View Full Version : YT video: Portland Banner Brigade

07-31-2008, 07:10 AM
I edited this video in Oct 2007, but held it back for reasons I've long since forgotten. It has a special place in my heart because it shows us at the beginning, excited to get the message out in the summer of 2007 before we were concerned about the caucuses and primaries, the district and state conventions, or the national delegates. It was before "presumptive nominee" was a buzz phrase, before "Super Tuesday" was a concern, when the race was still completely up in the air. Our message was pure and our hopes were high.

This is my favorite video of all the ones I've created, syncing a pumping music track to a snapshot in time and I hope it reminds you of where you've been, contrasts where you are, how much you've learned and grown, and motivates you to where you want to go.

From the rooftops, shout it out.
