View Full Version : Help me respond to the RNC

07-06-2008, 12:25 PM
Ever since a donated a small fortune to the Ron Paul campaign, the Republican leeches are bombarding me with solicitations for all sorts of causes: the John McCrazy campaign, state Republican groups, national Republican groups, you name it.

The latest mailing I received was from the Republican National Congress. Apparently if I don't send them some money, the evil Democrats will destroy our country. Normally I send a brief note saying "Go read about Robert Taft. When you can be that kind of a Republican, then come talk to me". along with a few leftover slim jim's and printouts of whatever Republican betrayal's are fresh in the news.

I'm going to put a little more effort into my response this time around. I hope to provide them with a short reading list to drive home the point that the Republican party is a shadow of it's former self. Also to explain to them what a disgrace it is that John McCain is the best candidate they could dig up.

So how about some suggestions on books, or recent articles to drive the point home. I appreciate all feedback.

07-06-2008, 12:32 PM
Look to Doug Wead he has written some good things about Paul

07-06-2008, 01:06 PM
I just write on the envelope "Not at this address. Return to sender", and drop it in the mailbox. They pay for the return shipping and get the message pretty fast.

07-06-2008, 01:33 PM
I just write on the envelope "Not at this address. Return to sender", and drop it in the mailbox. They pay for the return shipping and get the message pretty fast.

I use the pre-paid envelope they enclose to mail them my concerns with the Party.:)