View Full Version : Two Days Before 9/11, Dowd Writes About Coporations Running the Media

06-23-2008, 10:26 AM
http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D05E4DF1F39F93AA3575AC0A9679C8B 63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1

I was checking out some of Maureen Dowd's columns, and then I decided to check out what she wrote right before 9/11 (wanted to figure out what people were thinking about back then). She talked about the movie Network, and how our media was controlled by a few corporations, and how Bush was letting it happen. And about the White House hiding documents from Congress.

But the fanfare for the common man rings hollow, given that Bush Inc. is refusing to turn over documents to Congress about the secret deliberations of Dick Cheney and energy lobbyists cooking up their drill & spill energy plan and is knocking down regulatory hurdles, further pleasing Big Energy, Big Media, Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Telecom and Big Weapons Manufacturers.

I wonder what the "September 10th mindset" is all about, if this is an example of someone's September 9th mindset. :D