View Full Version : ACLU Sues Government over Cell phone Tracking

07-03-2008, 01:44 AM

I think I'm safe. I never have service anywhere. :)

07-03-2008, 04:58 AM
Why won't either of the candidates in the major parties take on deregulation of the cell phone industry!

In the rest of the world you don't interface with the companies you just pick up any cell phone from anywhere, take out the battery, buy a simcard for few bucks and BAM...you got a new phone and a new phone number.

Instead we have to deal with a giant corporate bureaucracy

07-03-2008, 09:14 AM
Corporations and Government work hand in hand. Like 2 Mafia families that come to a truce, controlling the people and businesses. Each control their territories and each take their cut.

American People are so stupid not realizing what is happening around them. The 2 AXIS of EVIL groups want; Dumb Obedient Workers.

Matt Collins
07-03-2008, 09:40 AM
This is what happens when the government grants monopolies, it then seeks to control them and manipulate them to its end. Actually it works both ways - big business LIKES big government because big government can regulate and legislate in favor of big business. Buying Congressmen is less expensive than competing in the free market.

Again the fundamental problem is big government propping up big business. Could someone tell me where in the Constitution the federal government is allowed to regulate communications? http://forums.qrz.com/images/misc/progress.gif