedom in our nation, returning control over our governmental institutions to the hands of her people, and rebuilding the Republic which once secured our sovereign right and spread freedom across the globe.

The abuses which we today endure are more numerous and more grievous than the abuses suffered by the very authors of our liberty. These abuses are made all the more grievous on account of the monopoly now held over American institutions of education, the press, and the media, which whisper lullabies into the ears of our sovereign citizens imploring us not to notice, and those institutions now stand complicit in the theft of America and of the independence of the American citizen.

We, therefore submit to a candid population of the United States and the the world entire, the following list of grievances:

Wherein on account of the above usurpations and abuses we have submitted time and again our petitions for redress, and time and again we have elected those who have promised to put an end to these forenamed abuses. These petitions and these elections have without exception been met at every occasion with continued injury. A government which lacks responsiveness to the overwhelming will of the American people is unfit to preside over these United States.

To this end, therefore, we the membership of the Campaign for Liberty resolve to devote every effort that is within our capacity to muster towards the electoral overthrow of the obstructionists which currently hold positions within the Federal Government, the several State Governments, the Republican Party, and the Democratic Party in the United States with the ultimate goal of replacing these obstructionist politicians with those who will provide us redress and move to reject the power and influence of our current governmental system of indenture, the profiteers and the robber barons, the influence peddlers and the corporate lobbyists, and all those whose primary goal is to preserve the status quo and continue the descent of America into the hell of collectivofascism.

If you agree with us that we need change, real change and not lip service, then please join us today. We need help immediately. Our first convention will be in St. Paul Minnesota concurrent with the RNC national convention on September 2nd and 3rd. We expect to seat between 12,000 and 14,000 people.

Following that event, our primary goal will be to recruit enough members to begin unseating the existing obstructionists within the GOP leadership. Many states' begin their precinct convention process in January and February of 2009, therefore time is short, and we must begin acting now.

Our target right now is by September 2009 to put CFL Republicans into 19% of the precinct chairs, 38% of the county chairs, 56% of the District chairs, and 75% of the State chairs. Then, once we have basically taken over the GOP leadership positions, we will focus on putting CFL people into Congress and the Senate in 2010.

Then, by 2011, our target is to have claimed 25% of the precinct chairs, 50% of the County chairs, 75% of the District Chairs, and 100% of the State chairs, and also to take the National chair, and to own at least 51% of the RNC Committee.

Then in 2012, we put up a CFL candidate for President with the full backing of the GOP proper.

It will take a LOT of work on the ground level, a lot of walking the streets and knocking on doors, but our targets are well within reach.

Please join the Campaign for Liberty today. We can take back our nation and restore the Republic, but real change begins with YOU!


08-06-2008, 08:25 AM

08-06-2008, 09:11 AM
My American countrymen,

We stand today at a crossroads in the epoch of change for our global civilization. There are enormous trials that surround us in each and every (surrounding us in every direction) direction, and the way in which (i'd nix this) we face those (these)trials will spell the difference between the dusk of our age, or the dawning of of a glorious new American era.

My friends, I believe that within every American heart there remains the very spark of liberty which our forefathers first ignited upon this Continent (Continent is good (though go lower case),but I would suggest just saying land)which has spread throughout the world, and today it is our duty -- no ladies and gentlemen, our very honor to rekindle the flame and the passion of liberty to consume the world (I feel like this is a message more to Americans, so I'd refrain from "world", and go maybe with "our communities, family, friends" or something like that)in a glorious awakening of freedom.

Do not be misled. We indeed (delete) Maybe go with: Today, we face a set of challenges more difficult than any society has faced in the history of civilization.face a set of challenges today that are more difficult than any that has ever been faced in the history of civilization itself. We are at a crossroads, (delete, replace with period)and if we (delete) continue down the same path that we have trod for nearly a century, then the path ahead will yield only darkness and despair for our generation, the next generation, our nation, and the nations throughout the world. (Replace with "Continuing down this same path on which we have trod for nearly a century will yield us only darkness and despair for many ensuing generations")

Do not be deceived,but know (replace with a period) (Be aware) that the destiny of our great nation [COLOR="Red"]has been is hijacked by a handful of profiteers and robber barons (delete)bent on enriching themselves at the expense of the very principles which make us free, and of the very practicals (practices)that have spread (ideas of) freedom around the globe.

Nearly the whole of Washington has become corrupted (is corrupt), bought and sold under the system of indenture that steals the the (delete)voice and the franchise of the American (Americans.) citizen and places it into the hands of the corporate lobbies that peddle influence and power in the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House. (not sure how I'd retool this)

The very hands that feed the wallets of our indentured politicians, handwrite the headlines and the hard lines of our media and our newsprint, which media in turn tells us only what they want us to know.

Indeed, never before in the history of America has it become (is it) more imperative than today that we take heed to (from) the words once written into the hearts of every American by the patriot Thomas Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Wisdom reveals to us that any government that has graced our nation for more than two centuries should not be lightly abandoned for some minor or temporary grievance, and experience reveals to us that people are more likely to endure the griefs that they are accustomed to enduring, rather than to break off and venture into uncharted territories. WELL SAID GUNNY

We have grown accustomed to being fed the same bad choices every two and four years. The commonness of the depravity of our situation has become so grave that the phrase "the lesser of two evils" has entered our vernacular to the (such) depth that it has come to embody our entire electoral process. No longer do Americans vote for a given candidate, rather we merely vote against another candidate, scarcely realizing that (delete)both candidates are bought and sold under the system of indenture, and both choices are owned by the same master.

And so we wonder why, election after election and year after year, when we are promised change, change never comes. And still we wonder why, year after year and election after election we are promised hope, hope never bears fruit. We elect a statist Republican, and slide deeper into socialism, we elect a socialist Democrat, and slide deeper into fascism; no matter who we elect, we continue to march inevitably towards a collectivofascist state, in direct violation of every principle once laid out by our Founding Fathers.

Thus we see that beyond the illusion of choice which is thrust upon us in every election, there has come a long train of abuses and usurpations, which invariably pursue a singular object -- that is to reduce the population of these United States under an (to) absolute despotism in the service of the very interests that have purchased the political process in our nation at the cost of our own blood and treasure.

Therefore it is time that We The People of these United States stand up and with one voice to throw off the chains of bondage(period) that have conspired to reduce us under the despotic domestication of the profiteers and the modern day robber barons. (delete) It is past time that we (The time is now to)reject the special interests and the corporate lobbies that trade in influence and power over the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House.

Our forefathers who stood upon the field of battle now two and one-third centuries ago, have (delete)blessed us each in the deepest part of our hearts with the spark of liberty((end of sentence) which We must now rekindle towards (delete) the ultimate goal of restoring the heritage of freedom in our nation, returning control over our governmental institutions to the hands of her people, and rebuilding the Republic which once secured our sovereign right. and spread freedom across the globe. (delete)

The abuses which we today endure (Today, the abuses endured are more numerous and more grievous (egregious) than the abuses suffered by the very authors of our liberty. These abuses are made all the more grievous (increase in voracity) on account of the monopoly now held over American institutions of education, the press, and the media, which whisper lullabies into the ears of our sovereign citizens imploring us not to notice, and those institutions now stand complicit in the theft of America and of the independence of the American citizen. (somewhat of a run-on, not sure how i'd retool)

We, therefore submit to a candid population of the United States and the the world entire and those American patriots living abroad, the following list of grievances:

Wherein on account of the above usurpations and abuses we have submitted time and again our petitions for redress, and time and again we have elected those who have promised to put an end to these forenamed abuses. These petitions and these elections have without exception been met at every occasion with continued injury. A government which lacks responsiveness to the overwhelming will of the American people is unfit to preside over these United States.

To this end, therefore, we the membership of the Campaign for Liberty resolve to devote every effort that is within our capacity to muster towards the electoral overthrow of the obstructionists which currently hold positions within the Federal Government, the several State Governments, the Republican Party, and the Democratic Party in the United States with the ultimate goal of replacing these obstructionist politicians with those who will provide us redress and move to reject the power and influence of our current governmental system of indenture, the profiteers and the robber barons, the influence peddlers and the corporate lobbyists, and all those whose primary goal is to preserve the status quo and continue the descent of America into the hell of collectivofascism.

If you agree with us that we need change, real change and not lip service, then please join us today. We need help immediately. Our first convention will be in St. Paul Minnesota concurrent with the RNC national convention on September 2nd and 3rd. We expect to seat between 12,000 and 14,000 people.

Following that event, our primary goal will be to recruit enough members to begin unseating the existing obstructionists within the GOP leadership. Many states' begin their precinct convention process in January and February of 2009, therefore time is short, and we must begin acting now.

Our target right now is by September 2009 to put CFL Republicans into 19% of the precinct chairs, 38% of the county chairs, 56% of the District chairs, and 75% of the State chairs. Then, once we have basically taken over the GOP leadership positions, we will focus on putting CFL people into Congress and the Senate in 2010.

Then, by 2011, our target is to have claimed 25% of the precinct chairs, 50% of the County chairs, 75% of the District Chairs, and 100% of the State chairs, and also to take the National chair, and to own at least 51% of the RNC Committee.

Then in 2012, we put up a CFL candidate for President with the full backing of the GOP proper.

It will take a LOT of work on the ground level, a lot of walking the streets and knocking on doors, but our targets are well within reach.

Please join the Campaign for Liberty today. We can take back our nation and restore the Republic, but real change begins with YOU!


Gunny --- I put a few thoughts on changes I'd make to the first part. If it was helpful, I'd be happy to do the second part.

08-06-2008, 09:19 AM
I appreciate it. that was written in spurts usually at 3AM... I have just gotten an emergency job call 2 hours away so I have to go for now (I can still check in and write small stuff from my iPhone) but big stuff is gonna have to wait for now. Much of that does clarify very well.

Once polished I hope to flood the tubes on the net with it, the blank spot is being reserved for a list of grievances much like the Declaration.

08-06-2008, 09:21 AM
I appreciate it. that was written in spurts usually at 3AM... I have just gotten an emergency job call 2 hours away so I have to go for now (I can still check in and write small stuff from my iPhone) but big stuff is gonna have to wait for now. Much of that does clarify very well.

Once polished I hope to flood the tubes on the net with it, the blank spot is being reserved for a list of grievances much like the Declaration.

Sounds good --- looking at my edits, some aren't very clear (it is a pain clicking "Bold", "ColorChange", so if anything looks like "what is he smoking?", let me know. Good luck on the job!

08-07-2008, 05:21 AM
I just now found out that Alex Jones is running a contest for doing this.

We could always submit documents as a committee group from the RPF's, for the contest.
I think it would be cool to win this prize, and then give the $2000 to the CFL. Or better yet, split with RPF's for equipment/maintenance/growth etc.