View Full Version : Notes for candidates for LSP

07-10-2008, 10:56 PM
This is all tentative but here's how I'm seeing it:

Notes / requirements to apply:

+ Must fill out application (no fees).
+ Optionally provide a video up to 3 minutes of the candidate discussing their campaign.
+ Application should be confidential as well as all assessment from the vetting team. Each person on the vetting team can share in private their summary with each campaign if both parties desire.
+ LSP would only provide a list of the final seven candidates.

The final seven candidates will be randomly positioned, from 1-7, which will dictate the speaking order and the order on the ballot and promotional website. The same order will always be used for any other issues.

To be in the final event:

+ Candidate must be available on evening of conference.
+ Submit a 100 word or less bio and a 125x125 pixel portrait for the website.
+ Campaign must have a representative on a technical dry run a few days before the conference.
+ Optionally provide a 12 minute silent video or slide show highlighting the candidate.
+ Provide a script on the candidates' bio that can be read at a reasonable pace in 60 seconds, a few seconds of leeway will be given.
+ Optionally have a campaign representative available for the pre-show.


07-10-2008, 11:53 PM
+ LSP would only provide a list of the final seven candidates.

what do you mean by this?

07-11-2008, 12:10 AM
what do you mean by this?

We don't report who did not make the final seven (and submitted an application). It would seem this could help eliminate concerns of bad PR for a candidate.

07-11-2008, 12:23 AM
i see...

this brought up the idea to me to have a page on the website dedicated to ALL US Congressional candidates that "fit" our criteria (pending more research, but im working on it :D)

07-11-2008, 11:32 AM
+ Optionally provide a video up to 3 minutes of the candidate discussing their campaign.

When will these videos be used?

+ Application should be confidential as well as all assessment from the vetting team. Each person on the vetting team can share in private their summary with each campaign if both parties desire.

This isn't quite clear to me -- doesn't the vetting team assess each candidate without the name of the candidate attached to the objective data, or are you envisioning that the vetting team will work directly with the campaigns/candidates?

+ LSP would only provide a list of the final seven candidates.

The final seven candidates will be randomly positioned, from 1-7, which will dictate the speaking order and the order on the ballot and promotional website. The same order will always be used for any other issues.

Is there any reason not to randomize them EVERY time an order is necessary?

To be in the final event:
+ Candidate must be available on evening of conference.
+ Submit a 100 word or less bio and a 125x125 pixel portrait for the website.
+ Campaign must have a representative on a technical dry run a few days before the conference.
+ Optionally provide a 12 minute silent video or slide show highlighting the candidate.
+ Provide a script on the candidates' bio that can be read at a reasonable pace in 60 seconds, a few seconds of leeway will be given.
+ Optionally have a campaign representative available for the pre-show.

I like it.

The slide show would be broadcast over the 12 minutes of 'open' speaking time the candidate is allotted, correct?

07-11-2008, 12:07 PM
Good questions...

When will these videos be used?

This isn't quite clear to me -- doesn't the vetting team assess each candidate without the name of the candidate attached to the objective data, or are you envisioning that the vetting team will work directly with the campaigns/candidates?

I'm seeing two types of vetters:
1. Those who have experience doing this and are very well trusted.
2. Those who are very well trusted, understand the political issues but do not have extensive experience vetting candidates.

I'd love to get a lot of the #1 types, and if I do, who would LSP be to limit how they work? So nothing would be blind... For #2, doing it blind may be an added plus.

The videos would be used for the vetting team only so they can grade personal presentation, certainly important. :)

Is there any reason not to randomize them EVERY time an order is necessary?

Ordering will be used for the following:
+ Opening 15 minutes, giving bios
+ Order of speaking
+ Order on ballet.

For these, it seems to make sense to keep them the same 1-7 to prevent confusion with the listeners. Ordering on the web site with bios / links and pre-show aren't as big a deal, but what is important however is to establish a highly random method to set the ordering that all campaigns agree on and possibly "witness" in some way- so doing that once would keep it simple.

I like it.

The slide show would be broadcast over the 12 minutes of 'open' speaking time the candidate is allotted, correct?
Yes, by any media partner that had video capability.