View Full Version : Restraining orders against jack-booted thugs... hmmmm

08-03-2008, 10:37 AM
Read this article in the New American on how restraining orders are out of control:


And answer me this. Academically, of course. If I am fearful of my local police and DEA agents because they have this tendency to break into people's homes and shoot up their property and kill people/dogs for little or no reason... what's to stop me from filling out a form correctly and getting a restraining order against them?

Wouldn't they then have to stop carrying weapons and take a desk job, like the referenced guy in the army?

We know the system is gamed.... is this a good way to play it?

08-03-2008, 11:33 AM
bump for attention

08-03-2008, 01:19 PM
Read this article in the New American on how restraining orders are out of control:


And answer me this. Academically, of course. If I am fearful of my local police and DEA agents because they have this tendency to break into people's homes and shoot up their property and kill people/dogs for little or no reason... what's to stop me from filling out a form correctly and getting a restraining order against them?

Wouldn't they then have to stop carrying weapons and take a desk job, like the referenced guy in the army?

We know the system is gamed.... is this a good way to play it?

1) Probably would cause a reverse effect from what you want as it would draw attention to yourself.

2) What do you propose doing? Getting a restraining order against the entire police dept, DEA, Government ect?
And on what basis? You're scared of them?

It might work somewhat as a media attention-getter in terms of promoting a cause against abuses of power,
and/or get you a few days of mental evaluation in the local psych ward.

3) Probably, if it was that easy to make Government leave us alone, it would have been done already.


"Yes Your Honor, I would like 1 Restraining Order against all Government Entities please.
I'm scared of them and want them to stay away from me."

I vote for the highest probability of the judge's reaction to be: to order you to be taken into custody for a few days of mental evaluation.

08-03-2008, 01:39 PM
Possibly, but it worked against David Letterman. At least for awhile. Did you read about that? When asked why he issued the order, the judge simply replied "Because she filled out the form properly." It's that mindless? Really? OK.

And it would be against individual police officers who demonstrate a dangerous violent streak. There would be grounds and evidence that these individuals pose a threat to citizens, and therefore, me. And also, what if it was say, a few hundred individual citizens taking out restraining orders against a few officers who are violent and irresponsible in their duties...

I'm wondering if this could be a good check and balance. After all, you know about how well police departments tend to discipline and keep their own officers in check.