View Full Version : The r3VOLution,… and Ron Paul’s role in it.

06-09-2008, 05:48 AM
There will come a time, sooner or later, when Ron Paul will inform his supporters that he will no longer be available as a candidate for President of the United States. The only real important question is when that will happen. Most are interested in the question, ‘will it be before or after the Republican National Convention?’

I’m certain that this election cycle will produce several “r3VOLution” books that will help provide several perspectives of what the past year and a half has meant to Americans and others around the world,… the more the better. I am of the opinion that no one will be able to claim a full understanding of what happened and why, even Ron Paul openly expresses his constant surprise. But Dr. Paul did make the enlightened observation that ‘freedom brings us all together’. My bumper sticker phrase on the subject has for many years been, “There are those that just wish to be left alone,… and there are those that just won’t leave them alone”. I use this rhetoric to help explain how you can tell where the line is for determining who the Bad Guys are. And when enough individuals insist on expressing their preference of being left alone it is often a clear sign of the beginnings of a revolution.

Dr. Paul provided the focus many freedom supporters have long sought in their effort to make their desires known. Ron Paul represented an easily understood libertarian philosophy that was consistent as it was applied to any issue of importance. To a very wide portion of our society (and in the minds of many around the world) the Philosophy of Liberty provided an ‘epiphany moment’ in their lives.

Once the philosophy of liberty was directly compared, in real time to a very wide audience, with those that have claimed ruling status over our lives for many decades, the world changed.

The “Ron Paul Revolution” is a libertarian revolution. With or without Ron Paul the ideas are now well established in enough minds to have hope. This well vetted philosophy transcends politics and will forever be part of the American culture. Now many thousands of very young liberty lovers have the renewed ability to explain and represent the message that has made Ron Paul’s effort so successful. Ron Paul’s success can be directly attributed to his full support of this consistent philosophy. Libertarianism/Olde School Conservatism? was applied to the issues he explained in full to anyone that would take the time to listen. There have been disagreements on some issues but the differences are often a matter of interpretation of some of the fine points of libertarianism, priorities in the order of implementation of policies or a simple argument over where collective government’s role should simply end.

The benefit of Ron Paul’s bravery and confidence is incalculable and we all owe him a great deal of gratitude and respect.

From the beginning I worked very hard to remain supportive without ever being tempted to get too close to the “political campaign”. I made it very clear to as many as possible, that I and those that supported my efforts were focused on the freeing of as many minds as possible. Never did we advocate any particular action inside or outside of party politics. Our efforts were laser beam focused on the education of individuals on various techniques of expressing their individual desires to be left alone. The Ron Paul Revolution was an effective vehicle for accomplishing that. Those that chose getting more involved within the political structure took what they learned and shared it with others. Good or bad, we all learned from each other. Every part of America has its own laws, rules and issues that only the locals know how to utilize or avoid in pursuit of what is important to those that are actively doing something,… anything.