View Full Version : A chance for Novak to repent?

08-04-2008, 04:53 PM
He will not IMHO,


but if he did, he could blow the lid off all in his last days.

There is a time in one's life to come clean. Now is it for him.

They can't hurt you once you are gone. I am sure he could shake things up if he wanted to go in peace, in what is really going on out there.

He will live with it for eternity, if he doesn't speak now.

08-04-2008, 05:07 PM
wtf are you talking about. repent what?

08-04-2008, 05:13 PM
Do you read the news? CIA outing of V. Palm CIA agent and if VP involved. He was the one that leaked the story.

Many more things about what has been going on with the government controlled media.

08-04-2008, 05:23 PM
And he fucking ran over a dude with his car. And didn't even stop! He's a cold motherfucker.

08-04-2008, 05:39 PM
I just had to add this,

Scooter Libby in jail, VP not in jail, and Novak is the one that named the CIA agent.

He knows the real story and should fess up while he has time. My opinion.