View Full Version : Bob Barr's running mate

07-27-2008, 07:05 PM
We all know about Barr's 180 degree political turn on the role of government by joining and being nominated by the Libertarian party. We also know that Paul is still much more popular and perhaps even more politically influential on the Presidential campaign depending on who he may endorse or how the CFL works out, yet Barr has still only raised about as much money as Alan Keyes according to http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/index.php . Despite this, he seems to get more favorable media attention than Paul which is not reporting in the mainstream about the September 2 CFL shadow convention. I suppose the CIA credentials help or maybe they want to keep people confused, misinformed, or unaware about Paul/Libertarianism/who knows.

But this is about his running mate, Wayne Allyn Root (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Allyn_Root), a TV Production company owner and writer of books such as "The Joy of Failure!". It was brought to my attention by a commenter on Digg actually about some photos of him, here is the post (http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Bob_Barr_Freddie_Mac_Fannie_Mae_bailout_added_to_U _S_debt?t=17281037#c17281037):

Interesting photos of Wayne Allyn Root, Bob Barr's running mate:

(with George W. Bush and family)

(with Rudy Giuliani)

(with Mitt Romney)

(personal greeting card sent to Root from GWB)

(with Karl Rove and family)

(with Romney)

You've been warned.

Two 'former' supporters of neoconservatives that are now on the Libertarian ticket.

On a lighter note Barr and Borat:

07-27-2008, 07:14 PM
jcarcinogen, what is exactly your point?

07-27-2008, 07:21 PM
I wouldn't say Barr did a (complete) 180. There were many pro-freedom things he supported before he went to libertarian.

07-27-2008, 07:29 PM
Two 'former' supporters of neoconservatives that are now on the Libertarian ticket.

It really pisses me off when people alter their ideology!

Ugh, our movement is supposed to be super-awesome but we have people with super-not-awesome ideological backgrounds coming in.

F Y I , The Ron Paul Revolution is for always-been radical libertarian purists ONLY!

07-27-2008, 07:39 PM
Yes, NO ONE is allowed to convert. No new people allowed. Forget bringing people in to our side. Forget changing America's hearts and minds about the liberty movement.

And screw Barr and his fancy chance to get 5% and get the Libertarian party ballot access and money. We will continue whining because Mary Rewart didn't get the nomination and 300,000 votes in November!

It's not fair! Whaaaaa.

07-27-2008, 07:40 PM
Cowlesy has been marking threads with the "sideshowbob" tag.

07-27-2008, 07:45 PM
Isn't Wayne Allen Root really rich? Is he planning to self-fund any of the Barr campaign?

07-27-2008, 07:52 PM
We all know about Barr's 180 degree political turn on the role of government by joining and being nominated by the Libertarian party. We also know that Paul is still much more popular and perhaps even more politically influential on the Presidential campaign depending on who he may endorse or how the CFL works out, yet Barr has still only raised about as much money as Alan Keyes according to http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/index.php . Despite this, he seems to get more favorable media attention than Paul which is not reporting in the mainstream about the September 2 CFL shadow convention. I suppose the CIA credentials help or maybe they want to keep people confused, misinformed, or unaware about Paul/Libertarianism/who knows.

But this is about his running mate, Wayne Allyn Root (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Allyn_Root), a TV Production company owner and writer of books such as "The Joy of Failure!". It was brought to my attention by a commenter on Digg actually about some photos of him, here is the post (http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Bob_Barr_Freddie_Mac_Fannie_Mae_bailout_added_to_U _S_debt?t=17281037#c17281037):

Two 'former' supporters of neoconservatives that are now on the Libertarian ticket.

On a lighter note Barr and Borat:

I'm not sure why you making this out to be a big deal. When a party is desperate for attention, they will lower or eliminate any standards they have and choose pretty bad candidates. The Republican and Democratic Party have done it numerous times. The Libertarian Party isn't any different.

07-27-2008, 08:01 PM
We want people to convert and become supporters of liberty candidates.

We don't want people to become the leaders of the liberty movement less then a year after they have made a complete conversion.

Big difference.

07-27-2008, 08:25 PM
We want people to convert and become supporters of liberty candidates.

We don't want people to become the leaders of the liberty movement less then a year after they have made a complete conversion.

Big difference.

Bob Barr's Real Record (II) (http://www.nolanchart.com/article3849.html)

As for Root - what do photo ops prove?

07-27-2008, 08:32 PM
It really pisses me off when people alter their ideology!

Ugh, our movement is supposed to be super-awesome but we have people with super-not-awesome ideological backgrounds coming in.

F Y I , The Ron Paul Revolution is for always-been radical libertarian purists ONLY!

I was converted 2 years ago, should I have not?

I thought that was what we've been trying to do for these last 2 fantastic years.

It's kind of more like a deep sleep that we're trying to wake them out of.

I totally remember what it was like to all of a sudden look at your entire world in a whole NEW way. Amazing. I'm sure many of you have your stories.

You know what though? I think I've turned almost as many Obama supporters over to Ron Paul/libertarian ideology as I have neo-con McCain supporters.

The Obama ones are easier to pick off seeing as they have NO idea what the man stands for. Almost too easy.

If it is McCain/Obama then I will be voting Bob Barr (lesser of 3 evils? And Barr ain't so bad so long as he really stands for the LP platform)

07-27-2008, 08:36 PM
jcarcinogen, what is exactly your point?

If it's not clear, my I suggest home schooling next time... :)

07-27-2008, 08:36 PM
Folks, Bob Barr ain't gonna win, regardless of whether you support him or attack him. What's the point of bashing him and his VP? All you're going to do is hurt yourself by hurting your fellow supporters.

Vote your conscience, and let others vote theirs.

Remember, we're all in this together. I'm pulling for ya. Keep your stick on the ice.

07-27-2008, 09:18 PM
First off why do I get accused of attacking the Ron Paul Revolution for being skeptical about the Libertarian candidates. These are 2 separate things, right Kludge?

Secondly, I never mentioned Mary Rewart or said that I would not vote for the LP. Why the insinuation and mocking me as a crybaby or sore loser?

It's not fair! Whaaaaa.

The point of my post was to bring him up and see how you guys viewed him. These type of discussions have made he learn more about these people which I like to do because I may very well vote in a presidential election this year. For example even though I often point out Barr's CIA past (even lived in Iran and graduated high school in post-coup Tehran ironically), I have come to find some things out about him that explains some of this and shows that he does often change his mind, as I myself have, on core philosophic beliefs. Example: He was against Vietnam interventionism and was a member of the Democratic party but after reading some Ayn Rand he re-evaluated his beliefs and became a conservative.

But he has been lying. He has said recently on an interview why he reversed his opinion on medicinal marijuana and claimed that it was after 9/11 that he changed his mind but didn't join the MPP until 2007 which he seriously fought and stopped with the "Barr Amendment". Yes that was in 1998 but he said in 2002 (http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle-old/237/barrbooed.shtml):
There is no legitimate use whatsoever for marijuana. This is not medicine. This is bogus witchcraft. It has no place in medicine, no place in pain relief...
And in 2004 (http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle-old/204/politicos.shtml) even blamed American drug consumers (he calls marijuana a narcotic also) for the Al Qaeda attacks!

Then his running mate, who I also know has always been considered a 'libertarian republican' supports and contributes to the last administration and people like Guiliani and Karl Rove who are anything but.

It is hard to trust someone with 'Jekyll and Hyde' personality traits especially when they were trained to be manipulative by a shadowy organization like the CIA. He has not mentioned or supported the MPP when he's supposedly working with them on mainstream news appearances. Since he has joined and changed his opinion (just in 2007 by the way) nothing has happened in DC benefiting the MPP's purpose. It seems like an opportunistic way to ride into the LP and control or try to gain from the Ron Paul Revolution.

Then to find out the other guy who was a questionable Libertarian in the race who financially supported the Bush administration and had recent photographs taken with Karl Rove and other archetects of the Patriot Act, and Iraqi invasion becomes his running mate?

The concern of mine is that the LP has nothing to gain from this. He isn't going to bring in any new converts from the GOP with his support of the impeachment judiciary, he envokes Ron Paul in his videos which confuse people that aren't politically savvy, and one must wonder if it is by design or not.

jcarcinogen, what is exactly your point?

I guess I'll state the obvious and make it bold so that you understand.
Bottomline: The nomination has been made, there is no contesting that or being angry about it. But I see nothing wrong with vetting him and analyzing him rather than just accepting the fact that he is sincere and not just voting for him because he is the LP candidate. I identify with Paul regarding the positions on the Federal tier of government more than any other politician but have been a member of the LP. My trust in RP supporters is why I discuss Barr here and not on the Barr or LP forums, but I am disappointed at the response.

AJ Antimony
07-27-2008, 09:28 PM
Thankfully Barr/Root isn't going to win the election so I don't have to care if they are conspiracy neocon hijackers or not.

What they are either way is the highest profile Libertarian ticket ever. They will perform better than any other LP ticket has. They will make the LP that much more credible.

And if Barr's dream comes true and they make the debates, they will DOMINATE and bring millions of people to the idea of liberty.

07-27-2008, 09:40 PM
Thankfully Barr/Root isn't going to win the election so I don't have to care if they are conspiracy neocon hijackers or not.

What they are either way is the highest profile Libertarian ticket ever. They will perform better than any other LP ticket has. They will make the LP that much more credible.

And if Barr's dream comes true and they make the debates, they will DOMINATE and bring millions of people to the idea of liberty.

He hasn't been pushing to get into the debates, he doesn't raise money or campaign, he could be holding the LP down from rising to the level of acceptance it deserves. I hope you are right, he is a good debater and if he made the debates it would be a good thing and I would definitely be behind him and no longer question his intentions.

We'll see.

I'm more interested in what will come out of the CFL convention myself.

07-27-2008, 10:16 PM
Yes, NO ONE is allowed to convert. No new people allowed. Forget bringing people in to our side. Forget changing America's hearts and minds about the liberty movement.

And screw Barr and his fancy chance to get 5% and get the Libertarian party ballot access and money. We will continue whining because Mary Rewart didn't get the nomination and 300,000 votes in November!

It's not fair! Whaaaaa.


07-28-2008, 06:36 AM
i saw root at the lp convention on tv and i do not consider root any help to barr,hell i had to make a hard swallow to vote for barr,though i know he is a changed man, i still do not trust barr, as for root(i really do not like root... As a LP member im deeply saddened about their convention. I hope barr get's into the debates. i honestly do not know if i will vote for barr in the general, root doesn't help in my decision...

I know it won't happen,but if i was barr and ron paul would accept a unified ticket in the lp,then barr should drop root and ask for Ron Paul to run with him Barr/Paul or Paul/Barr. i want barr in the debates,but to be honest I'm not happy with barr, I'm NOT HAPPY with any of them. I like Baldwin,but i do not like the cp, they seem to think religion is the base oftheir party ,which is true and i do not have anything against that,but the perception of the cp to the general public will keep them down. sigh ,i do not care who anyone votes for,just do not vote for McCain,please.

WE SO NEED A NEW BRAND NAME for the public, the lp/cp great ideas but if they do not unify with the ron paul republicans soon,then i have a feeling all 3 movements will falter in the end, the lp/cp need to end their partry and unite until then they willcontinue to be what they are 2 small parties dividing the votes...

07-28-2008, 06:40 AM
It's not that people aren't allowed to convert, but the fact that people are very leary of politicians who suddenly have a change of heart when their past voting record says otherwise. Put that together with this mans connections to the CIA plus the more favorable media attention and it's very easy to see why some, including myself are not jumping on the Barr/Root bandwagon.