View Full Version : A-2116 New Jersey Gun Ban Bill

06-11-2008, 07:57 PM
A-2116 is a New Jersey Gun Ban Bill

On Thursday morning, June 12, the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider legislation that would ban the purchase, transfer, or inheritance of many popular hunting guns, historical American firearms, and large bore target firearms, based on alleged public safety concerns. The bill would ban any rifle with a bore diameter larger than .50 caliber, including many modern and antique hunting and target firearms.

This is a copy of a letter my good friend and colleague wrote to the assembly people who are sponsoring the Ban

Subject: A2116

The primary duty of government is to protect the rights of the people. If this, or the fact that amendments under the Bill of Rights are beyond legislative action, and the vote, are foreign to you then this country is truly lost.

I find it hard to believe that the concept of a limited government with limited powers, and the fact that the Founders made it law that a militia be part of our security, and freedom is violated by almost every representative of ‘the people.’

I am going to skip the argument over constitutionality of infringing on the Second Amendment because I am sure it will fall on deaf ears. Instead I am going to talk about the economy, and the coming collapse.

I have been on Wall Street for more years than I care to remember. Unlike many who make their living in the financial sector, I have stayed true to honesty and integrity. I have been an analyst, a broker, and a trader. I wrote articles each day about market conditions, and in more recent years I have spent considerable time learning from some well known attorney’s.

Our financial institutions are all bankrupt, as they have expanded the money supply well beyond what they could ever reconcile. Most state and federal pension funds will collapse with the coming debacle that will hit the derivatives market, which the International Bank of Settlements now says it has reached $1.4 Quadrillion. The sub prime was just the tip of the iceberg; the derivatives market will cause a financial tsunami that will destroy the middle class, and this nation.

The people of this state will be angry, they will be hungry, and they will be looking for someone to blame. They will know one thing; government lies, it steals and for years the people we sent to represent us took our rights, our property, and our country.

Thank you

06-12-2008, 12:03 AM
The people of this state will be angry, they will be hungry, and they will be looking for someone to blame. They will know one thing; government lies, it steals and for years the people we sent to represent us took our rights, our property, and our country.

Sure they will blame the government...and then they will immediately ask for their "free" handouts. Unless we change things of course. Keeping spreading the message.

06-12-2008, 12:05 AM
And this is a week after the Paulian Murray Sabrin hardly got a vote.

They really love being slaves there in New Jersey.

06-12-2008, 01:24 AM
When is that SCOTUS decision on Heller due? It should be any time now.

06-12-2008, 01:27 AM
They are finally seeing that they can affect local laws at the local level, that is what we should be doing with city council and mayors being placed in everywhere instead of trying these big dollar campaigns that are proving to not become beneficial at all.

Keep your gun rights by educating those around you enough so they get up and actually vote the next go around.

06-12-2008, 01:45 AM
Oh great. This is ridiculous.

This state is going to be the first to crumble.

06-12-2008, 09:22 AM
When is that SCOTUS decision on Heller due? It should be any time now.

Even if the SCOTUS determines that the 2nd protects an individual right (which it probably will) it still does not apply to the states. The Bill of Rights did not originally limit the action of state governments. Through the SCOTUS-created doctrine of selective incorporation, the SCOTUS has applied those parts of the Bill of Rights that it likes to the states through the due process clause of the 14th amendment. But it has not done so with the beloved 2nd. That will require another SCOTUS decision. And due to the age of some of the SCOTUS justices, it is likely that the next President will shape how that issue is resolved.

06-13-2008, 12:01 PM
It's official - it passed with a vote of 5-1.

Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande was the only one to vote against this.

Ron Paul Vermont
06-13-2008, 06:34 PM
wait! So they just banned guns in New Jersey?

btw no I think Kali is going first if not already gone.