View Full Version : Carbon Tax

06-06-2008, 05:23 PM
My dad was watching faux news and they said that today, a member of congress made them read the whole bill.It took 10 hours to read off all the regulations and other bullshit in the bill.I wonder if it was Paul?Well they said it didn't pass but I need a more credible source than faux news;)They also discussed how China and India will not give into our propaganda, and will continue to do whatever they need to keep growing.

I am glad that huge pile of shitty legislation failed.Anyone who is so ignorant enough to think that human beings are the cause for a GLOBAL(Earth is huge, what the FUCK do they think, it's gonna stay the same temperature?)Warming should really think about how ridiculously stupid it sounds.Pollution is a problem, but is isn't the reason the planet is getting hotter.
