View Full Version : 10 reasons to attend the June 28th Reno Convention

06-25-2008, 05:56 PM
As posted previously on dailypaul (borrowed thanks lacandy)....please add reasons...there are more, I'll add my Nos. 11 through 14 below!

10 Reasons to Attend the June 28th GOP Convention in Reno

1. The Party Leaders Ruined the First Part of the Convention on April 26th.
There is an old political philosophy, rule it or ruin it. It looks like this holds true today. The party leaders anticipated an outcome. When they did not get their outcome they resorted to plan B; Rundown the clock, call recess and break quorum. Then attempt to stop delegates from reconvening and when the convention is not reconvened, appoint national delegates. The same delegates they had picked for us before hand. State conventions are not to be a "Leaders vs. Members" battle. They are a forum for party members to have their voice heard and to engage in decision making on how the party is to be run. Conventions are not simply an event for fund-raising or a means to rubber stamp the will of party leaders.

2. The State Party Leaders Do Not Want to Reconvene.
This was self evident when they refused to return calls from party members wanting an update on the convention. Party leaders should have worked with the delegates that were willing to volunteer their time and money to reconvene the convention. They refused the help, waited and would not return phone calls. Party leaders did not set an “uncommitted” date until after delegates were forced to schedule a date after more than 6 weeks of no word from party leaders.

3. The State Party Leaders Want to Split the Vote.
One can assume that state party leaders’ intentions are to split the vote and not to have a quorum. Party leaders refused to set a date for the convention. They only announced a date for the convention after the delegates were forced to set their own date. Many have speculated that the “uncommitted” date announced for reconvening of the convention in July will not take place and by that time it will be too late for delegates to reconvene. Party leaders will then appoint the national delegates and no other convention business will be completed.

4. The Authority to Conduct Business of the Convention Resides with the Delegates of the Convention.
When a convention is convened the authority of the convention lies with the body of the convention, i.e. the delegates. This is evident by the fact that the chairman, the agenda and the rule must be voted in by the delegates. The officers presiding over the convention are merely a means of administrating the tasks of organizing the convention and to facilitate the meeting. The delegates have the authority. It is the delegates that validate any action of the conventions and not party leaders nor convention officers.

5. The Rules Are on the Side of the Delegates.
The convention was not adjourned on April 26th, the convention was merely recessed. Robert’s Rules of Order is clear on recesses. They are temporary in nature. Because the June 28th meeting is a continuation of the convention, and is not a new convention, the rules relating to times and locations of state and special conventions, being set by the convention committee, do not apply. In fact the state party leaders have stated that Robert's Rules of Order are only used when the bylaws do not address the issue at hand. This is true, however, Robert Rules are binding and derive their power from the bylaws and have the same authority as long as they do not conflict with the bylaws or another applicable law.

6. A Majority of Delegates Plan on Attending on June 28th.
The June 28th date has an overwhelming amount of support from delegates. These delegates have agreed and are willing to attend the June 28th convention and have no plans to attend the “re-convention” which the party leaders have not committed to. This has been verified with polls and the party leaders are aware of this.

7. Party Members Own the Party Not Party Leaders.
Party members put party leaders in charge to facilitate the will of the members. Party members are not put in place to facilitate the will of party leaders. If this basic premise was adhered to, our party would be in much better shape.

8. Party Leaders Have the Ability to Right the Wrong.
Party leaders have the ability to resolve any conflicts between party leaders and party members by working with the delegates and recognizing the June 28th date. Party leaders only set an uncommitted date after the June 28th date was set and the location was reserved. The June 28th date is a committed date, unlike the July date.

9. Party Leaders Must Not Circumvent the Will of Party Members.
Attending the June 28th convention will have your voice heard and let party leaders know that party members must have a voice in the party and that conventions are important. It will also be the only real opportunity to finish the convention business completely.

10. Reno is a Great Place to Party!
You miss Reno and are looking to party. Stop taking life so seriously, if you have read though this whole thing you probably have been, and need a break. Go to Reno on June 28th, this will be your last chance for a while. Don’t be the guy that wishes he or she was part of the delegates that corrected this outrage and finished the April 26th convention business.

11. The Grand Sierra Resort is like its own city and is not as glitzy as the Peppermill. It also has yummy hamburgers at an old fashioned 50's hamburger joint.
12. There will be great music in town for those attending with delegates but unable to participate....check out the El Dorado....beer and blues, goes into the night, too.
13. We want to meet each other...I'll be there...Paulette. Who else? Any ideas how to recognize each other.
14. This is simply the right thing to do as it is our duty as delegates to finish what was left hanging up in the air.

O.K. I hogged Nos. 11 through 14....what else?
Also, who else will be there from Daily Paul....?

See you soon...the excitement mounts!