View Full Version : Strategy to dethrown Louise Slaughter

07-31-2008, 08:40 AM
She is the chairman of the rules committee - a socialist, D-NY. Her voting record sucks!

She is going on about the "wage gap" between women and men. Her key phrase is the "wage gap". What we need to bring up is the artificial and flawed concepts of the "missile gap" and "bomber gap" of the cold war. Smoke and mirrors.

Artificially created "gaps" to fix non-existent problems... Getting someone better into this key position is CRITICAL!


07-31-2008, 08:59 AM
Are you in here distric too.

Whether I agree or not she is too ingrained in the populous
that it is unlikely she will lose.

07-31-2008, 09:04 AM
Not in her district - would love to vote against her!

Is there any way we could force a hearing? I think there are a number of fields where wemon make more than men that the Dems don't want to touch...

